My Life In 1 Calendar Year

The Year in Review

2015 was a year that everything changed for me. Everyone experiences up and downs and things always change.

This is my story of 2015.

New Years Eve, 2014, January 1st 2015 was like pretty much every day in my life.

I hung out with friends, and wasted too much time on social media.

January 1st 2015 I was living in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, in the same house I had lived in for quite some time.

My roomie at the time was Keylin. She wasn’t just my roomie. She was and is a close friend and confidante.

Keylin was less than 6 weeks away at this time from moving to Montreal to begin a new chapter in her life.

I wasn’t looking forward to having a new roomie. Meh..

I made a New Years Resolution this year, and like every year…I had no faith my new years resolution would come to pass.

My New Years resolution was simple. Find Happiness, find my bliss, find my passion.

I had grown tired of my life in Toronto. Yes, I love my friends. That will never change.

However, internally, I felt like my wheels were spinning.

All around me my friends were changing their lives, friends were getting engaged, some were having children, some were getting married, some were moving away.

I have to admit, although I was thrilled for the next chapter in my friends lives; I felt a twinge of sadness, jealousy even. It seemed all around me, everyone was moving forward, while I was stuck in neutral.

There has always been this perception that I’m not alone because I “appear” to be arguably wildly popular on social media. I’m going to break this down for you, although I love my friends online and offline; there are certain things and moments in life that a friend simply cannot ever do. I still felt alone in a world getting smaller and smaller.

I’ve been a photographer for a very long time, I think my camera has saved me from madness and depression, random road trips always seemed to cheer me up.

Winter led into spring, and nothing seemed to excite me anymore. I had a new roomie. She annoyed me. She is a hoarder.

As an animal activist, I was looking forward to protesting at Marineland in Niagara Falls for the opening weekend with a great group of people including Mike Garrett and Phil.Demers, .the man who blew the doors off Marineland. I always go to their demonstrations, because I believe we must Empty The Tanks. These 2 guys inspire me to be more involved in the activist community.

I tend to post a lot of photos on Facebook. I get a lot of likes and comments on my photos especially when they are from an animal activist protest.

One particular person always seemed to notice my photos regarding animal activism.

I had looked at profile before and we had talked from time to time over Facebook.

All you need to know is this, I thought she was ridiculously beautiful, the girl next door. She was and is the kind of woman who doesn’t have fake boobs, ass implants, lip injections, or wear 10 pounds of makeup to leave the house.

I was smitten of course, but, me being logical, here is what I thought.  Oaks lives in Canada. She lives in America. The End.

I also of course, sold myself short and thought, she’s out of my league.

However….fate and destiny clearly were ignoring my thoughts.

We decided we would spend some time together in person.

When I stepped off the plane Friday night for that first time; I realized a few things. Orlando is hot. I mean humid and ridiculously hot.

I also realized Susan was unbelievably smokin’ hot in person. Her photos were something else, but in person, wowzers.

There are people who scoff at the notion of “Love at first sight”

Those who feel that way, they are close minded and cynical.

Just because they do not believe in it; it doesn’t mean others do not.

Do you know what we did that first weekend? She took me to a pizza joint to get a Vegan pizza from her favorite pizza place. “Mellow Mushroom” has unbelievably delicious pizza.

The next day we went to a protest at SeaWorld in Orlando. This to me was incredible, because protests in America are so different.

We protested directly at the entrances to SeaWorld. People used megaphones to protest. It was very loud, very vocal. This type of protest in basically illegal in Niagara Falls; because John Holer; the owner of Marineland has paid off politicians to circumvent the rights to Free Speech.

Sunday came to quickly and before I knew it, I was on a plane heading back to Toronto.

I had tears in my eyes having to leave Susan. In less than 3 full days, Susan managed to do what no one else had managed to do, win the heart of a man who didn’t even realized he still had one.

We continued to talk and I came to visit her again and again, every time discovering more about her, and having more adventures in Florida.

We decided to spend close to 2 weeks together at the end of June, beginning of July.

However, before that trip, I was coming for a very special visit. Susan had no idea how special that visit would be for her.

On June 21st, at her favorite vegan restaurant, and mine too, I gave her a custom made engagement ring, I’m pretty sure she was surprised I know I was, because I didn’t think I could really do it. I also didn’t think she’d say yes.

That weekend was so hard, leaving her to head back to Canada.

We decided, I would spend my first Canada Day ever in the USA and my first 4th of July with her brother and his family at their home just outside Fort Lauderdale.

Meeting her brother and her family, on their home turf was somewhat nerve wracking. They didn’t know me. Susan of course, is the baby sister to Nick, so he would be the defacto family head, while her mother was residing in New York.

Lo and behold. They were all nice to me, any reservations or judgement they may have had about me, they never showed it. Her brother Nick, and his family were awesome.

