My Thoughts on Mike Babcock.

Photo Property of Enigma Photography

Mike Babcock

I’m not a paid blogger. I don’t work in journalism or sports media of any kind.

I’m just a Leafs fan who occasionally writes a blog about hockey.

Here are my thoughts… I hope you enjoy them.

Peter Horacheck, Pat Quinn, Pat Burns, Mike Babcock…one name doesn’t seem to fit does it.

Pat Quinn is a legend to Vancouver Canucks fans, and of course, to LeafsNation…Pat Quinn is also a legend. Pat Burns, nothing needs to be said other than, he is larger than life to the fan base of Leafsnation (well, anyone that can remember his time)

Peter Horachek…will never be a good NHL Head Coach. Some people are born leaders, others are better off as background noise.

Now, how about that Mike Babcock guy; some might point to his 1997 World Junior Gold Medal as the Coach. Some might mention his 2004 Gold Medal at the World Championships. If you wanted to add some more Gold, mention his 2010 & 2014 Back to Back Olympic Gold Medals.

However, if we’re talking NHL, you might want to mention he never missed the playoffs in the 10 seasons he was with the Detroit Red Wings. Or his Stanley Cup win.

His critics would say, that’s because Detroit buries their prospects in Grand Rapids, teach them the same system in Detroit, so that when they make the NHL – they’re ready.

I’d like to examine that statement. His critics won’t give credit because they say it’s the system…not the coach.

Merriam-Webster says the definition of “Coach” is this…

: a person who teaches and trains an athlete or performer

: a person who teaches and trains the members of a sports team and makes decisions about how the team plays during games

Regardless of what system Ken Holland and Mike Babcock have mandated for Grand Rapids it’s up to the Individual coaches to make sure they coach each player in that system.

The reality is, Mike Babcock, coached every player on his team, and would get the maximum out of them.

This is the prime reason they always made the playoffs under his regime.

Coaches coach. They either do it well…or they do it poorly.

I remember when the Leafs would beat the Senators every single time they met in the playoffs. It was remarkable; because on paper, they were the inferior team. They won in part because of heart and will to win…but they also won because we had superior coaching.

I’ve been a long time fan of the Leafs. I’ve been cheering since the 1970’s for my beloved blue and white

1993…that was the best year ever for being a Leafs fan, well, right until Gretzky and Fraser screwed us.

Since 1993, not a whole lot to be over the moon about.

Mike Babcock changes everything.

There have been some big days in Leafs history.

BUT…since 1967…there have been few huge moments…

Doug Gilmour coming here, Mats Sundin coming here were great days,

Drafting Wendel, that was awesome, so was bringing Pat Quinn & Pat Burns into the fold.

And May 21st 2015 is now a day to mark on the Calendar…that’s the day Mike Babcock was officially introduced to the world as the NEW HEAD COACH of the Toronto Maple Leafs.

Mike Babcock has a pedigree that you cannot dispute….you can’t always say it’s all about the players; pro sports are filled with loaded teams, who don’t get it done.

Mike Babcock will make things happen.

When I heard yesterday that Babcock had agreed to come to Toronto…I instantly had mixed emotions.

I just couldn’t fathom that Mike would come here. I mean let’s be honest… I know he’s a #Leafs fan from his younger years, and coaching ANOTHER Original 6 team…that’s pretty cool too.

When I learned he was signed for 50 Million dollars, I thought to myself…that’s why he’s coming here.

I also thought to myself, the best coach in the NHL is not coming to the Leafs, while they do a full on rebuild…I’m thinking, ok, we’re going to get a quick fix and not the rebuild we need.

I’m a very passionate, intelligent, knowledgeable hockey fan. These thoughts, all are logical and make sense.

I know that to be a good team, you need the right brain trust, Tampa, Chicago, Detroit, come to mind.

I made a point of listening to the press conference, and I made a point to listen to Mike Babcock on the Bob McCown show this afternoon.

It’s amazing how things can change. I’m preconditioned to never believing anything the people at MLSE tell us. I said at the end of the season, I doubted we’d rebuild. I said “I want to believe” but… been disappointed by MLSE way too often.

This morning, I wanted to focus on Mike Babcock. NOTHING else.  I watched his body language, paid attention to tempo, pitch, volume and came to this conclusion.

I can put my guard down.

Mike Babcock put on an Oscar winning performance of total bullshit, smoke and mirrors, or…he told the truth.

Taking MLSE & the Leafs out of this for just a moment; I believe Mike Babcock.

It seems in the Olympics and in the NHL & the IIHF tournaments that players & management believe in Mike Babcock. They’re the pros; I’m just a hick country boy who loves hockey.

Mike Babcock won me over. I have zero doubt, that he will help put a system in place, so that prospects like Bibeau, Nylander, Brown, Leipsic, Valiev etc are NOT rushed to the Leafs.

I believe that Mike came here, not because of the 50 Million, but because MLSE was willing to sign him for 8 years and NOT give him an out-clause.

Shanahan & MLSE have proven to Babcock that they are committed to bringing accountability and respect back to the ACC.

I was apprehensive, because the Leafs need a full on rebuild, and I didn’t think a coach with Babcock’s pedigree would want to put up with 2, 3, 4, 5 years of futility.

Mike Babcock is a coach.

: a person who teaches and trains an athlete or performer

: a person who teaches and trains the members of a sports team and makes decisions about how the team plays during games

In Toronto…this is what Mike will do. He will become legend if we bring the Holy Grail home.

Players who take days off like Phil, Joffrey & Tyler are on borrowed time.

Mike didn’t let his player’s coast in Detroit. It will not happen in Toronto.

A lot can happen in 24 hours…I went from being apprehensive about the best coach in the NHL coaching the Leafs to thinking….the Leafs have the best coach in the NHL and we are now going to have the best coached roster in the NHL.

If I’m a free agent in the next few years, Malkin for example…or… those kids from Ontario named Tavares and Stamkos…If I’m Stamkos or Tavares, am I thinking it would be cool to play for Mike and in front of my hometown fans?

Who doesn’t want to play for the best coach?

Mike Babcock has SWAG, he’s got a lot of GOLD MEDALS & He’s got a Stanley Cup….this isn’t the same as bringing in ex-Cup winner Randy Carlyle.

This is bringing in the best COACH in the NHL for the last 10 years to restore the bottom feeding Leafs to a position of prominence, power, respect, playoffs, and hopefully…the Stanley Cup.

Sass Jordan once sang these lyrics…

I will always have my faith, I’ll have my faith

I will make you a believer

Oh, I will make you a believer

AND for the first time in my life…

Leafs ownership have made me a believer.

Thank You Shanahan.

More importantly,

Thank you Mike Babcock…the child in me is happy…the Adult in me is content…

I am a Believer.

100 Things About Me…The Oaks Edition…


100 Things About Me…The Oaks Edition…some of these things you might know about me…some you might not…

I hope this blog inspires others to do the same. I like learning about people. Maybe some of you will learn new things about me.

