Coffee, Coffee & Even More About Coffee


I suggest that this Blog Piece be read over a nice beverage, say like Coffee?

I like Coffee, it’s no secret. I drink coffee everyday….but I was interested in knowing more about coffee…not the standard stuff everyone else already knows…and this is what I came up with…

If you know any more cool coffee facts, let me know, I’ll add them to this blog post & credit you for bring it to my attention…

Coffee can be a Plant Food. The same qualities that make coffee such a good candidate for composting can also be put to use by adding directly to planting soil. The minerals help keep plants healthy and the acidity of coffee will give a boost to crops craving lower pH levels.

Coffee can be used as a Wood Stain. You can use the leftover coffee from the pot or soak spent grounds for a couple of days to get rich tones ready to use on woodwork.

If you have issues with ants, the nitrogen in coffee grounds is a surprisingly effective ant repellent. Sprinkle grounds around doorways, windows or foundations to keep ants out of the house or use around the garden to create a natural barrier against invading ants.

Boil coffee grounds in a large pot, remove from heat and submerge natural fabrics in the pot to get a beautiful beige or brown. The longer it soaks, the darker it will become. It makes great fabric dye.

If you want something organic to clean your hands, like tea leaves, rubbing coffee grounds on your hands will remove objectionable odours like garlic, onions or fish. If you’re making your own soap, stirring coffee grounds into the mix during the “trace” stage gives your soap added deodorizing power and also acts as a mild abrasive, making it a top-notch exfoliant. The amount used will impact the abrasiveness of the soap.

Coffee grounds can be added to the wax when making candles to impart a subtle scent that will make your candles something truly special. Start with a couple of tablespoons per cup of wax and experiment until you find a potency that suits you. These make amazing candle scents.

Legend has it a 9th Century Ethiopian goat herder discovered coffee by accident when he noticed how crazy the beans were making his goats.

The lethal dose of caffeine is roughly 100 cups of coffee

A French doctor in the 1600s suggested Cafe Au Laits for patients, inspiring people to begin adding milk to coffee.

Espresso is regulated by the Italian government because it is considered an essential part of their daily life.

Hawaii is the only state that commercially grows coffee.

In the ancient Arab culture there was only one way a woman could legally divorce: If her husband didn’t provide enough coffee.

Coffee beans are actually the pit of a berry, which makes them a fruit. How awesome is that, BEST FRUIT EVER!

IMPORTANT Fact: Brewed espresso has 2.5% fat, while filtered coffee contains 0.6% fat.

Johan Sebastian Bach wrote an opera about a woman who was addicted to coffee.

There is a way to brew coffee with marijuana in it and it is described as producing a “dreamy” kind of coffee buzz.

Unlike the hip 20-something Baristas in the US, in Italy the average Barista age is 48, and it is a very respected profession.

In the 1600s there was a controversy over whether or not Catholics could drink coffee, luckily Pope Clement VIII said it was okay

No matter what people tell you, caffeine cannot help you sober up.

The first webcam was invented at The University of Cambridge to let people know if the coffee pot was full or not.

There is a spa in Japan that lets you bathe in coffee, tea, or wine

Before coffee caught on in the US in the 1700s, beer was breakfast drink of choice

Irish coffee was actually invented to warm up cold American plane passengers leaving from Ireland.

Coffee beans are combustible and scientists have suggested that coffee beans could replace fossil fuels as one of our main sources of energy and motor fuel. In fact, British engineers created a car that runs on coffee beans in 2011 and it broke the record as the fastest car in existence to run on organic fuels.

People who drink a moderate amount of coffee are less likely to develop Alzheimer’s or dementia in old age. (I’m getting old, good thing for me to try to remember.)

Coffee is the second most sold commodity around the world. Coffee stands second as oil (fuel) secured the first place in the list of most sold commodities around the globe.

Kopi Luwak is excreted by a Sumatran species of wild cats. This refers to the most expensive coffee in the whole world. You will have to pay $100 to buy 4 oz of coffee.

