Why Boycott?




If you know me. You know that I’m passionate. I believe that life is best lived with passion.

The internet has only increased my passion as I’ve been able to learn a lot of things that are not readily available in a book.


For example, before the internet, I likely was unaware of just how evil companies really are…like for example.. companies that test their products on animals…


Axe, ArmorAll, 409, Downy, Giorgio Armani, Estee Lauder, Herbal Essences, Pampers, Ponds, AquaFresh, Clorox Dry Idea, Green Works, Head & Shoulders, Olay, Pledge, Revlon, Raid, Tommy Hilfiger, Tide, Scope, Mr.Clean, Listerine, Ivory, Febreze, Dolce&Gabana, BandAid, Clinique, Dove, Dial, Colgate, Elizabeth Arden, Garnier, Old Spice Puffs, Vicks, Redken, Windex, Vidal Sassoon, Maybelline, Palmoliver, Oral-B, Rogaine, Neutrogena, Off, Gillette, Bic ChapStick, Crest, Coppertone, Drano, Glad, Pine Sol, Secret, Vaseline, Woolite, L’Oreal, Lysol, Merk, IAMS, Avon Arm & Hammer, 3M, Aveeno, Acuvue, Hugo Boss, Right Guard, Nestle

AND INDUSTRIAL Mega Powers: Unilever, Proctor & Gamble & Johnson & Johnson ALSO test on animals….this to me is appalling..testing on animals is no different to me than Nazi Scientists “testing”  on humans.

Just like humans, animals feel pain, misery, sadness & death..and it’s not acceptable to me.

Than you have companies like Walmart & Costco




Walmart & Costo are BOTH Guilty of this


“The Guardian, which spoke with several escaped slaves, reports truly horrifying conditions on the fishmeal ships. Laborers work 20-hour days for no pay, and are tortured, beaten, and sometimes murdered. Some are given meth as fuel for a long shift.”

YET ANOTHER Just reason why I don’t shop at Walmart.

AND Costco continues to be a pit of despair, they also sell products that kill dogs…


Than you have Tim Hortons, Pepsi, Doritos, FritoLay, Nutella, Krispy Kreme & Dunkin Donuts who do this…




This is why I boycott companies, over things like this.

Add Ikea (founder belonged to the Nazi Party)

Ford, IBM, Hugo Boss, Kodak, Volkswagon all HAVE a past that’s tied to the Nazi party

Starbucks uses GMO’s, Monsanto is the Anti-Christ of all businesses..

AND, I always include SeaWorld, Marineland & Loro Parque

I’m losing faith in humanity…


If you know any companies that should be on a Do Not Support List…

Let me Know…



The Ugly Truth About Caring – From the Point of view of a Misinformed Extremist :)




My entire life I always knew animals did not belong in tanks, or cages, but it wasn’t until I learned the truth did things really change for me.

The truth is, social media has done a lot to educate me along with the countless thousands of websites that are out there dedicated to giving the voiceless a voice.

You can try to spin it anyway you want, but the reality is, it’s not ok to lock a human in a cage, or to kidnap them from where ever they come and be forced to perform for money, for the pleasure of others.

It’s also NOT ok to forcibly rape another human, or force the same bloodlines to commit incest.

It’s also not ok to lock animals in a cage or a tank and force them to perform stunts for our perverse pleasure, all so the owners can continue to get richer.

We also accept that it’s wrong to lock a child, a dog or a cat in a hot car with no air or water to stay hydrated…


This past 72 hours has been eye opening for me…

I’ll start with the first thing…

I attended the #FreeKiska Demonstration at Marineland in Niagara Falls on Saturday…


Although the St Catharines Standard erroneously and inaccurately reported “50 or less”

My photographs proved otherwise, love when journalists who don’t attend just print lies.

I am not saying they’re on the payroll of Marineland, but when I do a headcount and it’s 137 people.

That is NOT 50.

I guess if you say hardly anyone showed up, it makes it look like everyone is ok with the nonsense at Marineland.

Another thing that shocked me was older women (40’s to 60″s) screaming vulgar profanities…

I expected that from the men. AND they did not disappoint. Typical of my gender. Barbarians.

Not all, some of them.

Another thing NOT mentioned in the St.Catharines Standard, was the fact that for the most part, the parking lots were 75% vacant…


The first 4 or 5 parking lots were overgrown with grass or debris, suggesting, it’s been ages since many cars have parked in those lots…

While I was there photographing the #FreeKiska Demonstration, I did notice something that I thought was unusual…

3 Buses Filled with Mennonites from 3 different cities in Upstate New York were being shuttled in…

Guess Marineland might need some new customers?

One Day — the hard work of all those who care will see the day come where #EmptyTheTanks will be reality…




After I left that demonstration…

I headed on over to the Circus protest in St Catharines….

At one point, about 37 people were protesting..which is better than the less than 20 people inside.

The people going inside for the most part were polite..but some were very hostile and very misogynistic.

I think the circus is barbaric, inhuman, cruel etc…


I was already irked by the rude people from the morning haha…

I stayed on the premises photographing everything for about 4 hours..