  1. My animal advocacy/activism has nothing to do with what I say or think when it comes to professional sports. Regardless of what anyone says or thinks. They are not one in the same.
  1. If you don’t like my tweets, my Facebook posts, my blogs, V-Logs, the solution is simple, don’t follow me on Social Media; Or don’t engage on tweets you don’t agree with; Unless you can keep it classy.
  1. Although I am impressed that ANYONE chooses to follow me. You don’t own me or my thoughts. My thoughts are mine, and yours belong to you.
  1. I’m the Oaks…you’re not. Get over the fact that I say stuff that is considered confrontational. I’d rather be convicted on my passions that to be spineless and inconsequential to the global community.
  1. Social Media isn’t a popularity contest with me. I will keep it clean; Unless you come at me; then I will bury you. If you don’t follow me, and you want to start shit with me; It won’t ever end well for you.
  1. I know I’m awesome. I don’t need Approval from people online. Compliments are nice. Lip service is not.
  1. I despise social media. I love social media
  1. I am not happy that women are treated so poorly all across the globe, I’m irate with the destruction of our planet…all in the name of progress. Any kind of social injustice related to women, animals, or wrongfully imprisoned will wind me up
  1. I love the rain.
  1. I can cook & bake better than ANYONE I know.
  1. If I follow you on any social media channels, recognize you are special. I don’t follow Ham and Eggers.
  1. People that make fun of special needs individuals…there’s a special place in hell for you.
  1. I always wanted a tattoo of the #13
  1. Police, Military, EMT’s, Firefighters, First Responders. You’re my heroes. What you are willing to do on a daily basis is remarkable to me. Thank you.
  1. Single parents who get the job done. You amaze me 24/7
  1. I wish Simmons, Cox, Mirtle, Feshuk, Milner,Strombo, Kypreos.Healy, would all take a 10 year trip to the Sudan.
  1. People who teach me new things. I love and respect you, thank you for helping me grow.
  1. I read chapters of the Bible every single day.
  1. I don’t like Hate. Hate Leads to Anger. Anger leads to …oh…never mind hahah (but a bad emotion)
  1. I’d have zero issue with shooting a poacher in the head for killing a rhino, tiger, giraffe, lion etc.
  1. Star Trek, SuperHero Movies, Star Wars, XFiles. I love this genre, Science Fiction is good stuff.
  1. I like all sports, except Golf. Golf is an excellent reason to drink heavily.
  1. I grew up watching Pro Wrestling. BUT, it’s not the same. The internet ruined wrestling.
  1. My dream in life is to leave North America, work for National Geographic as a photographer.
  1. If I can’t do my dream job, I want to do missions work in war torn countries.
  1. My dream in life has never been to be a pro athlete. Ever.
  1. I love classical music and opera too. (shhh, don’t tell anyone)
  1. I bleed blue and white. That means Toronto Maple Leafs and Toronto Marlies.
  1. My faith will always come first. My friends come next.
  1. Don’t ever question my morals or integrity. They’re more than words inked on my skin. I’d step in front of a train for those I love.
  1. I have made a lot of mistakes in my life. Some life altering and changing, I wish I could make things right to those I hurt.
  1. I wish I was fancy, but, I’m not. I’m just a hick from the East Coast.
  1. I love Country Music.
  1. I like James Reimer haha, no seriously. It’s impossible to talk smack about him.
  1. I love tattoos. I want to be fully sleeved, arms and legs.
  1. I’m a Christian with a very salty mouth & a temper you’d be wise not to cross.
  1. I’m an animal activist/advocate. I prefer animals over most humans. Animals, eat, sleep, defecate and reproduce. Zero Malice in them
  1. My favorite author on the planet is Simon Toyne — anyone that likes BRILLIANT Literature needs to read his books.
  1. Teachers, you deserve to be taken care of.
  1. I don’t eat red meat. I backslide and occasionally eat chicken. I rarely eat fish. I don’t drink milk from animals.
  1. I don’t support any business that uses Palm Oil in their products. I don’t trust that it’s not from heavily deforested areas. That is the #1 reason, tigers, rhinos and orangutans are dying.
  1. I love my beard. It’s 1 month old, but I will keep growing it.
  1. I cheer for the Toronto Blue Jays. There is NO other MLB I cheer for.
  1. I don’t smoke.
  1. I don’t do drugs. Unless you count a beer, a bourbon, a glass of wine, a martini or coffee as a drug.
  1. I don’t have a favorite CFL team. I’ve lived in every province that has a CFL team. My home province doesn’t have one.
  1. I favor capital punishment. However, having said that, I don’t believe it should be used in every situation. Rapists, Child killers should get the death penalty. It’s a proven fact that recidivism for violent crime is literally automatic. This to me is unacceptable. I believe it should also be used for those who commit treason, acts of terrorism, and anyone who takes the life of a first responder, law enforcement, EMT’s Firefighters….it should be their punishment.
  1. I like Westerns…the old cowboy movies from the 40’s and 50’s they tend to be my favorite
  1. I love RomComs. I can’t help it. I like them.
  1. If you judge me soley on what you see on twitter. Or any other social media channels; You’ve no idea who I am, and what you’re missing. PS. I still love Gustavsson.
  1. I’m a hopeless romantic. I have a lot of old school values. I believe in love.
  1. I believe in Chivalry.
  1. I love the outdoors.
  1. I love all 4 seasons.
  1. I have lived at one time or another in every Canadian province.
  1. I have over 20 different cameras.
  1. I have 2 sisters. I am the middle child. I also have 6 Half sisters. AND 1 Half Brother.
  1. I think about running for political office frequently.
  1. I’ve met famous people; one of my favorites was meeting Hulk Hogan and getting time to speak with him, and seeing a different side of the Hulkster.
  1. I have a very large garden. It is filled with many different fruits, vegetables and herbs.
  1. I support farmers markets.
  1. I love random road trips.
  1. I like antique markets, flea markets, yard sales.
  1. I don’t like being single. I wish I was married and a father.
  1. There are certain things I can never speak publicly of. There are some things that are too painful, too hard to admit.
  1. I like the NFL and I like the CFL, imagine that. I also like Tim Tebow. I’m entitled to that.
  1. I love the moon, the stars, planets etc. I’d like to become skilled at astrophotography.
  1. Any movie that has Al Pacino, Harrison Ford, Morgan Freeman, Tom Hanks, Denzel Washingon, Tommy Lee Jones, Will Smith, Bruce Willis, Robin Williams, Jim Cavizel, Nicholas Cage, Jason Statham, Sylvester Stallone, Ray Liotta, John Cusack, Robert DeNiro, Will Ferrell, Johnny Depp or Adam Sandler in it, means I will watch it at least twice.
  1. I love food. I think everyone has a love for food. I tend to however gravitate to more Non-North American cuisine. I find that Canadian/American cuisine is boring.
  1. I like stand-up comedy shows.
  1. I believe in God. Angels. The Devil, Demons and Spirits. Good and Bad. I believe that Jesus died on the cross. I believe he was resurrected. I believe that God forgives all sin, if you ask for forgiveness. Except one.
  1. I believe that Aliens exist. Alien simply means not from Earth. I believe God created many life forms on many planets. I’m not so close minded to think that out of the bajillion solar systems and galaxies, we’re the only planet with life.
  1. I love the CBC. I have very fond memories of certain shows growing up as a small child. The Friendly Giant, Switchback (with Stan Johnson & Rufus) The Beachcombers, Hockey Night In Canada. Video Hits (*sighs* Samantha Taylor) Good Rockin’ Tonite with the ORIGININAL host, Mr. Terry David Mulligan and the man who replaced him, Stu Jeffries, The 5th Estate, Land & Sea, Fraggle Rock, CODCO, Danger Bay, Degrassi Junior High (not the spinoff), Don Messer’s Jubilee, Four on the Floor with the Frantics, Kids In The Hall, Mr. Dressup, North of 60, These shows, I loved them. Amazing Canadian Programming.  American programming is NOT always better.
  1. Corner Gas is my favorite sitcom of all time. Big Bang Theory is a close second.
  1. I love Music, It’s not exactly a secret. What is though is I love musicals.  Whether it’s on Broadway or the Mirivish. I love Musicals  Also love movies that are Musicals.
  1. I’ve seen the first 4 seasons of Glee. I’m dreading watching the last 2 seasons.
  1. I like any show or movies about Vampires, Zombies, Werewolves or anything Paranormal.
  1. XFiles is my favorite show that deals with the paranormal.
  1. I am saddened by the crass commercialism of Christmas, Easter, Valentine’s Day. It’s is appalling to me.
  1. I don’t like Zoos, Aquariums (you know like Ripley’s) or Marine Parks (like SeaWorld, Marineland Canada). I believe keeping animal enslaved in conditions that are unnatural is immoral, unethical and subhuman. Zoos, aquariums, marine parks can NEVER replicate the natural habitats of these wonderful forms of life. These places exist so people can get rich. It has NOTHING to do with Conservation. These beautiful cratures are ripped from their homes and are sentenced to death. They never go home.
  1. I believe in true conservation of the Animal Kingdom. That is what I support.
  1. I really prefer living in small towns. The big city is not my first choice.
  1. I like riding my mountain bike.
  1. I love the beach, but not just to see the beautiful women at the beach, I love the sand, the rocks, the water, the smell of fresh air.
  1. As much as I am an extrovert, I am also an introvert.
  1. My eyes change color, green, brown, hazel, grey are the colors I’ve seen them
  1. I have a very high IQ. I’m extremely intelligent. I owe this to having mentors in my life. They taught me that education and knowledge are important and that you should always seek knowledge. This likely explains why I am constantly reading thousands of websites every month. I also read a lot of books.
  1. I like to stay current with what is happening in the world. How can you not pay attention to what happens on this planet.
  1. I am a compassionate person, deeply sensitive, and very much artistic. I like to write in many formats, be it blogs, short stories or poems.
  1. I am a photographer. Many know this. However, photography is something that helps me to clear my head, focus, and rediscover the immense beauty that still exists in this world.
  1. I donate blood. I am signed up to be an organ donor. I will donate bone marrow.
  1. Washington DC is one of my favorite American destinations. I love the Architecture there. The Smithsonian Museums, that’s an automatic stop for me.
  1. There is NOTHING like seeing the Ocean. I love Nature, the desert, mountains etc…but there is NOTHING like the ocean in my opinion.
  1. I am drawn to anything about the Titanic. It’s a story that haunts me. I am fascinated by everything Titanic.
  1. Jean is my favorite friend to have food adventures with. Well, she’s actually awesome to have adventures with that are not food related. She’s a camera/photography buff too. She gets my love of photography
  1. I have lost more loved ones to death than most people will experience in 10 lifetimes.
  1. I prefer Blackberry over Androids and iPhones. I’ve owned iphones, androids and windows phones. I prefer the security of Blackberry. The battery life is superior to the droids and iphones I’ve owned. I like expandable storage, something apple never figured out…people like expandable storage. You want a higher GB version of an iphone, you’re gonna pay through the nose for it. If you have an android or blackberry, MicroSD Cards are uber cheap. Blackberry has their app store on their phones, the amazon app store, and the google play store, I don’t suffer for lack of apps.
  1. I want to volunteer more often. I need to do this. I think everyone should volunteer time to charitable endeavours.
  1. My faith is important to me. If it were not, I’d likely have been dead by now. I’ve contemplated suicide in the past. The reasons I’ve thought about it, I won’t say. However, I believe that is a sin that cannot ever be forgiven. I do want to see those I’ve lost in the past. Choosing a path that is against God’s design, that won’t allow me to ever see them again. It is something I won’t ever do.
  1. I am human. I am right. I am also wrong. I can’t undo the past. I can only deal with the present and the ever moving march to the future. If I’ve wronged you, it could be something you did, or I did. However, I analyze everything I’ve said or done at some point in my life. If I believe after analysis that I am wrong; I will admit it. I will apologize if it is needed. Believe me, I am not a robot. I don’t like to hurt anyone. I’m not mean spirited. I act on emotion, passion, and intellect. That on occasion gets the best of me. Cruelty or Malice is NEVER my intent.

There you have it. 100 Things about me that you may or may not have known…

Your comments are always deeply appreciated.


Randy Carlyle has been fired..and What does Oaks think about that?

Photo Property of Enigma Photography

Randy Carlyle is no longer the Coach of the Toronto Maple Leafs…

You might expect me to jump for joy, because when I actively engaged in conversation about the Leafs on social media,

I tended to use #FireNonis & #FireCarlyle a lot.

I have blamed Randy Carlyle for many things during his tenure as the Coach of the Iconic Toronto Maple Leafs.

Right or wrong, the coach, & eventually the GM will always take the fall for failure to perform in the sporting world.

I wrote a blog earlier this offseason regarding how the Leafs have fared since Burke was fired.

If you didn’t read that. READ it. It explains why Randy, although the coach, should not shoulder 100% of the failure of the Toronto Maple Leafs.

Dave Nonis, said this “Inconsistency ended Randy Carlyle’s tenure as coach of the Toronto Maple Leafs”

Dave Nonis, is easily the worst General Manager the Leafs have ever had in my life.

Keeping in mind, I’ve been around since the 70’s

Randy Carlyle was fired, as many Leafs fans know after the Maple Leafs lost five of seven games on their last road trip.

This season the Leafs are 21-16-3 record this season & hold one of the two wild-card spots in the Eastern Conference.