Boston’s Dorothy Jones was the first licensed coffee brewer in the USA. She was granted a license in 1670 and then started selling brewed coffee.

King Louis XIV had the first European greenhouse built to store France’s first coffee tree, known as The Noble Tree.

The first coffee-house in the world opened in Arabia in the 16th century.

The first coffee-house in Europe opened in Venice in 1645.

The first coffee advertisement was distributed in 1651 in London.

The first coffee-house in America opened in Boston in 1676.

The Dutch began growing coffee on the island of Java, now part of Indonesia, in 1696.

The Boston Tea Party convinced Americans to switch to coffee from tea as an expression of freedom.

The coffee filter was invented in 1908 by Melitta Bentz, a housewife from Dresden, Germany.

It takes over 600,000 green coffee beans to fill a coffee sack, which weighs around 130 pounds when full.

Brazil issued a coffee scented postage stamp in 2001.

Franciscan friars brought the first coffee seeds to the Philippines in 1749.

If you drink five to 10 cups of decaffeinated coffee, you could get as much caffeine as from one or two cups of caffeinated coffee, a study found.

One the largest misconception in the U.S. today about coffee is that Mocha Java coffee is a chocolate beverage. In fact there is no chocolate in the Mocha or Java bean at all. Mocha is the name of the largest port in Yemen, here is where all of the African coffee beans are traded and transported. Java is the name of an island in Indonesia where the Java Bean comes from. Both coffees are a dark bean and provide a very rich and bold coffee, when you mix the two together you get Mocha Java coffee.

There are two types of oils in coffee, good oils and bad oils. The good oils are good for your body and your health, the bad oils are what give you ulcers and stomach problems. To avoid the bad oils in coffee simply use paper filters to minimize the effects

James Mason invented the coffee percolator on December 26, 1865.

Instant coffee was invented in 1901 by a Japanese American chemist known as Satori Kato. Later in 1906 a more known English chemist known as George Constant Washington claimed he invented instant coffee.

On May 11, 1926, the slogan “Maxwell House Good to the last drop” was trademark registered.

In 1822, the first espresso machine was made in France.

In 1933, Dr. Ernest Illy invented the first automatic espresso machine.

It takes five years for a coffee tree to reach full maturity, coffee trees can live up to 100 years old.

The average yield from one tree is the equivalent of one roasted pound of coffee.

The custom of tipping waiters originated in early European Coffee Houses, in order to receive good service in that loud, dirty, hectic place you needed to Tip Big.

In the 17th century when coffee came to Europe Pope Clement VIII banned coffee stating it was the “Devils Tool”. This changed shortly after the Pope had a cup and pronounced coffee legal again.

Cowboy Coffee originated from Cowboys using their dirty socks out on the trail as coffee filters. They filled their sock with coffee beans, immersed the sock in boiling water then squeezed the coffee into their cups.

Both the American Revolution and the French Revolution were plotted in coffee houses.

There is no such bean as a Flavored bean, coffee is flavored after roasting with artificial flavored oils.

Black coffee with no additives contains no calories.

If you know any more cool coffee facts, let me know, I’ll add them to this blog post & credit you for bring it to my attention…

These are facts & anecdotes that I found on a ton of different websites,  many of these facts were often repeated many times on many websites.  No one can claim ownership to these facts because they’ve been facts for a long time.  I’m simply gathering a bunch of cool facts about coffee. If you see facts that YOU want to claim as your own. Feel free to let me know.



This is about Blackfish, it’s also about Marineland.

Allow me to introduce myself…

I’m that guy who is more than just a hardcore sports fan.

I’m as vocal about animals and their rights to not be treated inhumanely.

If you know me in real life, or if you know me in social media circles…

You know that I’m a pretty passionate person, I tend to where my heart on my sleeve…

And I’m ok with that…

Through the power of social media, I’ve done some amazing things and met some amazing people.

