Saying Goodbye to Tomas Kaberle


Appreciation: An open letter to Tomas Kaberle

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Dear Tomas:

It’s never easy to say goodbye to a family member. And over more than 12 seasons, 878 games and countless memories, that’s exactly what you became.

It all started on October 10, 1998.

CPT10638676Two years after getting drafted by Toronto as a shy 18-year-old, there you were in your NHL debut against the Red Wings. There you were in your new home, far away from your old home in the Czech Republic.

A spirit of change floated toward the rafters that night.

It was the last time a season would begin at Maple Leaf Gardens. It was the first time the Leafs were in the Eastern Conference. The word “rebuild” was used more than once that summer.

DC1st_0214EYou played nearly 30 minutes that night. You were on the ice for power plays and even the final minute of Toronto’s thrilling 2-1 win. And although it was sketched in the dotted-line silhouette of first impressions, your extraordinary skill level was obvious.

You skated with the grace of a swan. You passed the puck with elegance and precision. None of this ever stopped once it started.

Cpt11637959We didn’t know much about you back then. Certainly, there was no way to divine the numbers and milestones now attached to your name with bittersweet finality: 520 career points. Eighth on the all-time list for games played in Toronto. The second-highest number of assists and points for a defenceman in team history, behind only a fellow by the name of Borje Salming.

2011-02-09T022436Z_01_SHN607_RTRMDNP_3_NHL(2)Even this season, even after all this time, the numbers remain impressive: 35 assists ties you for fifth among all NHL defencemen and 16th among all skaters on all teams. Put it this way: You now have one more assist than Sidney Crosby and have factored into more than a quarter of the Leafs’ 146 goals this season.

How the Leafs compensate for these backend numbers is their problem. How you slience criticism that surfaced from certain corners in recent years – “He doesn’t shoot enough,” “He doesn’t really care about winning” – is your problem.

Solving problems is what good families do.

Jo9zcfz2You wanted to stay in Toronto. You asked for a contract extension. But when all was said and done, when it became obvious the family needed to change, you helped the only team you’ve ever known find a new team for your services.

You did the right thing and for that you should be commended.

In an ideal world, of course, you would have retired in blue and white during a sentimental ceremony. But idealism and sentiment should never cloud the cold decisions that need to be made in the world of professional hockey.


That spirit of change is floating up again toward the rafters.

The Leafs could have lost you for nothing on July 1. The “rebuild” word is in heavy rotation, just like when you were a rookie in that October game against Detroit.

So even though it feels like a day of mourning, the truth is, we should be celebrating. We should be celebrating everything you did for us. And we should celebrate the arrival of yet another first-round pick and yet another promising young prospect.

We may worry about what your departure means to the word we dare not use. We may second-guess this or that. But here’s the thing: Sometimes you have to say goodbye to yesterday to welcome tomorrow.

So as trades go, when you factor in both time and need, this one feels beneficial for all involved. In the short-term, Boston benefits. In the long-term, Toronto benefits. And in between, you benefit.

84425433You represented the Leafs in four NHL All-Star games. You represented the Czech Republic in three Winter Olympics. Along the way, you carried yourself with class and dignity, always content to inhabit the shadows away from the spotlight, always the same shy teen when the cameras flashed and the microphones whirred.

So this is it, then. Good luck in Boston. We are excited for you and excited for what we may become in the days and weeks and months ahead.

Farewell and thank you.


I read this from an online source & I had to reprint this the above article,

The thoughts below are mine

I’m really gonna miss Tomas,

Tomas leaving is on the shoulders of Brian Burke & Ron Wilson…

Put whatever spin you want on the trade,

Tomas wanted to finish his career where he started…and now he won’t…

I hope the Douche Party running the Maple Leafs are happy,

I’m not, I’m forever changed…

I’m scarred…


My First Time



My First time,

To those who read this title expecting a story about sex, you will be disappointed, kind of like how most “First Times” are disappointing….haha

My First Time is not about sex, it’s about my experience on Game Day – Saturday October 9th 2010 to be exact. Game day being the undefeated Toronto Maple Leafs facing the winless Ottawa Senators.