Dave Nonis should stop talking, he’s an idiot…Dave Nonis also had this to say,

“I think we’d all agree we’ve had some good periods, good stretches, but I don’t think I can stand here in front of you and say that we’ve been consistent.”

“We just felt at this point this was the right time to make the change and move ahead and try to get this team back playing like we have played for periods this season.”

It’s been reported that Assistants Peter Horachek and Steve Spott will handle coaching duties for Wednesday night’s home game against the Washington Capitals.

Peter Horachek ran the first practice of the post-Carlyle era.

Dave Nonis did not indicate if or when the Leafs might hire a full-time head coach and you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out why…

Dave Nonis will have ZERO authority to make the next coaching hire. It will be Shanahan, with the Approval of MLSE who hires the next coach of the Toronto Maple Leafs.

The problem that I have with Horacheck & Spott handling coaching duties is obvious. The defence & offence are still horrid.

Is that because of the players Nonis brought in? Or is it because of Carlyle not listening to Horacheck & Spott if either suggested something outside Carlyle’s thinking…

Ot is it a combination of all 3?

According to Dave Nonis, no timeline has been established for a new hire.

Read between the lines, if Shanahan thinks Babcock would consider coming here…we’ll likely have Horachek running the team till the end of the season.

Dreger adds that all Leaf players are now potential trade targets as the team moves forward.

Well, what a novel thought…I’ve only been advocating trading any single player on the Leafs my entire life. You trade anyone and everyone, if it makes the team better.

It frustrates me that Brendan Shanahan has barely spoken a word publicly on the Toronto Maple Leafs since he was hired.

When ever the muppet Nonis opens his mouth, I wonder how much of it is his words, or your words.

I’m still waiting for Shanahan to win me over.

Firing Carlyle, not good enough, Dave Nonis saying it was a joint decision between himself And Shanahan…go drink some more MLSE KoolAid about you actually grow a pair..and prove you want to bring the Cup to Toronto.

Randy Carlyle did coach over 700 games and he did win a Stanley Cup. Not every coach can claim that distinction.

As coach of the Maple Leafs, Carlyle went 91-78-19 in 188 games as Leafs coach over parts of four seasons.

Factor in those shootout losses or OT losses..he lost 97 games as a coach here and won 91.

Dave Nonis mentioned that it was the right decision to give Carlyle a contract extension, yet all of his assistants were fired.

I knew the day would come when Randy Carlyle would be fired. He’s earned the right to be fired.

His line combinations, his obsession with using Tyler Bozak who is ideally suited to being a #2 or #3 Center as the #1 Center..even though every SINGLE analytic out there showed that Nazem Kadri produced better numbers.

His belief that the key to fixing the Leafs after the disaster against the Bruins was to go get ANOTHER Goalie…

What happened with that?

Dave Nonis went & traded Scrivens (a backup) & Matt Frattin to the LA Kings, who were more than happy to dump Bernier…because they knew Quick was better, and Martin Jones has a higher ceiling than Bernier.

LA quickly traded Frattin and Scrivens…showing people, they just wanted Bernier gone..ask Dean Lombardi about Bernier…he was thrilled to get rid of him.

After the epic meltdown in Boston, Phaneuf should have been shipped out, not rewarded with a monster contract, the Leafs should have made REAL attempts to get a REAL #1 D & a REAL #1 Center..

BUT, as history showed us, Nonis is an assclown who should have been fired long long long long before Carlyle.

I could easily place all the blame on Carlyle…as many of the dysfunctional fans in Leafsnation will…

BUT, the reality is this..

I give Dave Nonis 1/3 of the blame. He brought in bloated pieces of crap like Robidas, overpaid Phaneuf, Lupul, Bozak, overpaid BIG time for Komarov (who I like, just not at 4 years, 4 million per) grossly overpaid for 3rd line David Clarkson, overpaid for an average goalie in Bernier. AND THEN Brought Matt Frattin back….WHY?

I give Randy Carlyle 1/3 of the blame for this like I mentioned earlier, line combos, Bozak over Kadri etc…

The preferential treatment that Bernier gets over Reimer.

Don’t even argue this point, I can give enough examples..

Move along.

I also blame the players, they get 1/3 of the blame as well.

Every single member of the NHL Toronto Maple Leafs gets paid more money than most will see, ever, in a single season.

As a pro have one thing you’re supposed to do when you play the sport you are a member of…that job is to play to the highest level of your abilities.

Every single game, you can see the same players over and over who are not committed to winning.

I’m not going to single out Mr. Floater..Mr.Cherry Picker, Mr. I’ll never be a complete 2 way player, AKA Tyler Slowzak..or talk about one dimensional Kessel (can you imagine of Kessel actually used his speed, to be a 2 way forward)

I won ‘t even talk about Mr. Brittle AKA Mr Porn Star, you know, the guy that so many “female fans” say is so dreamy… (pukes) Joffrey Lupul

Lupul should have been dealt after the Boston series, that was likely his highest trade value in ages, if we get a pick for him, I’d be thrilled.

The bottom line is there are far too many players on the team that are consistently invisible, soft, disinterested and generally a liability.

The core of this team is JVR, (talented, but refuses to use his size properly, invisible more often than not)

Kessel, speedy, point producer…ZERO attempts to develop a 2 way game, which is why when he’s not scoring, he’s a massive liability on the ice.

Phaneuf. Overpaid. Plays way too many minutes. He’s never had the right partner since he came to Toronto.

Bozak…I’m not going there again. I need to repeat myself…

I want to include Franson, Gardiner & Reimer as being core members of the team, but I can’t because..

Reimer’s been screwed here since Game 7, he’ll be moved soon

Franson has been screwed in 3 straight contracts from MLSE. ( I hope he stays, but he’s UFA at seasons end..expect him to be dealt sooner than later.

AND Gardiner, with his speed & hands should have played his natural postion, which was NOT was on the Wing…

If you take the core as being Lupul, Bozak, Kessel, JVR, Phaneuf, Gards, Franson & Reimer…

Newflash**** that core will NEVER be good enough to win a cup, let alone win a division.

Therefore, Randy Carlyle, is the goat, but the truth of the matter is..the players & Nonis do NOT get a free pass from me.

We have serious cap issues, because of Nonis, Bernier & Kadri will soon be RFA and BOTH are going to want to GET PAID…

Players will be moved, no doubt about it.

I hope whomever the new coach is, they do things their way, it’s obvious, the Ron Wilson & Randy Carlyle way of doing things, it doesn’t work.

Amazing the Leafs have fired Greg Cronin, Dave Poulin, Claude Loiselle, Francois Allaire, Dave Farrish, Ron Wilson, Randy Carlyle, Brian Burke in the last 5 years , am I missing anyone else?

YET….somehow Dave Nonis keeps his job..


Even if I ignored EVERY single thing that has happened during the tenure of the Maple Leafs…

I could give you a perfect reason to FIRE Randy Carlyle…

Here it is…

The Maple Leafs are leading 4-1 –11 minutes left to go in Game 7…

Boston scores..No timeout called…

Boston scores again… No timeout called..

Boston SCORES again to tie the game.. No timeout…

History shows us that a playoff experienced team will usually always beat a team with little to no playoff experience.

Who’s to say that calling a timeout after the 2nd or 3rd, or EVEN the 4th goal would have made a difference.

However, if you’re a coach…you do have timeouts…USE THEM

The next Coach & GM, whether it’s Gilmour, Messier, Gretzky, Todd Gill, Noel, Peter Deboer, Eakins, Spott, John Tortorella, Mike Keenan, Peter Horacheck, Mark Hunter, Dale Hunter (likely no chance he leaves London) Mike Babcock, Dan Bylsma, Guy Boucher OR someone else will still have the same issues that Randy did.

They will inherit a spoiled, overpaid, underwhelming bunch of miscreants…and that NEW coach and/or GM will have a short stay here as well…

THE only way the new coach, and eventually GM will have any chance, is to blow this team apart…AGAIN *sighs*

AND as a lifelong fan of the Maple Leafs, more losing, and not making the playoffs, this makes me sad.

As I said, at the beginning of this blog, you think I’d be dancing, but I’m not…because Carlyle did deserve to be fired (Guaranteed Contract, still getting paid)

But, MLSE dropped the ball by NOT firing the Architect of this BRUTAL train wreck, 18 wheeler driving off the cliff…Mr. Dave Nonis.

I know who I’d like to see be the new coach, and also the new GM…but… I don’t run MLSE

There was a time, when putting on the Maple Leaf jersey meant something, it meant you played above your abilities, just ask Clark, Gilmour, Roberts, what it meant..course those guys didn’t take nights off…and they all made less than Nozak does per year… 😐

Randy Carlyle has been fired…

BUT, from this fan to other fans,

It’s not enough.

Too Hot For Twitter – My Take on The Toronto Maple Leafs



I always new that 140 characters would never be enough…

I also knew people would misinterpret what I tweet…

I decided to write this blog…so I can clear up any confusion, on how I REALLY feel…

I warned everyone that this would happen.

Last year, the Toronto Maple Leafs were arguably 1 Centre & 1 or 2 Shutdown Defensemen away from being a potential playoff threat, that playoff appearance was because Brian Burke put all the pieces together, while at the same time leaving the Toronto Marlies stacked.

You know, the Toronto Marlies team that seems to always be in the playoffs…It took Brian Burke just over 4 years to build a Leafs playoff team, he promised he’d do it in 5. Guess he overachieved. His reward, MLSE fired him before he was able to be the GM in their first playoff appearance in almost a decade.

Dave Nonis took over for Burke and in his very short tenure…what did he do since he took over?

He overpaid for Trevor Smith & he signed Tim Leiweke’s son in law, Troy Bodie…overpaid him too

He arguably overpaid Tyler Bozak who is NOT a legit #1 centre on any team that can actually win more than 2 games in a row. He signed Dave Bolland who was amazing for a few games, suffered a horrific injury and since his return is not the same player.

He signed David Clarkson (a player who I have admired for ages) to the second biggest contract in Maple Leafs history at the time) David had yet to play 1 SINGLE Regular season game before he was suspended 10 games, He’s got 4 goals and six assists this season, along with 8 fights… Easily the biggest free agent BUST the Maple Leafs have ever signed. Did I mention, he’s already been suspended twice this season.