When I first moved to Ontario, I’d heard stories about Marineland, and it made me sad,

It made me think back to the late 80’s and early 90’s when I lived in Victoria..and a young woman who worked at Sealand lost her life…

I remember visting Sealand, and I remember the Orcas, I especially remember Tilikum, Tilikum was massive…

Growing up in Nova Scotia, I was well aware of the dangers of marine creatures…

I just assumed trainers were well trained, and I bought the press at the time…

“Trainer Error”

I remember how sad the whales looked, and I knew in my heart, they didn’t belong at Sealand.

Moving to Ontario, I read everything I could about MarineLand & I learned everything I could about the owner John Holer.

As a matter of public record, John Holer has been charged with over 50 offences by Law Enforcement agencies…

Mass graves of hundred of marine & non-marine animals have been discovered on his property as well…

Being active in social media, I got wind of a person named Dylan Powell, who is an animal activist.

I volunteered to come down, take photos, write blog pieces or anything else I could do to help.

In no uncertain terms Dylan Powell, rudely and viciously refused to help.

That’s his loss.

I still knew I wanted to know more and so I eventually connected online with Phil Demers a former trainer at Marineland, he was a trainer there for over 12 years. I also was able to connect with Mike Garrett, another animal activist.

Mike and Phil have done so much to educate people about the horrific death camp that is Marineland. In fact, they’ve been so successful, John Holer of Marineland has sued Mike…

However, a countersuit is in action.

They have done nothing other than to educate people to the fact that these marvelous marine animals do not belong in captivity.

Animals that are going blind, animals with chunks of skin missing, animals that spend most of their life in a little concrete box, except to enterain us “Intelligent Species”

It got me to thinking…

A lot of people think that criminals should not be forced into solitary confinement, because criminal or not, it’s inhumane.

If you institutionalize a human for years and years and years…if he’s ever released, he’s not the same as he was before he went in.

How do you think Kiska feels being all alone….

I wouldn’t like to be alone…and I suspect neither would most of my readers…so if it’s not ok for us..why is it ok for them…

And don’t say, it’s just a fish, or just an animal..that would show nothing but ignorance.

Scientists, biologists will tell you, that orcas are one of the most social and intelligent creatures on this planet.

They feel happiness, joy, they also feel the pain of sorrow, sadness and death of their calves, their children.

We would never let someone go in and take away a child from a parent just for the heck of it.

But in the world of Marine parks, this is perfectly acceptable. There’s not one single marine park to my knowledge that has an actual family of Killer whales.

What I’ve learned is that it’s a mish mash of orcas from all sorts of different pods and from all over the world.

It’s not surprise that orcas in captivity tend to attack and kill other orcas in the tank from time to time.

Getting back to Marineland, it’s not a place for an Orca to be…

The following is a list of deceased killer whales who were at MarineLand:

An unnamed whale died at the park in October 1992 from drowning.

Junior, a wild Icelandic male Orca, died in June 1994.

Kanuck, separated from mother, Kiska, and stored in a warehouse. Died at age 4 in 1998.

An unnamed whale born at Marineland died in June 1998.

Nova died in August 2001.

Algonquin died in August 2002 due to a twisted intestine.

April died in April 2004.

Neocia died in August 2004 at Marineland.

Hudson died in 2004 with the cause of death being meningitis.

Kandu 7 was a wild whale from Iceland that died in 2005.

Katak/Splash was born at Marineland and was moved to Sea World in 1992 for health treatment. He died in April 2005.

Athena died sometime in spring 2009. The cause of death was by infection.

Malik, a three-year-old orca, died due to a deficient immune system.

An unnamed wild died while being moved from Marineland to Japan.

Did you know Keiko, from “Free Willy” was at Marineland decades ago?

Taking into account, these are just the orcas that the public knows about, there could be more..add the mass graves and you see there is a serious problem.

