The Execution of a Juvenile Black Bear by the York Regional Police

Juvenile Black Bear

I am still angry about Charlie being murdered. I call him Charlie, cause I’m not sure if the murdered juvenile bear was male or female.

Social Media, as usual, was exactly the way I knew it would be. Some people could not care 1 cent about a bear. Others (like me, are visibly upset)

Before you read this blog, remember this.

Humans are invading the natural homes of life all across the planet and in 99.999999999999% of the time. The animals die. Not human. The majority of people on this planet just don’t get it.

You’re the PROBLEM. NOT the Solution.

Now, time to read my blog people…..

Congratulations to the YRP (York Regional Police)

You executed a juvenile black bear.

If it had of been tranquilized it likely would Never have come back to Newmarket…it would have been too frightened from this ordeal.

What I want to know is how come it took over 2 DAYS for a Ministry of Natural Resources Officer to make it to Newmarket.

Newmarket isn’t exactly a 1000 miles away from Toronto.

Why are police not carrying a tranquilizer gun their vehicles?

The juvenile bear was hiding in the tree..

YRP officers threw chairs to get the bear out of the tree…


Whoever gave the officers chairs to throw at the bear…they should be throat punched repeatedly.

THANK You YRP for providing more proof that humanity is doomed…

F*cking Animal is the one who murdered the juvenile black bear…

Mankind needs help…

My heart hurts…

RIP My furry friend…you deserved better….

Will there be an investigation into the York Region Police or the Ministry the Natural Resources?

There are so many disturbing things about this execution of the juvenile black bear.

Why were parents letting their children watch the Police execute the bear.

Why did the YRP not PROPERLY clear the area?

There were numerous people watching everything unfold.

YRP is claiming they murdered the Black Blear to protect public safety.

If that’s the case, why was the area NOT cleared of everyone but law enforcement?

There are things that don’t add up…and if you go to

You’ll see what Krystal Kretschmer had to say.

On Monday, June 1st, a black bear was shot dead in Newmarket. It had wandered the town for two days searching for food, harming no one. For two days, no one organized/executed a removal or relocation effort. Finally, as the bear descended from a tree, he was shot and killed by York Regional Police.

The public is outraged, and rightfully so. Death is final, and as such, should be the last attempt at solving any problem. Lack of training, equipment, education, experience, resources, funding and lack of contacts or support are not, in any way, acceptable reasons for taking a life. Making excuses will only perpetuate the real problem: human lack of awareness and effort in dealing with wildlife that we should be able to coexist alongside.

The York Regional Police put up an article* on their site, stating: “York Regional Police were forced to shoot a black bear this morning following numerous sightings over the weekend in the Town of Newmarket.” Absolutely no one forced them to shoot and kill an innocent animal. There absolutely were other options. Let’s not console our conscience and justify our actions with these statements that condone neglect, disregard and senseless death, now, and in the future.

York Regional Police went on to say, “Police officers are not equipped with tranquilizers nor are they trained on the containment of wild animals.” For two days, this bear was a matter of “public concern” as they put it, and yet no one was able to locate and purchase a tranquilizer or find/hire someone else who is capable and experienced with such matters?

Regardless, the article is full of excuses for why life was not valued and was expendable in their minds. This is not acceptable. They have justified their actions and made excuses for their inability to care, which really means that this will, inevitably, happen again.

Housing development, leading to habitat loss, has encroached further northward, reducing the natural habitat for bears and other wildlife. This destruction is ongoing and poses a real threat to animals and the environment. If policies and procedures are not put in place to deal with circumstances like these, this will inevitably happen again and again.

Let’s not make excuses. Let’s make change.

The proposed changes, I feel (as do many others) need to target not only police, but the Ministry of Natural Resources, the province and anyone else who could be involved in similar situations. The policies and procedures in place are obviously not sufficient or adequate regarding safe and ethical practices when dealing with the preservation and protection of wildlife. As we continue to encroach on natural habitat, the likelihood of this recurring is highly probable. We need to have protocols in place, resources and trained, equipped people and organizations to protect and preserve all life, human and non-human.