Colton Orr & Fraser McLaren serve no purpose, other than to take up roster sports…For the record, if you have “fighters” on your team…shouldn’t they FIGHT…but hey, Nonis gave them deals.

I am happy that Nonis brought in Peter Holland, but since Carlyle is a dumb ass, he buried Peter Holland, who incidentally is a force with the Toronto Marlies…7 games, 7 points with the Toronto Marlies…

Everyone knows that Carlyle has a track record of alienating players, Just ask Mikhail Grabovski or Clarke MacArthur what they think of Coach Carlyle. I cannot WAIT to hear the comments from guys like Nazem Kadri, James Reimer, Jake Gardiner, Joffrey Lupul when they are no longer here.

Morgan Rielly, the guy that the majority of Leafs fans have anointed as Bobby Orr V2 more often that not, was a scratch…and when the 18 year old finally got to play consistently, what a shock he’s becoming a good player, does he make mistakes still…yes…but he’s a teenager becoming a man very quickly, playing against men.

Paul Ranger, (been a fan of his for a few years) has been away from the NHL for about 3 years, and while most were calling for his head…finally found his groove after about 40 games, (I said all year it would take 30-35 for him to do so) Sadly Paul Ranger was destroyed on a cheap hit..Season, most likely over.

Jake Gardiner & Cody Franson who have been in and out of Carlyle’s dog house all season, have still continued to play well for the most part. Jake is finding his offence, and Cody Franson continues to be a hitting & blocking machine.

Carl Gunnarsson, solid unspectacular, you watch, he’ll be dealt this offseason…

It would be bad if I didn’t talk about Phil Kessel. I love his speed. I love his goal scoring ability. I hate to even say this, but Phil Kessel was evolving into a complete player under Ron Wilson, a guy I despise for his handling of Nazem Kadri & Jonas Gustavsson.  Dave Nonis Rewarded Phil Kessel with the longest & most lucrative contract in Maple Leafs history. Up until 15 games ago, that looked like a bargain. Phil has what, 3 goals in his last 15 games & EVERY single game he’s giving up the puck with brutal turnovers that always seem to lead to a goal being scored on James Reimer or Jonathan Bernier. To make matters worse, when Kessel coughs up the puck, he’s not chasing the puck down…Phil Kessel, looks to be regressing under Carlyle.

Ahhh, let’s talk about Mr. Bernier. You know, the one that all the bandwagon fans like to praise and worship. They tell everyone how high his ceiling and potential are…lovely…

Last year, the Maple Leafs did something that no team had ever done in NHL history, they blew a 3 goal lead in the 3rd period in the final 10 minutes of a GAME 7. A timeout, or a goalie change might have changed history. However, Carlyle didn’t bother to call a timeout or make a goalie change, so we’ll never know what “might” have happened. The other sidebar to that is, if Phaneuf would actually play the body or his man..a lot of those goals…might not have happened…Anyways…it was clear that Nonis & Carlyle put all the blame on James Reimer, as opposed to the entire team.

Bernier, for the most part has played well. However, he never earned the #1 Spot. It was automatically given to him, such a great way to say thank you James Reimer for leading us to the playoffs for the first time in almost a decade and we decided to reward you for that, by making you Bernier’s bitch.

James Reimer has not played up to his past record with the Leafs, but hey no shock to me. When you get buried by your GM & Coach, it will mess with your psyche. Goalies are a different breed, they are wired differently. Just look at Gustavsson & Giguere who are both having excellent seasons away from the Toronto Goalie Graveyard.

Bernier was on a pretty good roll, and he got hurt…Reimer came into the game and got drilled on one play. I think Reimer suffered a concussion, regardless of what anyone thinks.

During the time that Reimer was the starter while Bernier was hurt, he didn’t win…but than again, the Maple Leafs were not scoring more than 2 goals a game..

I believe Bernier is STILL not fully healed from his groin injury and he’s yet to win a game since coming back from his layoff…he’s looked slower and his timing is off, but it was a groin injury, so timing and mobility will be an issue till he’s fully healed.

James Reimer has been pulled a lot this season, yet Bernier has given up the same amount of goals or more that Reimer has given up when yanked,  but Bernier never gets yanked. I see this, other people see this, and I’m sure James Reimer notices as well.

My frustration with the Toronto Maple Leafs is not with Bernier or Reimer. They are both #1 Goalies.

The Toronto Maple Leafs play undisciplined hockey. They also give up more shorthanded goals than any team in the NHL. They also commit more turnovers than any team in the NHL. They are also in the bottom 3 for penalty killing, they also give up the most shots on average per game….36 shots per game. This is all COACHING.

This comment is for the ignoramuses who are clearly uneducated, if you blame Reimer or Bernier for the Maple Leafs failures, go pick another sport to watch. It all start with coaching, even if your roster is NOT strong or very talented, a hard working, smartly coached team can win games. The people who attacked James Reimer’s wife on Twitter. You don’t deserve to live.

Coaching and Defense are the Achilles heel of this team. How did Dave Nonis improve it. He lowballed Cody Franson who will likely leave this summer. He traded JML a veteran for an overpriced veteran named Tim Gleason. (Gleason for the most part hasn’t been horrible, just too much money)

Dion Phaneuf….shall I talk about him….he was scheduled to be a UFA this summer, his 6.5 million per year contract would FINALLY be off the books. Dave Nonis, LOVES Dion Phaneuf…so he rewards his…by giving him a 7 year 49 million dollar contract. If we don’t trade Phaneuf my next seasons end…he has a limited NTC. Lovely. I am well aware that Dion plays a ton, and I know he plays against the other teams best players, but…too much to be honest, shave 4 to 8 minutes off his TOI, I think he’d be a lot better. 7 million dollars a year to me is Shea Weber money. Dion is not Shea Weber.

Most nights, because he plays too much, you’ll see him make 3 or 4 glaring mistakes, which invariably mean some are in the net. He’s not physical for a guy who is 6’3 218 pounds.

Check this out

cap·tain (kăp′tən)


1. Abbr. Capt. One who commands, leads, or guides others, especially

 2. the designated leader of a team or crew in sports.
Does that sound like Dion Phaneuf…NO….he’s not worth a 7 year deal…and he’s certainly not worth 7 million per year…
I will say this though. Phaneuf has played with a ton of different Defensive partners…and none have worked out as good as everyone would hope. Morgan Rielly paired with Dion Phaneuf…that would be interesting….
Morgan Rielly should be the Captain of this team.
Players get paid to play. Coaches get paid to coach. The Leafs have lost 8 in a row…that has not happened since 1985.HOW many of you were alive in 1985? In this epic collapse of a team once looking as a shoe-in to make the playoffs to a team that mathematically is all but eliminated…what has Carlyle done to try and change things…Hard to do anything roster wise, thank you for that Dave Nonis (cap mismanagement)
There are things you could have done, how about dropping Bozak to second line, reunite Lupul & Kessel, centred by Kadri…
Your second line would be JVR, Bozak & Raymond (a steal at 1 year 1 million) Who knows, maybe that would generate some offence.
Randy Carlyle has a Stanley Cup, but go back and look at that roster, Pronger, Niedermayer, Beauchemin, Kunitz, Penner, Selanne, Giguere, Getzlaf, Perry, a monkey could have coached that team.
Randy Carlyle simply doesn’t adapt anymore. he is the wrong coach for this team, just like Nonis is the wrong GM. Last year teams used to fear us, we were physically dominant more often than not..who remember the hitting machine Leo Komarov?
Dallas Eakins should have gotten this job, But he didn’t,  we groomed him, just like we did Mark Crawford,
A GM I’d like to see here. Wayne Gretzky, for coach…these are names in no particular order….. Gilmour, Spott, Gill, Messier, Laviolette, Noel, DeBoer…
This is the Maple Leafs brain trust under Tim Leiweke:
Dave Nonis, Dave Poulin, Clause Loiselle, Dave Farrish, Greg Cronin, Ric St.Croix, Steve Staios, Cliff Fletcher and Randy Carlyle.
i say FIRE all of them.
Funny how a former Norris winning defenseman can’t teach his own team on how to play defence.
Why do most of these signings bother me? Well, we needed to upgrade defence, and we went and got a goalie we did not need. Reimer and Scrivens got us to the playoffs last season. We didn’t need Bernier. However, He’s going to be here for awhile, so I hope he excels.
The signings of Smith, Bodie, Orr, McLaren, Bolland, Clarkson are the reasons why talented player who should be here are still with the Toronto Marlies, guys like Josh Leivo, Greg McKegg, Spencer Abbott, Jerry D’Amigo and Carter Ashton.
Jake Gardiner & Morgan Rielly on defence are special to watch, of course Stu Percy, Andrew MacWilliam, Petter Granberg, Korbinian Holzer, TJ Brennan are waiting for their chance, and Matt Finn & Tom Nilsson will soon be chomping at the bit..
As much as I may like or dislike players…it’s about the crest, not the name on the back of the jersey….I’ve watched this team since the 1970’s, I’ve been loyal, while MLSE has done nothing to reward me or other fans with that loyalty.
The irony is not lost on me when I think of the Detroit Red Wings, their #1 Goalie Jimmy Howard has been brutal for most of the year…but Jonas Gustavsson, the guy who was treated very poorly by coach & management and most fans had his best season so far in his NHL career. If Detroit makes it, they can thank him for that,. Not bad for a guy that MLSE almost destroyed,
BUT hey, that’s what MLSE does, they churn out players every year & Most find great success elsewhere, right Tuuka Rask.
This is easily the most disappointing season in decades for me as a long suffering Leafs fan. This all could have been avoided if they kept Brian Burke , hired someone other than Randy Carlyle…and showed patience with their roster….
It took very little time for Dave Nonis to undo all the good work Brian Burke did…
My question is this, what’s next MLSE.?….roster moves?  coaching changes? management shuffle?
My guess is Reimer, Gunnarsson, Smith, Bodie, Bolland, Franson, Orr & McLaren won’t be here next season…
All of LeafsNation is waiting….I can speak honestly and collectively say for everyone…this season is unacceptable….
A letter from MLSE will NOT cut it with me…You raised ticket prices after we made the playoffs, since we bombed this season…how about slashing ticket prices….
*crickets* Yeah I thought so…
As a supporter of the Blue and White for 4 Decades, I think MLSE you owe EVERY single MAPLE LEAFS FAN an answer…

The Best of Times

Saturday March 19th 2011 might not mean anything to anyone or anything, but to the man behind the Nic – OakleyInc – Saturday March 19th 2011 was a day that I was looking forward to for a long time…

Turns out the day was better then I ever fathomed.