Marineland should not be allowed to operate…it’s a blight on Ontario, Canada, the globe & those who care…

Education people is the only way to start change,

Think about documentaries like “An Inconvenient Truth” or “Sharkwater” or “Revolution” or “The Cove”

They’ve done a lot to educate people on the environment & sharks and the finning of live sharks and the slaughter of dolphins…

Because of Mike Garrett & Phil Demers & other concerned people, I learned of a new documentary on the horizon


When I researched what Blackfish was all about, It gave me a weird, sad, feeling, because the star of this movie is really Tilikum…

Tilikum, the same orca that had played a role in the death of the young woman back in the early 90’s in Victoria.

Tilikum has been busy – he killed a transient person who broke into SeaWorld & he also killed another trainer…

3 deaths…were they all preventable? Yes, I believe so.

Here’s the thing though, and it’s going back to the earlier train of thought, institutionalize a human, he will lash out when he gets the chance…

Put a 12000 pound Orca in a bathtub, it’s not a matter of if he will attack/kill but a matter of when.

Orcas do not belong in captivity. Humans are responsible for every death, and every accident, and do you know over 70 incidents have been documented in North America and human trainers since the 70’s.

These are the ones reported, how many others have gone unreported.

I don’t want to give away all the details of this amazing movie. I implore everyone to watch it on October 24th when it debuts on CNN.

I want you to think about this. In the wild, an orca can live between 35 to 80 years…

In captivity, it is usually 30 or less years.

In the wild orcase reproduce for the first time when they are 10 years or older…

BUT, hey, because we use all kinds of fancy equipment, as soon as they start to ovulate, they are artificially inseminated, usually starting at 4 years of age until they cannot reproduce.

Tilikum has already killed 3 humans.

54% of the Orcas at SeaWorld have his genes…

Humans have a long memory,

So do killer whales, they remember how they were captured, they remember the births of their offspring, the deaths of their offspring or mates and they remember the taste of everything they eat.

I don’t think any of the orcas in capitivity for decades can ever just be let go – but much like Keiko, I think they can be partially integrated back in the wild.

A male healthy killer whale can be worth up to 5 million dollars, guess we know why these parks don’t want to let their orcas go.

Watching Blackfish, already confirmed what I knew, that Captivity Kills…but I also learned a lot more things that disturbed me.

Blackfish was screened because people like Phil Demers & Mike Garrett really care.

It wasn’t just a screening that Friday night in St.Catharines,

The world famous Dr.Naomi Rose was also there… and so was an actual FORMER trainer from SeaWorld, Samantha Berg.

After the screening, they both fielded many questions from a jammed packed audience.

They were gracious, on point, eloquent, and passionate.

They added a real sense of humanity to what we had just watched.

Having a former trainer from SeaWorld also made the movie a lot more powerful,

Because Samantha, she was there at SeaWorld, she was speaking for Tilikum and for all the orcas in captivity.

I won’t forget her words, the words of Dr.Naomi Rose & what I learned watching Blackfish.

I hope that I can be a small part of the changes needed to end captivity of these beautiful marine creatures.

Blackfish should be watched by everyone.

There is no excuse for ingorance and Blackfish very skillfully shows you the ignorance that exists in this world today when it comes to the mighty orca.

I was very happy to be able to attend the screening, it was a packed auditorium, the people were receptive to what they had watched…and I salute Mike Garrett & Phil Demers & Dr Naomi Rose & Samantha Berg for making this event what it was….

My only question to you is..are you for captivity or against captivity..

If you’re against it, don’t you think you need to start talking to the people that make the laws,

Should Marineland be allowed to operate? Of course not, but hey as long as John Holer continues to make shady deals with ex mayors & current mayors, will anything change?

It’s time to speak out demand change, continue to educate the masses…

Maybe one day this will all just be a dark footnote of our evolution…

If it’s not ok, to mistreat humans & cage them…

It’s not ok to do the same to animals…

We must be the voice of the voiceless…

Will you be watching Blackfish on CNN on October 24th?

For more information feel free to follow:






and of course myself,
