Alone – Holiday Blues

burning candle


Alone – Holiday Blues

I don’t tend to talk much about my private life.


My life, like many has had it’s ups and downs.

I rarely blog anymore, but I feel this is a blog that I should write.

I’ve not been a fan of the holiday season for many years, some of it has to do with my childhood, serious family issues and of course being single.

This year I will have my first Christmas in many, many years.

During the holiday season, more people take their life than any other time of year.

If you’re hurting that bad… please call National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK in Canada or the USA.

I thought about ending my life more than once during the holidays,

I was always happy for my friends who had loved ones to share Christmas with, happy they were getting presents.


I was sad I was alone, and not getting presents…


I realized others have it worse than I do.

Homeless, single, depressed…whatever your situation, it always feel worse during the holidays. Especially in cold weather climates.

I want you to know, speaking from experience, you are loved. You are valued. There is someone out there who loves you, and I don’t just mean God.

The media, be it movies, television, music, the internet…all they do is drive home the point is Christmas is about’s not about the presents, or the cost or the quantity.

Christmas is about love.


In order to be loved, you have to be able to accept the love that people have for you.

I thought for years I was unlovable…

I was wrong,

My friends loved me even when I was too obtuse to recognize it.

In 2015, I accepted that love is all around.

I’m married, I won’t be alone at Christmas anymore.

To those who are, don’t put the blame on you until it wears you to the breaking point..

Your time is coming…embrace it.

My thoughts and prayers are with all of you alone…



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