You see, Saturday March 19th 2011 was the day someone came come..

Tomas Kaberle came home to the place where he belongs & for one day the pain of that day was washed away…

I knew I would be misty eyed seeing him come home, for all the bandwagon fans & uneducated fans, Kaberle was the best #Leafs defensemen of my Generation & he was back for one night only.

People don’t really have any idea how special Kaberle is as a player, he survived almost 13 seasons in the most vicious hockey market on the planet.

Unlike the traitor from Sweden, Tomas gave in to the Judge,Jury & Executioner that is Brian Burke. This allowed the #Leafs to potentially get better…Unlike a certain Swedish goofball who did not have the class to do so.

However, before I can get to Saturday night, I need to talk about Saturday Morning/Afternoon…

I saw a tweet from the @TorontoMarlies talking about an event at @GerrardSquare

What possible even could get me excited about going to a shopping mall?

Apparently, @GerrardSquare & @SickKids had teamed up to bring one of the all-time GREATEST #Leafs goalies to help raise funds for the sick kids…

I was hooked, 5 bucks to get an autograph from  CUJO (Curtis Joseph)

Next thing out of my mouth was, I’ll pay way more then that, since it’s the Sick Kids.

Apparently $40 would get you two amazing seats to an upcoming @TorontoMarlies Game. An autograph & a pic with the legendary Cujo.


I got up very early, because I figured there would be a few hundred people in line.

I told my friend Matteo to meet me there, Matteo ( @wewantacup ) is one of the guys behind a favorite website of mine

Check it Out!!!

Matteo met up with me at @GerrardSquare and I put on my new jacket… (back view)

I love the jacket…so far my day is going very well, I’m rocking my Jonas Jersey & now because of the express pass I have 2 tickets to the Marlies & some raffle tickets for some huge draws. Plus a killer jack, TY Matteo 😀

The amazing thing was there was easily between 500 to 700 people who showed up to show love to CUJO, that made my day to see #LeafsNation appreciate what Cujo is doing for @SickKids

Here’s a few pics of Cujo, he signed my Cujo Bobble Head & a Blue Leafs jersey from one of the seasons he played with the Blue & White.


I thought the day could not really get any better, so I was way too hyper to drive after getting to talk to & meet Cujo…

Soooo I went and got my hair cut to force myself to calm down haha…

I have to say the staff & management at @GerrardSquare are first class all the way…I love each & every one of them.

Cujo ended up staying way past his 3 PM cut off time, he made sure every single person in both lines got an autograph & or picture.

People can say what they want about millionaire pricks like LeBron, BUT Cujo is 1st class all the way…

After eating lunch & getting my hair cut, I found a little kiosk that was selling vintage #Leafs memorbilia, so I bought this…

It’s a really cool desktop organizer…sweet eh…

I headed back upstairs & they were getting ready to auction off a stick that had been signed by the entire roster of the @TorontoMarlies

The auction started very slowly, with the bid going up ever so slightly.

I am a huge #Marlies fan, I really wanted this stick…

The bidding eventually got to 40 bucks..& then…I made my move…in a Voice that the whole floor probably heard I spoke…

$100.00 was what came out of my mouth…3 seconds later I was the winner of the auction.

I am VERY Happy to now own this stick.

I ended up winning tons of tickets for the Marlies game next weekend, even won tickets to the #Leafs as well…

After meeting Cujo, getting the autographs, winning tons of #Marlies tickets & a Pair of reds to the next @MapleLeafs home game…

I thought, nothing could top this day organized by the Director of Marketing @ GerrardSquare – Kimberly DiManno the generous Mall donors who donated amazing prizes, the security & of course Robert Reid, who was everywhere & everything.

I guess I thought wrong…

There was another item up for sale…

I had to have this, so I bid $160.00 and it became mine…so far…I’d spent over $300.00 for @SickKids and I was happy about every single penny of it.

I also got a Marlies touque, a Marlies Picture frame, The Security Id on a lanyard & a Cujo 4×6 – What an awesome day, this was all given to me by the beautiful people @GerrardSquare

At that point in the day I was on a Euphoric wave, which btw has yet to stop…

I had not left the mall for 5 plus hours, so I had to hop in my jeep & head to the ACC. 

It was an amazing game, I got to see an amazing game & my boy Kadri played his best game as a #Leafs player a goal & an assist.

The 1st OFFICIAL goal of his young NHL career. I predicted a 4-2 win, I was slightly off… #Leafs won 5-2

In an ironic twist, with NHL Icon Bobby Orr sitting in a private box, Schenn did something I’d never imagine him to do. He went end to end & scored a stunningly beautiful goal…

The game had what I wanted, Kadri scoring, Reimer playing very well…Phaneuf kicking the crap out of a Bruins player (Horton) and every #Leafs player playing their heart out…and…

Tomas Kaberle getting a standing Ovation from some of the real fans at the ACC…

Something I do need to point out though…Chara turtled when Phaneuf tried to fight him and Lucic turtled when Aulie was ready to go…

I hate cowards…

I also hate when people refuse to stand up & acknowledge the sacrifices of brave men & women of the Canadian Armed Forces.

Other then that it was perfect night…

Something else about tonight, I want to address, something that was brought to my attention…

Bill Barilko scored a goal 60 years ago in game 5 to give the @MapleLeafs a Stanley Cup, btw, he won 4 of them in only 5 seasons,

As the tragic story was told, I was rocked by goosebumps…I could feel Bill in the ACC…This night was a dedication to Bill Barilko only one of 2 players to have their number RETIRED by the #Leafs

This may have been the best days of my life..,and it was about to get better…

Outside the ACC, I saw a street vendor and look what she was selling…

This was the PERFECT ending to a perfect day…

What I saw today showed me that there are many who want to see the Leafs return to their old glory.

I intend to be vocal about my Blue & White, I want to have more amazing days as a member of #LeafsNation

Not to often a Hardcore member of the #LeafsNation can say that they have had a perfect day,

That has to change…


Saying Goodbye to Tomas Kaberle


Appreciation: An open letter to Tomas Kaberle

CMC- sp-kaberle18feb415

Dear Tomas:

It’s never easy to say goodbye to a family member. And over more than 12 seasons, 878 games and countless memories, that’s exactly what you became.

It all started on October 10, 1998.

CPT10638676Two years after getting drafted by Toronto as a shy 18-year-old, there you were in your NHL debut against the Red Wings. There you were in your new home, far away from your old home in the Czech Republic.

A spirit of change floated toward the rafters that night.

It was the last time a season would begin at Maple Leaf Gardens. It was the first time the Leafs were in the Eastern Conference. The word “rebuild” was used more than once that summer.

DC1st_0214EYou played nearly 30 minutes that night. You were on the ice for power plays and even the final minute of Toronto’s thrilling 2-1 win. And although it was sketched in the dotted-line silhouette of first impressions, your extraordinary skill level was obvious.

You skated with the grace of a swan. You passed the puck with elegance and precision. None of this ever stopped once it started.

Cpt11637959We didn’t know much about you back then. Certainly, there was no way to divine the numbers and milestones now attached to your name with bittersweet finality: 520 career points. Eighth on the all-time list for games played in Toronto. The second-highest number of assists and points for a defenceman in team history, behind only a fellow by the name of Borje Salming.

2011-02-09T022436Z_01_SHN607_RTRMDNP_3_NHL(2)Even this season, even after all this time, the numbers remain impressive: 35 assists ties you for fifth among all NHL defencemen and 16th among all skaters on all teams. Put it this way: You now have one more assist than Sidney Crosby and have factored into more than a quarter of the Leafs’ 146 goals this season.

How the Leafs compensate for these backend numbers is their problem. How you slience criticism that surfaced from certain corners in recent years – “He doesn’t shoot enough,” “He doesn’t really care about winning” – is your problem.

Solving problems is what good families do.

Jo9zcfz2You wanted to stay in Toronto. You asked for a contract extension. But when all was said and done, when it became obvious the family needed to change, you helped the only team you’ve ever known find a new team for your services.

You did the right thing and for that you should be commended.

In an ideal world, of course, you would have retired in blue and white during a sentimental ceremony. But idealism and sentiment should never cloud the cold decisions that need to be made in the world of professional hockey.


That spirit of change is floating up again toward the rafters.

The Leafs could have lost you for nothing on July 1. The “rebuild” word is in heavy rotation, just like when you were a rookie in that October game against Detroit.

So even though it feels like a day of mourning, the truth is, we should be celebrating. We should be celebrating everything you did for us. And we should celebrate the arrival of yet another first-round pick and yet another promising young prospect.

We may worry about what your departure means to the word we dare not use. We may second-guess this or that. But here’s the thing: Sometimes you have to say goodbye to yesterday to welcome tomorrow.

So as trades go, when you factor in both time and need, this one feels beneficial for all involved. In the short-term, Boston benefits. In the long-term, Toronto benefits. And in between, you benefit.

84425433You represented the Leafs in four NHL All-Star games. You represented the Czech Republic in three Winter Olympics. Along the way, you carried yourself with class and dignity, always content to inhabit the shadows away from the spotlight, always the same shy teen when the cameras flashed and the microphones whirred.

So this is it, then. Good luck in Boston. We are excited for you and excited for what we may become in the days and weeks and months ahead.

Farewell and thank you.


I read this from an online source & I had to reprint this the above article,

The thoughts below are mine

I’m really gonna miss Tomas,

Tomas leaving is on the shoulders of Brian Burke & Ron Wilson…

Put whatever spin you want on the trade,

Tomas wanted to finish his career where he started…and now he won’t…

I hope the Douche Party running the Maple Leafs are happy,

I’m not, I’m forever changed…

I’m scarred…


Grabovski Facts

These Grabovski comments are for humor only, not intended to offend anyone, if they do, may you need an enema or a sense of humor…Some are mine, some are from friends & some are from other sources…

I love my Toronto Maple Leafs & Mikhail Grabovski is one of my favorite Leafs in recent memory.

