
I appreciate those who stop by my blog – I appreciate the Tweets, Dm’s or emails I get regarding my blogs.

I am humbled by those who make the effort. I tend to read a lot of blogs – most are from people that I have come in contact with on Twitter.

I wouldn’t read your blogs if they didn’t inspire me or make me “Feel”

Perfect segue into what I am writing about today…

The Christmas Season is upon us. I said Christmas, not Holiday Season.

What some of my non-believing friends forget is before being Politically Correct was trendy – it was Christmas – before Coca Cola gave us the fat man in the red suit it was Christmas. Not “Happy Holidays”

Christmas is the day many across the world celebrate the birth of Jesus.

That’s not exactly a secret,but think about this….people came from all corners of the world – because they knew something special was happening.

I know all about the legend of St Nicholas in Germany, a monk who made toys for the poor children & who wore purple robes…

Coca Cola invented the Red Suited Santa Claus most know today.

But, let’s go back even further, on that cold, cold night in Bethlehem, a baby was born,

Not just any baby mind you, he was the Messiah, the King of Kings (sorry Triple H – that nicname was for the Son of God – not a roided Wrestler in the WWE)

That night Three Wise man gathered round to bear witness to history, they offered gifts of Gold, Myrrh & Frankincense…

Their love & supplication knew no bounds…This is where the tradition of gifts being given comes from.

I’ve not had a childhood that I would call wonderful, or even peaceful…

Most of my childhood & even early adult years were spent in Chaos.

I can be honest & say that there are very few in this world that I know that could walk in my shoes & travel the path I’ve traveled & still be here today.

My faith in God has never wavered, oh I’ve been very angry with him at times…but I do remember everyone has free will, a gift his son gave us when he was nailed to a cross.

Most people look forward to Christmas, after all what could be better then spending time with family & loved ones. You see the message everywhere on TV, the net, Radio, billboards everywhere.

I try not to get caught up in the hustle & bustle of Christmas. A few reasons why, for the majority of the World today – Christmas is not the way it used to be.

The number 1 reason most people get excited for Christmas is they get presents & they get to see family & loved ones

It’s great to see loved ones, it’s great to get gifts, it’s even better to give them.

Amidst the chaos of a very turbulent & traumatic childhood, I had a Christmas Angel…She was my grandmother…those times I spent with her during the Christmas were maybe some of the best moments of my life.

I remember her reading me the Christmas Story from the Bible, even though I knew it word for word, I looked forward to her reading it to me.

That is the true story of Christmas.

My grandmother passed away many years ago, but it’s those memories of her that keep me going on some days. Even though I am alone again during Christmas, I know that she still is there watching me,

It’s been a long time since I have celebrated a Christmas with anyone, as the years go by it gets harder & harder to smile at this time of year.

Being new to Ontario makes it even harder, my Christmas wish is this…for those who have to spend it with relatives they really don’t want to…Smile..

Enjoy those moments, trust me…it’s better to be surrounded by those who love you, flaws & all, then it is to be alone.

I think I understand how those shepherds felt that night, to be alone, to be so far from loved ones…but knowing that history was being made, they stood & they witnessed history.

I think about that, here I am, a stranger in a strange land. I’ve come to make a new life…so even though Christmas seems so cold & so distant to me..

I can at least keep i n my heart the real reason Christmas is important to me…

Jesus was born…

I hope that this is the last year I am alone at Christmas.

I want to read that story to my children,

I want them to know what Christmas is really all about…it’s not about presents…It’s about a birth of a King, who would one day redeem mankind.

During those early years of his childhood, families would gather round a fire, they would tell that story of the miraculous birth…

I wish all people would recognize that Christmas & it’s true origin is more then just a spending frenzy…

Remember there are those this Christmas who have no one to spend it with, there are those who have no roof over their head, (just like Jesus on his birthnight), there are those with no food, there are those with no hope…

I alway did believe in miracles, especially at Christmas time..

So my friends, non-believers & believers – keep this simple thought in your heart,

What Christmas is Really All About 

Love for someone other then yourself…

If you show love to others without motive, then we all win,

Everyone wins…

Isn’t that the best you can give, it costs nothing…

Love of another…




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