Over the years Ottawa has played well against the beloved blue and white and on occasion, showed dominance. That is the regular season story. The Senators have never beat their Ontario rivals in the playoff ever, although they generally had more skilled teams then my Leafs, the Leafs clearly always had more heart. Think Gary Roberts.

I was having a stressful week. I realized that some people are not who they appear to me, so I’ve made the decision to cut those phony people out of my thoughts & out of my life.

I was looking forward to the weekend, I was planning on watching the Leafs destroy the Ottawa Senators at Real Sports.

Then out of the blue, my good friend Garrett Bauman got a hold of me, asked me if I was interested in going to the Leafs game.

I think that may have been the greatest thing anyone has ever asked me.

I can honestly say I am one of the biggest Toronto Maple Leafs fans ever. However living in every province has only allowed me the opportunity to watch the Blue & White on television.

Now that I live in Ontario I have looked forward to the fall, because that means hockey for me. Hockey means one thing to me, Canada’s team is now ready to take the ice.

The Toronto Maple Leafs played a very spirited game 1 and were able to defeat the Montreal Canadians 3-2.

Since my Leafs were undefeated I was looking forward to game 2 of this young season.

Montreal was always the team I loathed since I was a young child. They took our AHL team out of Nova Scotia and put many people out of work. That started my hatred of that franchise.

However, the NHL decided to grant Ottawa a franchise. Public enemy now has been replaced by the Ottawa Senators.

When Garrett asked me if I wanted to go to the game, it was like the best news ever.

At this point in my life, I had never been to a Maple Leafs game live before. I never had the honor of being in the Mecca of Hockey, AKA Maple Leaf Gardens. I was very excited to see the ACC, I was more excited to see the Leafs play in person.

I told anyone and everyone the Leafs would beat Ottawa Senators 6-1. Most told me I was out of my mind. Hmm, well maybe I am, maybe I am not. That was the score that was stuck in my mind.

I headed down from the Dead Zone that is Brampton/Mississauga border.

I parked my Jeep and headed to Maple Leaf Square where I discovered a great concept a Tailgate party.

I want people to keep in mind, people who have lived in Ontario for a long time or all their lives have had countless opportunities to see the Leafs play.

These things may not mean anything to you, but they meant a lot to me. I got to see Brian Burke in person speaking live to fans like me. I got to watch the Marlies play on the big screen outside the ACC.

I also got to hear a cool band called the Carpet Frogs perform, I love frogs, so I thought this was quite cool. It was great seeing all the fans in Blue&White. I could not believe the different Leafs sweaters I saw.

Sundin, Lindros, Kaberle, Mogilny, Cujo, Phaneuf, Kessel, Jonas G, Beauchemin, Giggy, Schenn, Domi, Gilmour, Clark, McCauley, Potvin, that sea of blue & white gear had me euphoric. I was wearing my Komisarek jersey as I knew few would be wearing that one, I was right.

If anyone is familiar with the show “How I Met Your Mom” then you know Barney Stinson, he loves to say “SUIT UP”, so suit up I did. I wore Maple Leafs boxers, socks, t-shirt, even had a Maple Leafs watch and belt. I also happen to have a real Toronto Maple Leafs tattoo. I wore my Komisarek jersey as I was feeling a bit unruly, so it seemed to be a logical choice. When I suit up, I suit up.

The highlight of the tailgate party might have been seeing Gail Gabrielle whip the crowd into a frenzy with the ticket & jersey giveaways. Go Leafs Go, boy do I love the Leafs, so happy to be a member for over 35 years now of Leafs Nation.

That was until the legend himself, #17 took the stage. Wendel Clark, that’s right, Wendel Freakin’ Clark.

I have long been a huge Wendel fan, right from his days with the Saskatoon Blades, of course his performances as a Leafs will live in my mind forever.

Hearing him talk about the glory days and the present and future of this team made me incredibly excited for the evenings game. I even got some pics of him, bonus.

It was time to head inside. Garrett showed me around the ACC, it was better then I thought it would be.