Grabovski Shed a tear when his daughter was born that Tear is Timmy Brent #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski simply walks into Mordor #GrabovskiFacts

The Toronto Police Service have a new bullet proof vest. The entire force wears Grabovski jerseys. #GrabovskiFacts

Michael Jackson named his album Thriller after meeting his hero Grabovski #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski knows how they get the Chocolate inside the caramilk Bar #GrabovskiFacts

The REAL reason Favre retired? Grabovski told Favre he was joining the NFL #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski invented the 12 step program, it has one step…Step 1, Fear Grabovski #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski is the Belarusian ambassador to Canada #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski is faster then a speeding bullet #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski is the real 007 #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski outran the plane to Carolina – getting to carolina before the team did #GrabovskiFacts

There is no such thing as 3-D – it’s really called GrabovskiVision #GrabovskiFacts

Jose Bautista comes to Grabovski for hitting advice #Jays fans, u know the results, #GrabovskiFacts

 A single drop of Grabovski’s blood would cure every disease. However,their is no a needle sharp enough to puncture his skin. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski doesn’t believe in the TV Series Lost…Because Grabovski will NEVER be lost #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski slayed Goliath #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski taught #TFC DeRosario how to kick a soccer ball

Grabovski is faster then a runaway train #GrabovskiFacts

#Grabovski taught #Raptors DeRozan how to Dunk

Grabovski taught #Argos Chad Owens how to catch a football #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski once killed a gun. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski taught Michael Jackson to MoonWalk #GrabovskiFacts

Ever wonder why Elvis loved his BLUE SUEDE SHOES – Cause Grabovski gave Elvis the Shoes #GrabovskiFacts

Ants make up 1/10 of the total world animal tissue. The total biomass of all the ants on Earth is about equal to Grabovski #GrabovskiFacts

If the entire population of earth was reduced to exactly 100 people,50% of the world’s currency would be held by Grabovski #GrabovskiFacts

If you spell GRABOVSKI in Scrabble, you win your next 84 games automatically. #GrabovskiFacts

In 10 minutes,a hurricane releases more energy than all of the world’s nuclear weapons combined other then Grabovski’s stare #GrabovskiFacts

Mike Tyson was the baddest man on the planet,then he met Grabovski #GrabovskiFacts

Eminem was given permission to sing a song called Not Afraid #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski is an honorary Harlem GlobeTrotter #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski was fishing in the North Atlantic April1912 when a Ship called the Titanic rammed Grabovski,we know how that ended #GrabovskiFacts

Ever wonder why dragons are just legends? Meet Grabovski the Original Dragon Slayer #GrabovskiFacts

The Octopuss who predicted world cup matches sure wasn’t all seeing,or he would have seen Grabovski eating him soon #GrabovskiFacts

While having sex in a Jeep,part of Grabovskis’ sperm escaped & got into the engine.We now know this truck & man as Optimus PReime #GrabovskiFacts

James Reimer is actually Grabovski’s protege #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski made David Copperfield…Disappear #GrabovskiFacts

There are no pain receptors in the Grabovski’s body so he feels no pain #GrabovskiFacts

Awake,your brain generates between 10&23 watts of power,enough energy to power a light bulb,Grabovski’s brain powers Belarus #GrabovskiFacts

The Funnel Web Spider is considered the most deadly spider in the world. Once bitten by Grabovski, the spider die quickly #GrabovskiFacts

When Grabovski was born,doctor naturally slapped him on the behind. Fortunately for doctor,he was in hospital at the time #GrabovskiFacts

There are only two types of people in the world. Those who divide people into two groups & Grabovski #GrabovskiFacts

A passing glance from Grabovski has been known to cause women to faint. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski is the reason that James Cameron’s Avatars are blue. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski’s motorcycle has 4 wheel drive. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski can turn water into whiskey. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski’s rice krispies don’t say crap until he tells them to. #GrabovskiFacts

When Rolaids has heartburn it takes Grabovski #GrabovskiFacts

Stallone created “The Expendables” as a birthday gift for Grabovski,Upon receiving he said: “Its the thought that counts.” #GrabovskiFacts

When a person attacks Grabovski, the police immediatley describe it as a 45-12. Suicide. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski has a birthday any day he wants. #GrabovskiFacts

People created the automobile to escape from Grabovski, Not to be outdone, Grabovski created the automobile accident #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski thinks that anyone who can’t survive cranial impact with a steam hammer simply isn’t making an effort. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski can gargle peanut butter #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski is capable of dividing by zero. the consequences? The Big Bang #GrabovskiFacts

#GrabovskiFacts when Grabovski Roars, Lions bow to his feet

Grabovski is capable of dividing by zero. the consequences? The Big Bang #GrabovskiFacts

The only way to make diamond powder is to rub diamond on Grabovski’s skin. #GrabovskiFacts

The secret ingredient in all of today’s energy/power drinks is that they contain small droplets of Grabovski sweat. #GrabovskiFacts

Nations fight other nations but wouldn’t have balls enough to go toe-to-toe with Grabovski. Remember Atlantis? #GrabovskiFacts

Grabo gave Crosby a concussion just by looking at him #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski, with a yawn can put people in comas #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski travels at lightspeed daily, he calls it normal speed, to him we move slow. #GrabovskiFacts

Volcano’s Occur when Grabovski punches someone into the ground #GrabovskiFacts

If you can read this sentance, thank a teacher. If you are still reading, thank Grabovski for allowing you to live. #GrabovskiFacts

Sticks and stones may break your bones but Grabovski’s stare will kill you. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski has swum the English Channel to the other side and back… completely submerged the entire way. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski is the original Weapon of Mass Destruction. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski played 18 holes of golf the other day. He scored a 17. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski does not sleep with a gun under his pillow, he sleeps with a fist under his pillow #GrabovskiFacts

Ninjas can’t catch Grabovski,Grabovski won’t allow someone like him to co-exist alongside him. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski has only sneezed once and that created the BIG BANG! #GrabovskiFacts

Scientists Say Mars Has No Form Of Life, The Reason Is Because Grabovski Visited It! #GrabovskiFacts

Only Grabovski can prevent Forest Fires… #GrabovskiFacts

#GrabovskiFacts The Hulk is angry because Grabovski arm wrestled him….and won.

Grabovski was insulted on February 30th,He was so angry he got rid of the man,then told the calendar to forget it happened #GrabovskiFacts

Some people have alter egos. Grabovski has no such thing. #GrabovskiFacts

If you had a near death experience with Grabovski,you didn’t actually meet Grabovski #GrabovskiFacts

King Kong climbed the Empire State Building because Grabovski was waiting at the bottom #GrabovskiFacts

Good thing Grabovski was out for a swim when the cruise ship needed a tow to port. #GrabovskiFacts

#GrabovskiFacts Even corn flakes become deadly weapons in the hands of Grabovski

Grabovski looked at me & my facial hair was so scared, it went back into my skin #GrabovskiFacts

#GrabovskiFacts Grabovski once fought a bear simply because it dared to grow more body hair than him

Tom Brady can throw a football over 50 yards. Grabovski can throw Tom Brady even further. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski doesn’t need a miracle in order to split the ocean. He just walks in and the water gets out of the way. #GrabovskiFacts

A cobra bit Grabovski, After five days of excruciating pain, the cobra died. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski runs Windows Vista on his Etch-a-Sketch #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski won a game of Connect Four in 3 moves #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski can kill two stones with one bird #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski was denied a Bacon McMuffin at McDonalds because it was 10:31AM, he kicked the store so hard it became a KFC. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski has never blinked in his entire life & doesn’t need to swallow when eating food. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski is your Daddy #GrabovskiFacts

#GrabovskiFacts – Grabovski taught the world to sing in perfect harmony

Google cannot find Grabovski #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski knows where Waldo is #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski can get coffee out of a Tea Bag #GrabovskiFacts

Did you know Grabovski invented skinny jeans. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski doesn’t need a stove to boil water,he just growls at it #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski beat the sun in a staring contest #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski can surf the internet, literally #GrabovskiFacts

Did you know that The Beatles’ song “HELP” was written after they met Grabovski #GrabovskiFacts

If Grabovski was a battery,my cell phone would never die #GrabovskiFacts

Did you know that Gravovski caught a bullet with the same gun he fired it from #GrabovskiFacts

Dinosaurs are extinct because they pissed Grabovski off, #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski’s calendar goes straight from March 31st to April 2nd; no one fools Grabovski. #GrabovskiFacts

The videogame “Doom” is based loosely around the time Satan borrowed two bucks from Grabovski & forgot to pay him back. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski took Mother Nature from behind. We refer to the event as the Big Bang. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski wears a cup not to protect himself, but to protect the players on the other team #GrabovskiFacts

If it looks like chicken, tastes like chicken, and feels like chicken but Grabovski says its beef, then it’s beef. #GrabovskiFacts

Dairy Queen used to be Dairy King before Grabovski made it his bitch. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski plays ping pong with a medicine ball. #GrabovskiFacts

 The word “lesbian” derives from an old Latin phrase,roughly translates as “She who has not yet been introduced to Grabovski” #GrabovskiFacts

Took 5 women 2 years to give birth to Grabovski & did you know his sperm is so strong it could impregnate a man. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski is so tough, he doesn’t eat ice cream, he makes ice scream. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski can touch MC Hammer. #GrabovskiFacts

Unlike Justin Beiber, if Grabovski has a swimming race with sharks, he wins. #GrabovskiFacts

Unlike Justin Bieber, Grabovski CAN walk through glass doors. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski made the statue of liberty strip naked. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski….the other white meat. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski was on Deal or no Deal, bankers first offer was 1 million dollars, never try to bargain with Grabovski #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski can give you a wet willie, with a dry finger. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski had a staring contest with a statue……and won. #GrabovskiFacts

Cigarettes smoked by Grabovski die from lung cancer. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski won the Iron Chef contest by microwaving Mr.Noodles. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski decides when Santa has been naughty or nice. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski doesn’t bowl strikes, he knocks one pin down and the nine others faint out of fear. #GrabovskiFacts