Let this be a lesson for law enforcement, regional and provincial governments and the world over – this needs to be taken seriously. We need to learn to share this world with the innocent beings that we’ve taken everything from — home, habitat, freedom, food, safety and ultimately… their lives.

YRP fired back with this commentary…

York Regional Police were forced to shoot a black bear this morning following numerous sightings over the weekend in the Town of Newmarket.

While bear sightings are not a police matter, officers will respond to these calls if public safety is compromised. The bear was first sighted on Saturday, May 30, 2015 at approximately 5:30 a.m. in East Gwillimbury and sightings continued into Monday morning when the bear was reported in the area of Yonge Street and London Road in the Town of Newmarket.

Over the weekend, in an attempt to capture and relocate the bear, officers contacted the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR), the University of Guelph, a horse veterinarian, the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, local Animal Control and the Toronto Zoo. Only MNR staff are equipped and trained to respond.

This morning, the bear climbed a tree in a residential backyard near an elementary school. Officers attempted to keep the bear contained in the tree while awaiting the arrival of MNR staff. They banged chairs and deployed a cruiser siren among other methods, but eventually the bear, agitated and likely dehydrated, climbed to the ground. The use of a conducted energy weapon (CEW) was considered, however, officers could not get close enough without compromising their safety in the event the CEW was ineffective. Officers were left with no choice but to use lethal force in order to preserve public safety.

“The officers involved and York Regional Police regret the incident but there were no other options,” said Chief Eric Jolliffe. “Police officers are not equipped with tranquilizers nor are they trained on the containment of wild animals. We will be following up with the MNR in an attempt to improve the response to such incidents.”

York Regional Police reminds the public:

  • Most bear problems occur as a result of improperly stored household garbage. Bears quickly learn to associate human residences and campsites with a readily available food source
  • Do NOTapproach the bear to get a better look or a picture. Slowly back away and leave the area.
  • If you are near a building or a car, get inside as a precaution
  • It is important to keep dogs away from a bear. While a well-trained dog may deter a bear, a poorly trained one may only excite it
  • In a life-threatening emergency dial 9-1-1

Bear-related issues can be reported to the Ministry of Natural Resources’ Bear Wise reporting line at 1-866-514-2327. If there is an immediate threat to public safety, call 9-1-1.

Krystal got it right on her online petition…

The YRP flat out is not being completely honest. They forgot to mention numerous people saw YRP throwing CHAIRS into the tree to terrorize the juvenile Black Bear.

The YRP considered using a Taser? Really ???

It’s clear some people at YRP should be NEVER allowed to own weapons

YRP suggests people call the Ministry of Natural Resources if they see a Bear…

***Newsflash*** MANY, many MANY people did. MNR did NOTHING

If the Ministry was not willing or able to drive a short distance down the road to deal with the juvenile black bear, perhaps the MNR should be disbanded? We could save millions of dollars by not paying people who clearly do NOT do the job they are paid to do.

The juvenile bear was also spotted in Sharon, Ontario and Holland Landing, Ontario and AGAIN, over those 2 days – the Ministry of Natural Resources did Sweet Fuck All.

It’s also interesting to note about the area in which the juvenile black bear was murdered.

It’s well known that the neighborhood has had issues with the YRP.

They’ve failed to take break in seriously. The Mayor of Newmarket had to get involved.

God Job, YRP.

Residents have also complained about the excessive speeding on city and rural streets in and around Newmarket. They don’t feel the YRP take that issue seriously.

Vandalism, that’s no crime worth investigating.

However, the opportunity to fire 6 bullets…SIX…count em…into the head of a young black bear; how could the YRP pass that opportunity up.

The Ministry of Natural Resources is NOT doing the job they are paid to do and they YRP are letting down the residents of Newmarket.

How can anyone with an IQ over 12 be happy with that?

THANK You YRP for providing more proof that humanity is doomed…

F*cking Animal = the one who murdered the juvenile black bear…

Mankind needs help…

My heart hurts…

RIP My furry friend…you deserved better…..

Ps, when I finished this blog, the online petition to bring change — so that this doesn’t happy again had over 17,000 Signatures.


I am an Animal Activist, and this is some insight into my world…




I don’t sleep a lot. There are lots of reasons why.  I’m not one of those types that can get a nice 8+hours of sleep. I’ve always got things on my mind. I’m constantly thinking.