There was one long trailer, with a few windows, no air conditioning and it was already super hot,

Soooo, anything inside would be trapped inside a furnace…

What was in that trailer?

A Zebra, some sort of goat or antelope with crazy horns, 2 baboons, a house cat that did “tricks” and a jaguar…

The baboons were fed Gatorade, yes Gatorade and were let out once.

The jaguar was locked in the cage for over 4 hours before Michael Hackneberger gave it water after I got vocal with him..

The Zebra smashed its hooves against the stall for 4 hrs…also smashed its face against the bars till it’s muzzle was bleeding

5 hours after I ARRIVED the zebra was taken out…the limp was noticeable

I was very upset but what I witnessed..and I stewed about it all day…I did file a complaint with the OSPCA..

I also talked about it on social media..

The woman who is paid to tweet for the Bowmanville Zoo tried to engage me in Conversation…

She started her comments by calling me misinformed. I told her I was not misinformed, and since I’ve had several similar conversations with her, I wasn’t interested in another pointless one.

She then called me an extremist…

So be it..I am an extremist..because I care about respecting all forms of life..sue me….

After that, her “friends” in the Toronto Twitterati proceeded to rip me…

Saying my opinion was not credible, since I’m a new vegetarian (transitioning to vegan)..

For the record, my diet has NOTHING to do with what I witnessed Saturday….


Since my detractors and the person who tweets for the Bowmanville Zoo were NOT at the Protest on Saturday…

They have ZERO credibility…

My words are true, as are my photos..as are the voices of everyone who saw what I saw…

My detractors…

You will NOT break me..



Job 35:11

King James Version (KJV)

11 Who teacheth us more than the beasts of the earth, and maketh us wiser than the fowls of heaven?


The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated.

Mahatma Gandhi













This is about Blackfish, it’s also about Marineland.

Allow me to introduce myself…

I’m that guy who is more than just a hardcore sports fan.

I’m as vocal about animals and their rights to not be treated inhumanely.

If you know me in real life, or if you know me in social media circles…

You know that I’m a pretty passionate person, I tend to where my heart on my sleeve…

And I’m ok with that…

Through the power of social media, I’ve done some amazing things and met some amazing people.

When I first moved to Ontario, I’d heard stories about Marineland, and it made me sad,

It made me think back to the late 80’s and early 90’s when I lived in Victoria..and a young woman who worked at Sealand lost her life…

I remember visting Sealand, and I remember the Orcas, I especially remember Tilikum, Tilikum was massive…

Growing up in Nova Scotia, I was well aware of the dangers of marine creatures…

I just assumed trainers were well trained, and I bought the press at the time…

“Trainer Error”

I remember how sad the whales looked, and I knew in my heart, they didn’t belong at Sealand.

Moving to Ontario, I read everything I could about MarineLand & I learned everything I could about the owner John Holer.

As a matter of public record, John Holer has been charged with over 50 offences by Law Enforcement agencies…

Mass graves of hundred of marine & non-marine animals have been discovered on his property as well…

Being active in social media, I got wind of a person named Dylan Powell, who is an animal activist.

I volunteered to come down, take photos, write blog pieces or anything else I could do to help.

In no uncertain terms Dylan Powell, rudely and viciously refused to help.

That’s his loss.

I still knew I wanted to know more and so I eventually connected online with Phil Demers a former trainer at Marineland, he was a trainer there for over 12 years. I also was able to connect with Mike Garrett, another animal activist.

Mike and Phil have done so much to educate people about the horrific death camp that is Marineland. In fact, they’ve been so successful, John Holer of Marineland has sued Mike…

However, a countersuit is in action.

They have done nothing other than to educate people to the fact that these marvelous marine animals do not belong in captivity.

Animals that are going blind, animals with chunks of skin missing, animals that spend most of their life in a little concrete box, except to enterain us “Intelligent Species”

It got me to thinking…

A lot of people think that criminals should not be forced into solitary confinement, because criminal or not, it’s inhumane.

If you institutionalize a human for years and years and years…if he’s ever released, he’s not the same as he was before he went in.

How do you think Kiska feels being all alone….

I wouldn’t like to be alone…and I suspect neither would most of my readers…so if it’s not ok for us..why is it ok for them…

And don’t say, it’s just a fish, or just an animal..that would show nothing but ignorance.

Scientists, biologists will tell you, that orcas are one of the most social and intelligent creatures on this planet.

They feel happiness, joy, they also feel the pain of sorrow, sadness and death of their calves, their children.

We would never let someone go in and take away a child from a parent just for the heck of it.

But in the world of Marine parks, this is perfectly acceptable. There’s not one single marine park to my knowledge that has an actual family of Killer whales.

What I’ve learned is that it’s a mish mash of orcas from all sorts of different pods and from all over the world.

It’s not surprise that orcas in captivity tend to attack and kill other orcas in the tank from time to time.

Getting back to Marineland, it’s not a place for an Orca to be…

The following is a list of deceased killer whales who were at MarineLand:

An unnamed whale died at the park in October 1992 from drowning.