When cops pull over Grabovski,THEY try to talk THEIR way out of it. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski can’t spill the beans, he already ate them. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski does not use spell check. If he happens to misspell a word, Oxford will simply change the actual spelling of it. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski has never blinked in his entire life. NEVER. #GrabovskiFacts

If paper beats rock, rock beats scissors, and scissors beats paper, what beats all 3 at the same time? Answer: Grabobski #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski is what Willis was talking about. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski knows where Carmen Sandiego is. #GrabovskiFacts

 There is no team Edward or team Jacob, only Team Grabovski. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski is the greatest thing, period, despite his invention of sliced bread. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski can make the joker become serious. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski can find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. #GrabovskiFacts

Phonics is hooked on Grabovski. #GrabovskiFacts

Chuck Norris asks Grabovski for tips!! #GrabovskiFacts

Justin Beiber screeched like a high-pitched girl the time he saw Grabovski. His voice is still up there today #GrabovskiFacts

Why can’t anyone find Waldo? That’s right, Grabovski hid Waldo. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski once kicked Hulk in the face,Now he hides in the forest and changed his name to Shrek #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski can alphabetize m&m’s #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski doesn’t mow his lawn. He just stands there and dares the grass to grow. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski once said “Oh, Snap.” Thus, North and South America. #GrabovskiFacts

The dinosaurs once owed Grabovski money. They never paid him back,where are the Dinosaurs Now? #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski is a plus 2 before breakfast #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski is capable of dividing by zero. the consequences?: The Big Bang #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski doesn’t get bitten by bedbugs. HE bites THEM. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski eats the waffles before they hit ACC ice #GrabovskiFacts

Scientists have proven that the Mt St Helens explosion happened after Grabovski sneezed #GrabovskiFacts

Grabo gave birth to Kulemin #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski can bodyslam a skyscraper #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski doesn’t get penalties. He’s just giving the other players a break. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski doesn’t get high sticked. He sticks the high. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski can unlock a hairpin with a door #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski sent a BBM to an iPhone #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski is capable of time travel. Which explains how the Habs have won 24 Stanley Cups #GrabovskiFacts

You know the new Nissan Leaf? Yeah, Grabovski MADE Nissan call it the Leaf. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski doesn’t do pushups, he pushes the world down! #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski didn’t need to study in school. The teachers weren’t brave enough to fail him. #GrabovskiFacts

Death once had a near-Grabovski- experience. #GrabovskiFacts

When Grabovski crosses the street the cars have to look both ways #GrabovskiFacts

Once a dinosaur didn’t wag it’s tail upon seeing Grabovski, they are now extinct #GrabovskiFacts

Sonic booms are Grabovski’s heartbeats #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski doesn’t go to the bathroom, the bathroom goes to Grabovski #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski is the only person capable of setting a person on fire….underwater. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski destroyed the period table because the only element Grabovski recognizes is the element of surprise #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski is the only person that can punch a cyclops between the eye.

The last digit of pi is Grabovski. He is the end of all things. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski is 1/8th Cherokee. This has nothing to do with ancestry, the man ate a fucking Jeep. #GrabovskiFacts

When Grabovski enters a room, he doesn’t turn the lights on, he turns the dark off. #GrabovskiFacts

When God said, “Let there be light”, Grabovski said, “say please.” #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski can build a snowman out of rain. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski sleeps with a night light,not because he’s afraid of the dark, but the dark is afraid of Grabovski #GrabovskiFacts

Giraffes were created when Grabovski uppercutted a horse. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski can squeeze orange juice out of a lemon #GrabovskiFacts

Justice League of America all wear Grabovski Pyjamas #GrabovskiFacts

Crop circles are Grabovski’s way of telling the world that sometimes corn needs to lie the fuck down. #GrabovskiFacts

#GrabovskiFacts Grabovski ordered a Big Mac at Burger King & got one…

If you want a list of Grabovski enemies, just check the extinct species list. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski’s shadow used to be right behind him, till he kicked its ass, his shadow now stays 20feet behind him #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski bit the Apple Logo & doesn’t need Twitter or Facebook, he’s already following you #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski knows what YOU ALL DID Last Summer #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski is the Bump in the Night #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski can cook Minute Rice in 30 seconds #GrabovskiFacts

#GrabovskiFacts Did you know that Grabovski is the man in the moon, the moon isn’t made of Cheese it’s made of Grabovski

Grabovski had surgery,the anesthesia was applied to the doctor & Grabovski once tortured Pain #GrabovskiFacts

He is Belarus’ most interesting man. #GrabovskiFacts

Everyone knows Grabovski has a pet rock… he named it “Earth.” #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski doesn’t skate, the ice gets Grabovskied. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski knows my tweets before I tweet them #GrabovskiFacts”

The “Black Eyed Peas” were just “Peas” before they met Grabovski #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski can speak braille. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski scared the black out of Michael Jackson. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski invented color,in fact,he invented the entire spectrum of color, except pink.Tom Cruise invented pink #GrabovskiFacts

If you spell GRABOVSKI in Scrabble, you win your next 84 games automatically. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried. #GrabovskiFacts

Tim Brent wiped his face with Grabovski’s towel and that helped him score 2 goals #GrabovskiFacts

Even before Puck Drop Grabovski has already won #GrabovskiFacts

Road Trip to Ottawa

Everyone is aware of my passion & my life long loyalty to the Toronto Maple Leafs,

I decided to start 2K11 the right way – by watching the Toronto Maple Leafs play the useless Ottawa Senators – in Ottawa.

The nice thing about moving to Ontario is there are lots of Leafs fans.

I left on Saturday Jan 1 2011 around 11 am and headed on down the highway with Garrett.

It was raining very hard for most of the trip…but it was still a very easy drive.

The long drive allowed for good conversation & of course a mandatory stop at the Tim Hortons in Kingston, haha

The Lord Elgin Hotel was a great choice, valet parking, amazing breakfast buffet, wow…and…it was close to everything.

Game time was looming so off we went to Kanata – home of the Sens.

Garrett did tell me there would be many fans of the Leafs at the game, I was figuring a few hundred maybe…

I was not even close to being right…

There were thousands upon Thousands of Leafs fans there,

It didn’t feel like a road game, it felt like a home game…

It was an epic night, everytime Alfie touched the puck, the jeers rained down upon him…

Everytime the Leafs scored the Arena exploded in applause & cheers…

The Leafs scored lots, Ottawa did not bother to show up for this game…

If I were a Sens fan, I’d be embarrassed that a road team had more fans at the game and that the road team massacred the home team in their arena.

I’ve long despised Chris Neil, thankfully Colton Orr was the remedy for that Chronic Ailment…

Neil chickened out in the 1st period but Orr wasn’t letting him get away this time…

Orr destroyed Neil, hit him so many times I thought Neil’s head might explode.

It was a great night, Leafs won 5-1…I had a blast taunting the 12 Sens fans in the arena, haha…

The next day Garrett took me around to some really awesome places…

I’m a huge photography guy so I was able to take pics of the Parliament Buildings,various statues on the Grounds & my favorite…the War Memorial…

I took so many photos, but the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier had a deep impact on me…

The Military has always had an impact on me for many reasons…

I’m a staunch supporter of the Military,

I really appreciated that there is a place to honor our fallen heroes,

Lest We Forget…

I’ll be going back to Ottawa again, from what I saw it is a beautiful city…

The architecture grips me, plus I want to see the Leafs beat up on the Sens again…

Everyone is welcome to come on the next trip…


A Life Lived

A Life  Lived

Pat Burns lived, Pat Burns died.

If that was all I wrote, who would care. I obviously care, or I wouldn’t write this blog.This is a blog about the Man. It’s also about my perspective on him as well.

I hope you enjoy what you read.

Pat Burns was born on April 4, 1952. He passed away on November 19 2010. In his life he was many things, a street cop in Gatineau, a husband, a father & a grandfather. A legend to some; an Icon in Leafs Nation.

For the majority of us who did not know him personally he was a former NHL coach. Statistically speaking he coached over 1000 games in the NHL and won over 500 of them.

He is the only coach in NHL history with 3 Jack Adams trophies, amazing when you consider that he won coach of the year with 3 different teams, Montreal, Toronto & Boston. Ironic that those are 3 of the most storied franchise in NHL history, and part of the original 6. To this day, I’m still trying to understand how he didn’t with Coach of the Year when the Devils won the Stanley Cup

It all started though with a bold move that few saw coming

Former Olympiques general manager Charlie Henry said he wanted to make a bold move when he hired Burns to coach his team in 1984. The Olympiques then had a poor reputation and losing record. There was a sour atmosphere around the team.

When Wayne Gretzky bought the team, said Henry, it was time to make a statement about the team heading in a new direction. And Burns was the perfect man to lead the change. After spending two years as an assistant coach with the Olympiques, Burns was hired as their head coach in 1984.

The bottom-dwelling team promptly shot up the standings, especially after Burns and scout René Young began to accumulate hard-working players, the type Burns liked best.

Seven Hull players were named to the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League’s Lebel Division all-star team in 1984, and the Olympiques rose in the standings to finish second. The next season, 1985-86, they finished first and earned a trip to the Memorial Cup.

But a brutal tournament schedule did the Olympiques in. The final game took place at 11 a.m., just 121/2 hours after Hull beat the Portland Winter Hawks 9-3. The Guelph Platers (coach by former Senators bench boss Jacques Martin) won the final 6-2 on four days’ rest.

“We worked hard all season, gave it everything we had right to the end,” captain Rick Hayward said afterward. Senators goalie coach Rick Wamsley, who played for Burns at the end of his career and then coached with him in Toronto, described Burns as the ultimate competitor.

“He had a real simple approach to the game: If you were playing well, you played; if you were not playing well, you didn’t play much, if at all,” Wamsley said. “It was always black and white, no grey, with Pat.” As a coach, Wamsley said, Burns was big on repetition.

“I think we did only 18 drills in four years in Toronto. He brought enough structure to his team, but allowed the players to play. He expected effort and if he got it, the team generally performed well.” Wamsley conceded, however, that Burns was not a coach the players liked.