I am pretty sure anyone who knows me online or offline; they know I’m a fierce animal advocate, animal activist.  SeaWorld likes to call Animal Advocates/Animal Activists by such sweet names as Liars, Extremists, Radicals, and my favorite, Terrorist.

I want to address some of these terms… Liar

Merriam-Webster defines the word “Liar” as – : a person who tells lies

Animal Advocates/Animal Activists don’t need to tell lies. The truth is blindingly obvious to anyone over the age of 8.

Animals don’t belong in captivity. No Zoo, Aquarium, Marine Park, Circus, “Conservation Park” can ever replicate the natural living conditions these beautiful living things come from.

Also, most “Breeding” is done through artificial means. The males are masturbated by staff employees. Sperm is injected into the female; regardless if they are sexually mature or not.

These are truths. NOT lies.

Merriam-Webster defines the word “Extremist” as a : belief in and support for ideas that are very far from what most people consider correct or reasonable

Ok, time to break this one down. Animal Activists are in the minority of a world with over 6 Billion+ people. We support ideas that are correct, and reasonable. Our ideas are in the minority, that doesn’t mean we’re wrong.  I’m ok with being labeled as an Animal Extremist, because I’ll never support the masses who support Animals in Slavery.

I would argue, the true extremists are the ones who make excuses to justify, the kidnapping, raping/forced breeding of animals. The only reason this is still reality is these places make money.

Money talks.

Merriam-Webster defines the word “Radical” as : very new and different from what is traditional or ordinary: having extreme political or social views that are not shared by most people

I have zero issue being called an Animal Radical.

Political figures have done LITTLE to improve the welfare of any living thing that is not human. A small percentage try, but the majority in political office do nothing.

My social views are simple.

All lives matter.

Human, Animals, Insects etc.

EVERYTHING matters to me.

I’m ok with being in the minority on the right side of the equation. Animal Advocates/Animal Activists we are passionate people and our ideas are “new” & “different”. They are different because we opposed the majority.  The majority in this case are people in power, and people who control money.

In the case of the word extremist or radical, there is nothing wrong with being labeled that. I don’t advocate breaking laws. You can still be a ‘Radical or Extremist” as long as you don’t break the law.

Radicals and extremists have throughout history have done great things. They have inspired change.

Don’t confuse the word radicals or extremists with criminals or psychopaths. They are not mutually exclusive or one in the same.

The one term that SeaWorld likes to use to describe Animal Advocates/Animal Activists/Animal Radicals/Animal Extremists frequently is Terrorist.

I have got something to say on this term.

Merriam-Webster defines the word “Terrorist” as : the use of violent acts to frighten the people in an area as a way of trying to achieve a political goal

I’ve been an Animal Advocates/Animal Activists/Animal Radicals/Animal Extremists for a long time. Although I think that John Holer, the owner of Marineland Canada needs to be throat punched repeatedly along with all his fellow brethren who profit off animal slavery…. I do not believe that violence is the answer to this issue facing people who are against animals in captivity.

Our goal is political, absolutely, because it’s only the people in political office who can make changes official. Activists push for change; but, it’s the politicians who make things law.

Animal Advocates/Animal Activists/Animal Radicals/Animal Extremists our goal is not to frighten anyone.  The goal is to educate people and get them to understand that animals in captivity; for profit is immoral, unethical and flat out a sub human thing to do.

Again, we don’t want violence. THIS is not going to help the cause.

In the year 2015, labels are the thing. Fat, skinny, white black, Republican, Democrat, Liberal, Conservative, Animal Activist, Animal Advocate, Animal Radical, Animal Extremist, Terrorist, young, old, Anti-Cap, Pro-Cap, Animal Lover, gay, straight

I’m really not a fan of labels. I just want to be known as a loving, caring, compassionate human being. These are labels that I strive to be on a daily basis.

Those who are in the majority have the influence (money & power) to spread a message. It doesn’t mean they are actually telling the truth.

Here’s the thing, these animals that are held in zoos, marine parks, conservation areas, aquariums & circuses are all animals I’d LOVE to see in person.

