Kijiji, Craigslist & The Power of Social Media

I often marvel about Social Media, be it Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Vine, Instagram etc. There are so many good things and bad things about twitter.

One person I think highly of is Nicole aka @LateJuly on Twitter. She’s a marvellous singer, with an incredible soul. She is one of those people that is outside the box, not so easily defined, and that’s a good thing.

I caught this post on my Facebook wall, and I knew I needed to blog about it. It is yet another example of the good of Social Media.

You can learn so much more about people and what makes them tick.

Here is the post from Nicole Simone… (I did not edit her post)


Why Craigslist loves animals & Kijiji creates ‘breeds’ misery:

Craigslist offers a section for rehoming animals, but NEVER allows the selling of animals. They have been quite successful in this endeavour and I truly admire their commitment to not contributing to backyard breeders, puppy mills and other misery. Craigslist doesn’t want to in ANY way aid to the irresponsible breeding/selling of dogs. They allow for rehoming with a small fee, but nothing more and no sales.

The idea is that if sites like this and people boycott these backyard breeders then they won’t breed irresponsibly again and less dogs will end up getting put down in a pound or end up in bad situations.

Kijiji has no qualms letting backyard breeders, puppy mill owners and people who have stolen other peoples animals post animals for sale in order to make a quick profit. There is nothing preventing the sale of dogs used in dog fights or dogs used as bait (yes bait) in dog fights. I’m speaking from PERSONAL experience, I’m sure other rescuers can chime in on their “Kijiji Nightmares” but there are many, I could tell you personal stories of dogs I’ve pulled off that site.

And if you’re asking ‘but where should all the animals go then’ well your kittens can go on Craigslist and instead of posting on Kijiji and pocketing money for them, ask for a small donation to an animal charity, which can be done through Craigslist and have your cats fixed like responsible owners.

Animals should have a safe place to go in Ontario, but thanks to needless breeding for the sake of the almighty dollar, our shelters are full, our rescues are overwhelmed, our large animal organizations are fraught with mismanaged funds and the place that most unwanted pets go (at any age or health status), is the euthanasia room.

I say all of the above as someone who has rescued and assisted in 100’s of rescues of animals.

It’s sad, it’s pathetic and I really think we can ALL do better, because we sure as hell know better.

End rant.


I’ve read her post a few times now. Nicole is RIGHT…Kijiji is messed up.

The bottom line is DO NOT GET an ANIMAL ever if you cannot take care of it. Your animal should be treated like an extension of you… with proper food, hygiene needs addressed correctly, exercise and MOST importantly, LOVE…

Thanks to Nicole, I now know to Boycott Kijiji…

The more people who read her post and mine, the more lives in the Animal Kingdom can be saved too…

SO PLEASE, feel free to share this with as many people as you can

Isn’t that all that matters?

I can be found on Twitter at @OakleyInc

Nicole can be found on Twitter at @LateJuly

& her amazing music can be found here…