Road Trip to Ottawa

Everyone is aware of my passion & my life long loyalty to the Toronto Maple Leafs,

I decided to start 2K11 the right way – by watching the Toronto Maple Leafs play the useless Ottawa Senators – in Ottawa.

The nice thing about moving to Ontario is there are lots of Leafs fans.

I left on Saturday Jan 1 2011 around 11 am and headed on down the highway with Garrett.

It was raining very hard for most of the trip…but it was still a very easy drive.

The long drive allowed for good conversation & of course a mandatory stop at the Tim Hortons in Kingston, haha

The Lord Elgin Hotel was a great choice, valet parking, amazing breakfast buffet, wow…and…it was close to everything.

Game time was looming so off we went to Kanata – home of the Sens.

Garrett did tell me there would be many fans of the Leafs at the game, I was figuring a few hundred maybe…

I was not even close to being right…

There were thousands upon Thousands of Leafs fans there,

It didn’t feel like a road game, it felt like a home game…

It was an epic night, everytime Alfie touched the puck, the jeers rained down upon him…

Everytime the Leafs scored the Arena exploded in applause & cheers…

The Leafs scored lots, Ottawa did not bother to show up for this game…

If I were a Sens fan, I’d be embarrassed that a road team had more fans at the game and that the road team massacred the home team in their arena.

I’ve long despised Chris Neil, thankfully Colton Orr was the remedy for that Chronic Ailment…

Neil chickened out in the 1st period but Orr wasn’t letting him get away this time…

Orr destroyed Neil, hit him so many times I thought Neil’s head might explode.

It was a great night, Leafs won 5-1…I had a blast taunting the 12 Sens fans in the arena, haha…

The next day Garrett took me around to some really awesome places…

I’m a huge photography guy so I was able to take pics of the Parliament Buildings,various statues on the Grounds & my favorite…the War Memorial…

I took so many photos, but the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier had a deep impact on me…

The Military has always had an impact on me for many reasons…

I’m a staunch supporter of the Military,

I really appreciated that there is a place to honor our fallen heroes,

Lest We Forget…

I’ll be going back to Ottawa again, from what I saw it is a beautiful city…

The architecture grips me, plus I want to see the Leafs beat up on the Sens again…

Everyone is welcome to come on the next trip…