My family dynamic is a freak show. Her brother and his family were the kind of people that you would want as family members.

Susan and I would continue to have more adventures over the summer.

I met her brother Greg as well; he was on vacation with his family at the Hard Rock Casino in Orlando. We all hung out at Universal Studios, that place is something to behold. I really enjoyed meeting Greg.

I was also thrilled that I would have 2 brothers (in laws) when Susan and I got married in October.

Susan and I over my visits went to many beaches, restaurants; we also visited the Titanic exhibit, the Orlando Science Center, Epcot, Universal Studios, a few different boat cruises, an ancient fortress, the Fountain of Youth, even a Pirate Museum.

This was the best summer of my life.  Adventures are fun. I do think adventures with the one you love, are even better.

It is still incredulous to me that when you look out the window of her condo, you see,  Herons, Ibises, turtles, fish, hawks of many kinds, Ospreys, Ducks, Pied Billed grebes, gallinules, egrets, belted kingfishers, otters, hooded mergansers.

It’s like a zoo, except these beautiful life forms can come and go as they please.

The wedding was fast approaching, I was getting so excited. My best man was flying to Florida, to stand by me on the most important day of my life.

One of my closest friends was coming down, driving down, and she was going to photograph the whole day. Her husband even agreed to shoot video.

I can’t stress this enough; Garrett has always been there for me. I say the exact same thing about Stephanie; Life long friends; that is what they are.

We had decided to get married at Cocoa Beach. Why Cocoa Beach?  Cocoa Beach was the very first beach Susan ever took me too. I had not stepped foot into the Atlantic Ocean since 1988.

Susan is originally from New York, I’m originally from Nova Scotia. We are both legit East Coast people.  This is what we call perfect synchronicity.

The wedding took place in October; the Sky was an amazing shade of blue. The few clouds were big, puffy and bright white. The temperature was in the 80’s. In other words, it was perfect weather.

The weekend of the wedding was also the first time I met her mother. She’s a bad ass lil Italian mama. I imagine it must have been surreal to meet her son in law the first time on the weekend of the wedding. She handled it well.

Susan was the most beautiful bride I’d ever seen. I’ve seen a lot of brides in my time as a professional photographer; but none compared to her. Saturday October 17th 2015 is the greatest day of my life. She said I do. I said I do. Best day ever.

We had our honeymoon in the Florida Keys, Key West specifically.

The sunsets and sunrises were the greatest I’ve ever seen in 4+ decades on the planet.
We went to many restaurants, walked around; dipped our feet in the southern most point of the USA. We also visited the home of Ernest Hemingway. We also got tattoos. We saw dolphins in the wild. We were thrilled to see that.

The honeymoon is something I’ll never forget. Love is a beautiful thing. I am so blessed to be loved, and to love as well.

If it were not for social media and Mike Garrett, the odds of me meeting Susan were likely very slim. Mike gets an indirect High 5 for that.

Christmas was a whirlwind affair as we spent time with various family members all over South Florida. I was not a big fan of the holidays, as I was alone for many.
I can say, having people who love you, it’s a wonderful thing. I now look forward to the holidays because I have family, and people who love me.

New Years Eve 2015 was quiet, as was my 2014 New Years Eve. However, one major difference, instead of being alone; I got to spend it with my beautiful wife

If you asked me on New Years Eve 2014 where I would be on New Years Eve 2015; I would have answered home, alone, and bored.

2015 is the greatest year of my life. I can’t believe I get to have the life I never believed possible.

The cliché “anything is possible’ is true. You just have to be open to anything and not close yourself off to a different path or journey in your life.

I’m happy; and when it comes down to the simple truths, being loved, being happy and being able to love another, I call that a trifecta of terrific.

And now…..

It’s time to give some thanks to people who make my life better…

My wife, Susan…She’s the best thing in life. She helped me transition into a carnivore into a vegan. That change in life added years to my life. She’s my forever inspiration.

Her Mom; she went above and beyond all expectations to give us an incredible wedding and honeymoon.

Her brother Greg, for being awesome; and welcoming me into the Italian family.

Her brother Nick and his family; for being so nice to me; welcoming me into their Italian family.

The Mancini family, Meni, Melanie,  her lil guy Michael, Sylvia, these ladies have been my real family in Toronto for ages now.

Janine, for being a rock to Susan for all these years.

Garrett for being my close friend and confidante for more years than I can remember.

Trish; for being a great friend, she always gave me the answers I needed, even if I didn’t like the answer.

Jenn,  animal advocate,  activist, unbelievable jewellery designer, my friend.

Jean, my foodie and photographer pal; a lifelong friend. I am so glad we are friends. You’re the person everyone needs in their life. The positive vibes you always have. More of that is needed in this world.

Casey; he walks by faith, always an inspiration to me.. Proud to call him my LIFELONG friend.

Matteo,  my Italian pal, we have had some adventures over the years. I love him, like a brother would love another brother.