However, do I want to see them in their natural living conditions, or do I want to see them in a foreign, unnatural environment?

The answer seems pretty clear to me. I do not want to see them in their concrete prisons, be it a cage, a tank, a pool, or a fenced in area.

I’ve protested at zoos, circuses, Marineland (on more than 1 occasion) and I don’t think I’ll ever stop lending my voice to those who seek to change the world for those animals living under a death sentence.

June 6th 2015 there will be a world-wide protest called “Empty The Tanks” – this protest will take place on every major continent in multiple locations.

I live in the GTA – AKA “The Greater Toronto Authority” – there will be a protest held in Toronto…I would be going to this one…but…..

I’m going to Florida instead. The bearded one, AKA “OaksBeard” or “BeardedOaks” plans on invading SeaWorld.

I recently went to the opening day protest at Marineland Canada and it reinvigorated me in my dedication to not give up the fight…

I imagine that being at the Empty The Tanks protest at SeaWorld will be a somewhat spiritual, magical, memorable experience for me.

SeaWorld is a globally recognized name. When they fail; when they fall, all the rest will follow too.

I will be surrounded by people who are passionate, loving, open minded and driven to make the world a better place.

The organizers know I’m coming from Canada. People are looking forward to meeting me in Florida. It’s pretty cool to be able to meet people from all walks of life, who share the same goal.

I will take photos, I will take videos, I will live-stream my adventures in Florida.

I always have hoped that one day, whomever I end up with will be not just an animal lover, but an animal advocate/activist too.

Who knows maybe my future wife is waiting for me in sunny Florida.

Can you imagine? I get to tear it up at SeaWorld doing what I love, which is lending my voice to the voiceless and meet Mrs Oaks…haha….just kidding.

The point of being a radical, extremist, activist is really simple; to bring change.

One way or another, I won’t stop, I won’t sleep,

Until all the animals are free,

Until we “Empty the Tanks”


What PepsiCo & other Companies do NOT want YOU to KNOW





The Global Day of Action to Cut Conflict Palm Oil! is TODAY!!!!

Change the World People.

It’s in your hands…

The damage caused by Conflict Palm Oil is tremendous.

Deforestation to make way for palm oil plantations threatens unique and priceless areas like the Leuser Ecosystem in Indonesia.

It threatens species like the Sumatran rhino, orangutans, and sun bears.

The impact on communities who are forced off their land or pushed into forced and child labor is simply unacceptable.

There are still far too many companies that are refusing to take action to address their Conflict Palm Oil problem.

One of the worst offenders in the Conflict Palm Oil world – who is also one of biggest makers of popular kid’s snacks – won’t even acknowledge the destruction it’s causing.

PepsiCo is a major Conflict Palm Oil laggard, dragging its feet, refusing to admit it even has a problem. With a whopping 457,200 metric tons of palm oil used annually in snacks like Cheetos and Lay’s potato chips, PepsiCo has a huge impact on the planet, the forests, and the people and animals which call them home…

Do you think Pepsi cares if they destroy the homes of the rare Sumatran rhino, the sun bear or the few Orangutans left in the wild?

No, Pepsi only cares about the bottom line, the bottom line for Pepsi & others using this product is money. Not morality or ethics.

The secret is out. I know about the hidden ingredient PepsiCo is putting into kid’s snack foods and other products.

Conflict Palm Oil is enslaving children, killing endangered orangutans, and destroying the rainforest. I will not stand for it…and neither should you…

Pepsi is by far the worst offender…, but they are not the only ones…

If you want to help…share this blog..and make sure you check the link out at the bottom…



Since I published this blog I also have learned that Nutella, Oreos, Johnson & Johnson Products, Unliever, Starbucks (also uses GMO’s) Krispy Kreme, Dunkin Donuts and Tim Horton’s ALL use Palm Oil from areas with massive deforestation.

I now boycott them too.


The ‘Kuroshio Sea’

This video doesn’t exist

Mind Boggling…Stunning Beauty…Ethereal…

This is a video of the ‘Kuroshio Sea’, which is one of the largest aquarium tanks in the world.

Watch this Video, I hope you are reminded how beautiful this world can be. We do not own this planet,

We Share It.