Junior, a wild Icelandic male Orca, died in June 1994.

Kanuck, separated from mother, Kiska, and stored in a warehouse. Died at age 4 in 1998.

An unnamed whale born at Marineland died in June 1998.

Nova died in August 2001.

Algonquin died in August 2002 due to a twisted intestine.

April died in April 2004.

Neocia died in August 2004 at Marineland.

Hudson died in 2004 with the cause of death being meningitis.

Kandu 7 was a wild whale from Iceland that died in 2005.

Katak/Splash was born at Marineland and was moved to Sea World in 1992 for health treatment. He died in April 2005.

Athena died sometime in spring 2009. The cause of death was by infection.

Malik, a three-year-old orca, died due to a deficient immune system.

An unnamed wild died while being moved from Marineland to Japan.

Did you know Keiko, from “Free Willy” was at Marineland decades ago?

Taking into account, these are just the orcas that the public knows about, there could be more..add the mass graves and you see there is a serious problem.

Marineland should not be allowed to operate…it’s a blight on Ontario, Canada, the globe & those who care…

Education people is the only way to start change,

Think about documentaries like “An Inconvenient Truth” or “Sharkwater” or “Revolution” or “The Cove”

They’ve done a lot to educate people on the environment & sharks and the finning of live sharks and the slaughter of dolphins…

Because of Mike Garrett & Phil Demers & other concerned people, I learned of a new documentary on the horizon


When I researched what Blackfish was all about, It gave me a weird, sad, feeling, because the star of this movie is really Tilikum…

Tilikum, the same orca that had played a role in the death of the young woman back in the early 90’s in Victoria.

Tilikum has been busy – he killed a transient person who broke into SeaWorld & he also killed another trainer…

3 deaths…were they all preventable? Yes, I believe so.

Here’s the thing though, and it’s going back to the earlier train of thought, institutionalize a human, he will lash out when he gets the chance…

Put a 12000 pound Orca in a bathtub, it’s not a matter of if he will attack/kill but a matter of when.

Orcas do not belong in captivity. Humans are responsible for every death, and every accident, and do you know over 70 incidents have been documented in North America and human trainers since the 70’s.

These are the ones reported, how many others have gone unreported.

I don’t want to give away all the details of this amazing movie. I implore everyone to watch it on October 24th when it debuts on CNN.

I want you to think about this. In the wild, an orca can live between 35 to 80 years…

In captivity, it is usually 30 or less years.

In the wild orcase reproduce for the first time when they are 10 years or older…

BUT, hey, because we use all kinds of fancy equipment, as soon as they start to ovulate, they are artificially inseminated, usually starting at 4 years of age until they cannot reproduce.

Tilikum has already killed 3 humans.

54% of the Orcas at SeaWorld have his genes…

Humans have a long memory,

So do killer whales, they remember how they were captured, they remember the births of their offspring, the deaths of their offspring or mates and they remember the taste of everything they eat.

I don’t think any of the orcas in capitivity for decades can ever just be let go – but much like Keiko, I think they can be partially integrated back in the wild.

A male healthy killer whale can be worth up to 5 million dollars, guess we know why these parks don’t want to let their orcas go.

Watching Blackfish, already confirmed what I knew, that Captivity Kills…but I also learned a lot more things that disturbed me.

Blackfish was screened because people like Phil Demers & Mike Garrett really care.

It wasn’t just a screening that Friday night in St.Catharines,

The world famous Dr.Naomi Rose was also there… and so was an actual FORMER trainer from SeaWorld, Samantha Berg.

After the screening, they both fielded many questions from a jammed packed audience.

They were gracious, on point, eloquent, and passionate.

They added a real sense of humanity to what we had just watched.

Having a former trainer from SeaWorld also made the movie a lot more powerful,

Because Samantha, she was there at SeaWorld, she was speaking for Tilikum and for all the orcas in captivity.

I won’t forget her words, the words of Dr.Naomi Rose & what I learned watching Blackfish.

I hope that I can be a small part of the changes needed to end captivity of these beautiful marine creatures.

Blackfish should be watched by everyone.

There is no excuse for ingorance and Blackfish very skillfully shows you the ignorance that exists in this world today when it comes to the mighty orca.

I was very happy to be able to attend the screening, it was a packed auditorium, the people were receptive to what they had watched…and I salute Mike Garrett & Phil Demers & Dr Naomi Rose & Samantha Berg for making this event what it was….

My only question to you is..are you for captivity or against captivity..

If you’re against it, don’t you think you need to start talking to the people that make the laws,

Should Marineland be allowed to operate? Of course not, but hey as long as John Holer continues to make shady deals with ex mayors & current mayors, will anything change?

It’s time to speak out demand change, continue to educate the masses…

Maybe one day this will all just be a dark footnote of our evolution…

If it’s not ok, to mistreat humans & cage them…

It’s not ok to do the same to animals…

We must be the voice of the voiceless…

Will you be watching Blackfish on CNN on October 24th?

For more information feel free to follow:






and of course myself,