Calvin, always there for me, helped me through rough patches in my life.

Ryan, my “brother” in Manitoba; so glad he’s my friend.

Stefan, the King of Bala, we have had some adventures. Glad we are lifelong friends.

Jason B. The brother I never had.

Alan, my friend, you’re an inspiration. Glad we are friends.

Stephanie, you’re one person who always believed in me, even when I didn’t believe in myself. I am so honoured thar we will be friends till we’re dust in the wind.

Keylin, you were not just a roomie. You’re my friend, confidante, taught me many things. It’s likely without your guidance, I would not be such a great husband.

Dave, you’re marriage to Mads, inspires me. I’m glad we are friends. I like people who are just good people, with no hidden agendas.

Diane and Harris,  amazing couple. They make marriage look perfect

Mr. Vaz, I am thrilled to see you succeed in life, you’re a classy guy..

Nick, you sponsor children in impoverished Nations, you are a person who is loyal, honest and forthright. I’m glad I call you a friend. I wish more people were like you.

Rachel, my UK pal, we walk in faith, so glad that we’re friends. I can’t believe how long you have put up with our friendship, haha.

There are some really cool people I talk with all the time about on social media, usually about the Toronto Maple Leafs and other sports. I have met many of them offline as well. They all have taught me something over time. Here are some of them;

Phil AKA @10Simmer10 Jules AKA @HockeyChick_80 Roger AKA @BluejaysRoger @budsdinosbirds Sam AKA @61SM_  Carlo AKA @LeafGuyCarlo @WeTheNorth11 @AmberStefani @LeafMack09  Jay AKA @SickNasty72 Brad aka @BradArscott @GerrySomeday  Jillian AKA @JillianMcLeod05 @BellaG00D Jennifer AKA @L0velyMissJenn Raymon AKA @FunkyBarrister Cam AKA @WinningLeafFan Prince AKA @PrinceHusso @Borje_Salming21 @coopaaloop Andrew AKA @bar2cci @jjjr_james @leafomatic Mario AKA @4everleaffan @Paris__G @dougEjokes Dannie AKA @DannieD2112 Pauly AKA @PaulCasamassima Sharan AKA @sharan_07 Derek AKA @Derek_O

I can’t forget someone like Harold, always nice to chat with, he also tends to like 96.37% of the photos I post on Instagram; he is @CU86Grad

I am proud to call Alexa and Ryan Hamilton my friends. They are both amazing, talented, and both are people who are genuinely good hearted and loyal. Amazing traits to have.

Sam Berg, you’re awesome, an animal activist we should all strive to be. I’m glad you are my friend.

James, “Jim” Matthews,  so glad  we are friends, happy to have drank beers with you, my friend, you helped me survive difficult times.

Norman James, father, husband, best on air media man there is, I’m glad I’ve gotten to know you over the years, loved visiting the TV studio, great to see a hidden perspective of how things work.

David Harding. My friend, and a vegan for well over 4 decades, You’re the calming influence everyone needs/

Erin, you beat cancer, I am glad I’m friends with someone who can’t be beaten.

Jeremy Scott, fellow married man, fellow Maritimer; fellow Leafs fan. We are friends. How lucky am I?

Mike Garrett, Christine Gail, Phil Demers, thank you for being incredibly dedicated. I am so blessed to know you.

Jonathan, You’re a great friend. You never give up on anything. Oaks admires you. Our roadtrips were a blast.

Rob Sarjoo, you helped me build a website, helped me with amazing business cards, someone I trust. I am thrilled to see you succeed in life, husband, father, entrepreneur.

Brad; roadtrips with you; doing podcasts with you; great memories my friend. I am glad you found your bliss, husband, father, you deserve this. I am glad we are friends.

I know so many people who have had an impact on me, I can’t possibly mention them all…but, I wanted to mention a few who deserve a mention, because good people should be acknowledged.

2015 was the greatest year in my life and so many people helped me get there.

I am eternally thankful, you made my life better.


To my beautiful wife Susan,

You inspire me daily,

I will love you forever,


4 thoughts on “My Life In 1 Calendar Year

  1. Good people deserve good things man. Friend or foe, everyone deserves a chance at love. Loneliness is something I would not wish upon anyone, even my worst enemy. Good luck in Florida, I will look you up sometime when I am down there. You are one #Fancy guy 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. So much has happened in one year. One of the nicest things is your wife. So happy for you and her, and your patience too. I know it’s what you wanted and so glad to see it turned out so nice. Thank you so much for the mention, I appreciate it, Oaks. Wishing you all the best in the New Year! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Awesome post is awesome. Happy you’re finally happy and doing well, sir — definitely deserve it.

    Hope 2016 and the years ahead of that are all great ones for you 😁

    I’ll be up here in the cold… doing what I do 😉

    Liked by 1 person

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