What could be better, cold beer, a freshly made sub without tomatoes(deadly allergic) and btw, it was nice that they made me a fresh sub, since they had 40 or so in the window waiting to be sold.

So back to my commentary, cold beer, a freshly made sub, and puck drop was fast approaching. I brought my HD Sony Cam cause I wanted to get lots of pics. I was surprised when the Security wanted to know if my cam was for professional use.

I told them it was not a professional camera (oops), haha

I let Garrett lead the way as I had no idea where to go or where the seats and sections were.

I sat in my seat, that’s when I noticed all the banners of their Stanley Cup wins. I took so many photos before the game, during the game and after the game.

I realized that for me, this would be a memory I would never ever forget.

Although the Leafs did not win 6-1 as I predicted, they did win 5-1 good enough for me. I mean this was my first Maple Leafs game ever. I loved the score.

Clarke MacArthur, Nikolai Kulemin, Phil Kessel, Tim Brent and Kris Versteeg all lit the lamp this evening.

The thing that tends to happen when one team is so thoroughly dominating another team is tempers seem to rise.

Chris Neil, who is obviously a dirty player and clearly is there for one reason only, cheap shots, hits from behind and fighting. He did his job, he cleaned Mike Browns clock.

I turned to Garrett and I said, wait Colton Orr will even that score, lo and behold Matt Carkner decides he wants to fight Colton Orr. Carkner obviously has mental issues, he had fought Orr, 5 times. Orr has beaten him in 4 of those fight, they all end up with Carkner flat out on his back, the only “Loss” that Orr has is when he lost his balance, that allowed Carkner to eke a victory out,so I’m being generous in giving Carkner the win.

This fight was like the Leafs final score, lopsided. Colton Orr did what he is paid to do. He kicked Carkner’s ass. It was glorious, something about seeing Orr win fight after fight is great. However, coming against an Ottawa Senators player is just too sweet. I didn’t expect a third tussle, but the refs broke up what would have potentially been an intriguing fight between Versteeg & Carrie Underwood’s hubby, Mike Fischer.

All in all considering the Leafs won 5-1, plus there were 3 fights, plus great goal-tending was displayed by JS Giguere and on a few occasions, Pascal LeClaire. If it were not for LeClaire the Leafs would have won 10 to 1. Pascal was brilliant on occasion.

Last season it took the Leafs 14 games to win two games. This is a great feeling knowing it took the Leafs 2 games this season to win 2 games.

I can easily see them winning all 3 games they play this week, can you imagine the Leafs winning 5 straight, I can…

After the game, we headed over to Real Sports (my second home)

We enjoyed some great food, great drink, met up with some other twitter friends, it was a great way to celebrate the day, it really was perfect, magical and amazing.

Hmmm, now that I think about it, my first time experiencing all that I did on game day, well it was better then my “First Time”

I guess if she and I performed the way the Leafs did that night, it would have been awesome, like most first timers..I performed like an Ottawa Senator, flat, lifeless,devoid of all emotion…(True Story)

Much like life, things get better in time, I have and so have my Toronto Maple Leafs, they are now better they have been in a very long time.

This is the season that the Toronto Maple Leaf fans have waited a long time for, not only will they make the playoffs, they will actually win Round 1 and I believe Round 2.

I can’t wait till I can go see another game live, Win or Lose…I am a Maple Leafs fan for life.I encourage everyone to watch the games on TV, or at Real Sports, or watch it live. I will also go see at least 25 to 30 Toronto Marlies games, You should too.

If you are like most and cannot afford a Leafs ticket, go watch the Toronto Marlies, they are fast, skilled, exciting and dynamic to watch. The Marlies are very inexpensive to watch. They have many players who will one day be Toronto Maple Leafs. The Marlies I believe will be in the Calder Cup finals this season…Count on It….

Think about it, the Marlies & the Leafs competing in the playoffs in the same season…I implore you to watch these games live, or at home or at Real Sports, but either way, support the Marlies, who are the future of the Leafs and always support Canada’s only hockey team,

The Toronto Maple Leafs,

All I can say is GO LEAFS GO – Lets Go Marlies GO LEAFS GO
