My Thoughts on Mike Babcock.

Photo Property of Enigma Photography

Mike Babcock

I’m not a paid blogger. I don’t work in journalism or sports media of any kind.

I’m just a Leafs fan who occasionally writes a blog about hockey.

Here are my thoughts… I hope you enjoy them.

Peter Horacheck, Pat Quinn, Pat Burns, Mike Babcock…one name doesn’t seem to fit does it.

Pat Quinn is a legend to Vancouver Canucks fans, and of course, to LeafsNation…Pat Quinn is also a legend. Pat Burns, nothing needs to be said other than, he is larger than life to the fan base of Leafsnation (well, anyone that can remember his time)

Peter Horachek…will never be a good NHL Head Coach. Some people are born leaders, others are better off as background noise.

Now, how about that Mike Babcock guy; some might point to his 1997 World Junior Gold Medal as the Coach. Some might mention his 2004 Gold Medal at the World Championships. If you wanted to add some more Gold, mention his 2010 & 2014 Back to Back Olympic Gold Medals.

However, if we’re talking NHL, you might want to mention he never missed the playoffs in the 10 seasons he was with the Detroit Red Wings. Or his Stanley Cup win.

His critics would say, that’s because Detroit buries their prospects in Grand Rapids, teach them the same system in Detroit, so that when they make the NHL – they’re ready.

I’d like to examine that statement. His critics won’t give credit because they say it’s the system…not the coach.

Merriam-Webster says the definition of “Coach” is this…

: a person who teaches and trains an athlete or performer

: a person who teaches and trains the members of a sports team and makes decisions about how the team plays during games

Regardless of what system Ken Holland and Mike Babcock have mandated for Grand Rapids it’s up to the Individual coaches to make sure they coach each player in that system.

The reality is, Mike Babcock, coached every player on his team, and would get the maximum out of them.

This is the prime reason they always made the playoffs under his regime.

Coaches coach. They either do it well…or they do it poorly.

I remember when the Leafs would beat the Senators every single time they met in the playoffs. It was remarkable; because on paper, they were the inferior team. They won in part because of heart and will to win…but they also won because we had superior coaching.

I’ve been a long time fan of the Leafs. I’ve been cheering since the 1970’s for my beloved blue and white

1993…that was the best year ever for being a Leafs fan, well, right until Gretzky and Fraser screwed us.

Since 1993, not a whole lot to be over the moon about.

Mike Babcock changes everything.

There have been some big days in Leafs history.

BUT…since 1967…there have been few huge moments…

Doug Gilmour coming here, Mats Sundin coming here were great days,

Drafting Wendel, that was awesome, so was bringing Pat Quinn & Pat Burns into the fold.

And May 21st 2015 is now a day to mark on the Calendar…that’s the day Mike Babcock was officially introduced to the world as the NEW HEAD COACH of the Toronto Maple Leafs.

Mike Babcock has a pedigree that you cannot dispute….you can’t always say it’s all about the players; pro sports are filled with loaded teams, who don’t get it done.

Mike Babcock will make things happen.

When I heard yesterday that Babcock had agreed to come to Toronto…I instantly had mixed emotions.

I just couldn’t fathom that Mike would come here. I mean let’s be honest… I know he’s a #Leafs fan from his younger years, and coaching ANOTHER Original 6 team…that’s pretty cool too.

When I learned he was signed for 50 Million dollars, I thought to myself…that’s why he’s coming here.

I also thought to myself, the best coach in the NHL is not coming to the Leafs, while they do a full on rebuild…I’m thinking, ok, we’re going to get a quick fix and not the rebuild we need.

I’m a very passionate, intelligent, knowledgeable hockey fan. These thoughts, all are logical and make sense.

I know that to be a good team, you need the right brain trust, Tampa, Chicago, Detroit, come to mind.

I made a point of listening to the press conference, and I made a point to listen to Mike Babcock on the Bob McCown show this afternoon.

It’s amazing how things can change. I’m preconditioned to never believing anything the people at MLSE tell us. I said at the end of the season, I doubted we’d rebuild. I said “I want to believe” but… been disappointed by MLSE way too often.

This morning, I wanted to focus on Mike Babcock. NOTHING else.  I watched his body language, paid attention to tempo, pitch, volume and came to this conclusion.

I can put my guard down.

Mike Babcock put on an Oscar winning performance of total bullshit, smoke and mirrors, or…he told the truth.

Taking MLSE & the Leafs out of this for just a moment; I believe Mike Babcock.

It seems in the Olympics and in the NHL & the IIHF tournaments that players & management believe in Mike Babcock. They’re the pros; I’m just a hick country boy who loves hockey.

Mike Babcock won me over. I have zero doubt, that he will help put a system in place, so that prospects like Bibeau, Nylander, Brown, Leipsic, Valiev etc are NOT rushed to the Leafs.

I believe that Mike came here, not because of the 50 Million, but because MLSE was willing to sign him for 8 years and NOT give him an out-clause.

Shanahan & MLSE have proven to Babcock that they are committed to bringing accountability and respect back to the ACC.

I was apprehensive, because the Leafs need a full on rebuild, and I didn’t think a coach with Babcock’s pedigree would want to put up with 2, 3, 4, 5 years of futility.

Mike Babcock is a coach.

: a person who teaches and trains an athlete or performer

: a person who teaches and trains the members of a sports team and makes decisions about how the team plays during games

In Toronto…this is what Mike will do. He will become legend if we bring the Holy Grail home.

Players who take days off like Phil, Joffrey & Tyler are on borrowed time.

Mike didn’t let his player’s coast in Detroit. It will not happen in Toronto.

A lot can happen in 24 hours…I went from being apprehensive about the best coach in the NHL coaching the Leafs to thinking….the Leafs have the best coach in the NHL and we are now going to have the best coached roster in the NHL.

If I’m a free agent in the next few years, Malkin for example…or… those kids from Ontario named Tavares and Stamkos…If I’m Stamkos or Tavares, am I thinking it would be cool to play for Mike and in front of my hometown fans?

Who doesn’t want to play for the best coach?

Mike Babcock has SWAG, he’s got a lot of GOLD MEDALS & He’s got a Stanley Cup….this isn’t the same as bringing in ex-Cup winner Randy Carlyle.

This is bringing in the best COACH in the NHL for the last 10 years to restore the bottom feeding Leafs to a position of prominence, power, respect, playoffs, and hopefully…the Stanley Cup.

Sass Jordan once sang these lyrics…

I will always have my faith, I’ll have my faith

I will make you a believer

Oh, I will make you a believer

AND for the first time in my life…

Leafs ownership have made me a believer.

Thank You Shanahan.

More importantly,

Thank you Mike Babcock…the child in me is happy…the Adult in me is content…

I am a Believer.