“I think you have to define ‘like,’” he said. “I think he wasn’t liked every day, I think that’s fair to say.” But when he took an over-achieving Leafs team to within one win of the Stanley Cup final in 1993, the players knew a lot of their success had to do with Burns’s coaching.

Ottawa assistant general manager Tim Murray said the NHL needs more “guys like Pat … guys who tell the truth and don’t beat around the bush. That’s the type of the guy he was. He didn’t play politics and he succeeded because of abilities as a coach.”

He eventually made his way to Montreal and had a very good run there. He then headed to the Leafs, then Boston , then to New Jersey where he won his only Stanley Cup in 2002-2003. He coached from 1988 to his final season in 2003-2004.

In his entire tenure as an NHL coach, his teams never missed the playoffs EVER.

When he took over the hapless blue & white in 1992 he revitalized the Leafs. In his first season as coach they accumulated 99 points, a massive improvement from seasons past.

Pat Burns always said his best days as coach; the ones he remembered with most fondness; were in Toronto. He never quite got over that firing – disappearing in his truck in the middle of the night, leaving a message to the players on the dressing room blackboard.

I never really got over it either. He was my favourite coach of all time, with John Brophy being a close second (google his AHL career) & that other Irish coach, Pat Quinn. Pat Burns will always be the Coach to me.

Considering he coached for as long as he did; give credit where credit is due.

I don’t believe the Toronto Maple Leafs will ever have another coach who will leave his mark on the team, the fans, and the city the way Pat Burns did. Unless of course Wendel or Dougie is the coach, then it might happen. 281 regular season games. Two magical seasons, a disappointing lock-out shortened campaign, followed by his dismissal as his sputtering team was hitting the stretch run. But two immaculate playoff journeys. Ones we’ll never forget. Ones synonymous with success, and ones that defined Burns’s time in Toronto.

Burns was a blue collar guy. The type of guy Toronto falls in love with, three times over. When you think of Pat Burns, you think of Doug Gilmour, Wendel Clark, and Dave Andreychuk. You think of Bob Rouse, Sylvain Lefebvre, Jamie Macoun, and Todd Gill. You think of heart. You think of “The Passion Returns.” And return it did, with Burns playing an influential part.

Certain  moments with Path Burns have stuck with me, all these years later: Burns’s return to Montreal. Having come to Toronto via the hated Canadiens, it was no secret he wanted to stick it to his former team. He wanted that game, bad. Everyone knew it. And his players went out and won it for him. I even remember the score: 5-4 Toronto, with the Leafs holding on for the road victory. The craziest thing was the Leafs were down 4-0 at one point. At the end, there was Burns on the bench, swinging his arm around, in what might have been an early interpretation of the fist pump. Pat Burns was ahead of his time.

Another bittersweet memory for me was Pat Burns leaving the Toronto bench in the playoffs against Los Angeles, I believe he wanted to break the neck of Barry Melrose. Melrose totally had it coming. I believe that Melrose ordered the hit on Dougie, I won’t ever change that opinion. Passion existed that night; there was fire in the eyes of Pat Burns.

Who can forget game seven against the Kings, when it was over and the teams had shaken hands, there was Burns at the Maple Leafs bench, applauding his players as they left the ice for the final time. Twenty-one grueling playoff games. Three game sevens. A coach proud in defeat. I’ll never forget the ass-tap Burns gave Gilmour as #93 stepped off the ice, ending a season the likes of which we’ll never see again.

I’m not a fan of the New Jersey Devils, but I’m glad Pat Burns won the Stanley Cup. He deserved it. I remember reading a few years back that you won’t find a picture of his Devils championship team on his mantle. Instead, you’ll find the photograph of the 1992/1993 Leafs. As Burns put it, that team was “special.”

That is one reason why Pat Burns is a hero to me.

Until the Toronto Maple Leafs win the Stanley Cup in my lifetime – and I’m beginning to realize this may never, ever happen – every man who comes to coach the blue and white will be compared to Burns. When he was back there, it was the closest the Leafs have ever comet o being a Cup winner, ahhh the bittersweet memories of 1993, and all you Leafs fans know my pain.

Just like no one can ever replace Cito Gaston at the Blue Jays until they win more than 2 World Series, which I may never see again in my lifetime.

In 2004 everything changes, Pat Burns survived colon cancer in 2004 and liver cancer in 2005, however; he retired from coaching after the second diagnosis. In 2009, Burns acknowledged he had been diagnosed with cancer for a third time, this time lung cancer. The cancer was incurable and he decided to forgo further treatment.

During an April 2010 interview Burns stated “I know my life is nearing its end and I accept that.

Pat Burns overcame many obstacles to get to the top of the mountain. He beat everything in regards to the odds. He beat cancer twice, however Cancer had to come back a third time before it could be said that Pat could be beaten. It took 3 different types of Cancer & 7 years to do it. Any one person that can do that is a hero to me. A lesser person would have submitted much sooner.

“As your life gets closer to the end, you realize that your body gets weaker, your mind gets working hard, but your heart gets softer. As you get closer to family, you get closer to God, there are things you realize along the way and all the great people you’ve worked with,” he told friends and a community that, in his heart, he never really left.

It seemed only fitting that just a day after he passed that his beloved Toronto Maple Leafs would play against the first team he ever coached; the Montreal Canadians.

The tribute of course brought tears to my eyes, thank you CBC & HNIC.

In the minds of many Leafs & Habs fans he never really left,

In my mind, I’ll always have my memories of Pat Burns…

Life lives, life dies. Life laughs, life cries. Life gives up and life tries. But life looks different through everyone’s eyes.

Have the courage to live. Anyone can die.

Pat Burns lived & Pat Burns died.

We will always remember Pat Burns, he died like he lived, just like his 93 Leafs,

He did it with passion.


How Do You Get That Lonely

Today, I DON’T want to talk about being a fan of the Toronto Maple Leafs, 

My friends, you know how much I love my Maple Leafs.

This blog goes beyond the fact that Luke Richardson was a Maple Leaf.

He was also a father.

Today I want to talk about sacrifice, heartbreak & other raw emotions that many are afraid to speak of.

I have never believed that suicide is the option that will fix my problems or anyone else’s. Based on my Faith, I don’t believe Suicide is a Sin that will ever be forgiven, because it goes against God’s Divine plan.

However, not everyone believes in God, so that is a non-factor in their thought process.

I also don’t know what level of pain & suffering someone is really experiencing because those who suffer don’t usually let anyone know how bad it really is. I will NEVER judge someone’s suffering. We all have our pains.

This may come as a shock to some, but there have been 2 moments in my life where I have seriously & I mean seriously have contemplated suicide.

Those who know me, may be surprised others might be stunned. However, those 2 moments were the most difficult moments in my life. There are reasons & situations that developed that prevented my thoughts from becoming reality.

With the increasing coverage being given as of late to Teen Suicides it’s with a heavy heart that I write this blog, but even in darkens the sun will shine – Bellezza Del Sole – Translation – Beauty of the Sun…

That motto is a big reason I am alive. Maybe one day, I’ll talk about it…


Sadly Daron Richardson, the 14-year-old daughter of Ottawa Senators assistant coach Luke Richardson, took her own life last Friday at the family’s Ottawa home.


Richardson, his wife Stephanie and their daughter Morgan, 16, donated Daron’s organs so that others might live, then tried to help ensure that other families don’t endure their trauma.

The family “openly shared the circumstances of her death to remove the stigma of pain and fear associated with suicide,” Roshene Lawson, chaplain of the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, said at a “celebration of life service” at Scotiabank Place, the Senators home arena.

“They want to spare other families the pain they are suffering.”

Daron’s “final act,” said Lawson, “was not her death on Friday, but giving life to others on Sunday.”

Four people benefited from transplants due to the Richardsons’ selflessness.

The public ceremony drew a crowd of about 5,600, including more than 100 NHL alumni, to the suburban hockey rink on a blustery, wet weekday morning,

Richardson is a former defenceman who played 21 seasons in the NHL with six different teams and those grieving with the family included Paul Coffey,Shayne Corson, Wendel Clark, Doug Gilmour, Ron Hextall, Bill Ranford and a host of other former NHL stars. A teary Garry Galley was the master of ceremonies.

The entire Senators hockey club abbreviated a four-game road trip to return home for the ceremony and flew out immediately afterward for a game Wednesday night against the Carolina Hurricanes.

But this was not a day about NHL stardom — apart from the platform it provided for reaching a wider public audience.

Bus loads of students from two private schools Daron attended in Ottawa were in the audience.

The message appeared to be getting through.

“If you need help, you need to go ask for help,” Katherine Maine, 13, said outside the rink as she arrived with friends Leah Buchanan and Hannah Sanders.

All three had played hockey with Daron, who was described as both an elite athlete and an immensely popular, gifted student in art and theatre.

Mike Dagenais, Daron’s godfather and a former junior teammate of Luke Richardson with the Peterborough Petes, gave a eulogy in which he described one of Daron’s defining characteristics as “her love for life.”

It was one of many profoundly puzzling moments in the day.

Daron, whose extensive family travels took her from Stonehenge to the Galapagos Islands, had a large circle of close friends. A top hockey player, she also learned to water ski at age three and went bungee jumping at five.

Bryan Murray, the Senators general manager, said afterward there’s no immunity for anyone from family tragedy, pro athletes or otherwise.

“As much as we try to be part of our children’s lives, things do happen that are complicated sometimes and we don’t always — we certainly don’t have the answers in this case,” said Murray.

Cyril Leeder, the president of Senators Sports and Entertainment, said the Richardson family “chose the road less travelled.”

“Sometimes that road is more difficult, but it doesn’t mean it’s not the right path to choose,” Leeder said after the ceremony.

“They wanted to make something good happen out of a tragedy and they were able to raise the awareness on teen suicide and also provide organ donations so that four others could go forward.”

I implore those in darkness to ask for help, before it’s too late…

The only positive out of all this darkness is 4 people will now have a better quality of life and that people might realize that teen suicide is become an epic problem…

Sometimes you can see the signs, sometime you cannot…

If you see them, make sure you do not remain silent.

One life of a child, that’s too heavy of a burden…

