100 Things About Me…The Oaks Edition…


100 Things About Me…The Oaks Edition…some of these things you might know about me…some you might not…

I hope this blog inspires others to do the same. I like learning about people. Maybe some of you will learn new things about me.

  1. My animal advocacy/activism has nothing to do with what I say or think when it comes to professional sports. Regardless of what anyone says or thinks. They are not one in the same.
  1. If you don’t like my tweets, my Facebook posts, my blogs, V-Logs, the solution is simple, don’t follow me on Social Media; Or don’t engage on tweets you don’t agree with; Unless you can keep it classy.
  1. Although I am impressed that ANYONE chooses to follow me. You don’t own me or my thoughts. My thoughts are mine, and yours belong to you.
  1. I’m the Oaks…you’re not. Get over the fact that I say stuff that is considered confrontational. I’d rather be convicted on my passions that to be spineless and inconsequential to the global community.
  1. Social Media isn’t a popularity contest with me. I will keep it clean; Unless you come at me; then I will bury you. If you don’t follow me, and you want to start shit with me; It won’t ever end well for you.
  1. I know I’m awesome. I don’t need Approval from people online. Compliments are nice. Lip service is not.
  1. I despise social media. I love social media
  1. I am not happy that women are treated so poorly all across the globe, I’m irate with the destruction of our planet…all in the name of progress. Any kind of social injustice related to women, animals, or wrongfully imprisoned will wind me up
  1. I love the rain.
  1. I can cook & bake better than ANYONE I know.
  1. If I follow you on any social media channels, recognize you are special. I don’t follow Ham and Eggers.
  1. People that make fun of special needs individuals…there’s a special place in hell for you.
  1. I always wanted a tattoo of the #13
  1. Police, Military, EMT’s, Firefighters, First Responders. You’re my heroes. What you are willing to do on a daily basis is remarkable to me. Thank you.
  1. Single parents who get the job done. You amaze me 24/7
  1. I wish Simmons, Cox, Mirtle, Feshuk, Milner,Strombo, Kypreos.Healy, would all take a 10 year trip to the Sudan.
  1. People who teach me new things. I love and respect you, thank you for helping me grow.
  1. I read chapters of the Bible every single day.
  1. I don’t like Hate. Hate Leads to Anger. Anger leads to …oh…never mind hahah (but a bad emotion)
  1. I’d have zero issue with shooting a poacher in the head for killing a rhino, tiger, giraffe, lion etc.
  1. Star Trek, SuperHero Movies, Star Wars, XFiles. I love this genre, Science Fiction is good stuff.
  1. I like all sports, except Golf. Golf is an excellent reason to drink heavily.
  1. I grew up watching Pro Wrestling. BUT, it’s not the same. The internet ruined wrestling.
  1. My dream in life is to leave North America, work for National Geographic as a photographer.
  1. If I can’t do my dream job, I want to do missions work in war torn countries.
  1. My dream in life has never been to be a pro athlete. Ever.
  1. I love classical music and opera too. (shhh, don’t tell anyone)
  1. I bleed blue and white. That means Toronto Maple Leafs and Toronto Marlies.
  1. My faith will always come first. My friends come next.
  1. Don’t ever question my morals or integrity. They’re more than words inked on my skin. I’d step in front of a train for those I love.
  1. I have made a lot of mistakes in my life. Some life altering and changing, I wish I could make things right to those I hurt.
  1. I wish I was fancy, but, I’m not. I’m just a hick from the East Coast.
  1. I love Country Music.
  1. I like James Reimer haha, no seriously. It’s impossible to talk smack about him.
  1. I love tattoos. I want to be fully sleeved, arms and legs.
  1. I’m a Christian with a very salty mouth & a temper you’d be wise not to cross.
  1. I’m an animal activist/advocate. I prefer animals over most humans. Animals, eat, sleep, defecate and reproduce. Zero Malice in them
  1. My favorite author on the planet is Simon Toyne — anyone that likes BRILLIANT Literature needs to read his books.
  1. Teachers, you deserve to be taken care of.
  1. I don’t eat red meat. I backslide and occasionally eat chicken. I rarely eat fish. I don’t drink milk from animals.
  1. I don’t support any business that uses Palm Oil in their products. I don’t trust that it’s not from heavily deforested areas. That is the #1 reason, tigers, rhinos and orangutans are dying.
  1. I love my beard. It’s 1 month old, but I will keep growing it.
  1. I cheer for the Toronto Blue Jays. There is NO other MLB I cheer for.
  1. I don’t smoke.
  1. I don’t do drugs. Unless you count a beer, a bourbon, a glass of wine, a martini or coffee as a drug.
  1. I don’t have a favorite CFL team. I’ve lived in every province that has a CFL team. My home province doesn’t have one.
  1. I favor capital punishment. However, having said that, I don’t believe it should be used in every situation. Rapists, Child killers should get the death penalty. It’s a proven fact that recidivism for violent crime is literally automatic. This to me is unacceptable. I believe it should also be used for those who commit treason, acts of terrorism, and anyone who takes the life of a first responder, law enforcement, EMT’s Firefighters….it should be their punishment.
  1. I like Westerns…the old cowboy movies from the 40’s and 50’s they tend to be my favorite
  1. I love RomComs. I can’t help it. I like them.
  1. If you judge me soley on what you see on twitter. Or any other social media channels; You’ve no idea who I am, and what you’re missing. PS. I still love Gustavsson.
  1. I’m a hopeless romantic. I have a lot of old school values. I believe in love.
  1. I believe in Chivalry.
  1. I love the outdoors.
  1. I love all 4 seasons.
  1. I have lived at one time or another in every Canadian province.
  1. I have over 20 different cameras.
  1. I have 2 sisters. I am the middle child. I also have 6 Half sisters. AND 1 Half Brother.
  1. I think about running for political office frequently.
  1. I’ve met famous people; one of my favorites was meeting Hulk Hogan and getting time to speak with him, and seeing a different side of the Hulkster.
  1. I have a very large garden. It is filled with many different fruits, vegetables and herbs.
  1. I support farmers markets.
  1. I love random road trips.
  1. I like antique markets, flea markets, yard sales.
  1. I don’t like being single. I wish I was married and a father.
  1. There are certain things I can never speak publicly of. There are some things that are too painful, too hard to admit.
  1. I like the NFL and I like the CFL, imagine that. I also like Tim Tebow. I’m entitled to that.
  1. I love the moon, the stars, planets etc. I’d like to become skilled at astrophotography.
  1. Any movie that has Al Pacino, Harrison Ford, Morgan Freeman, Tom Hanks, Denzel Washingon, Tommy Lee Jones, Will Smith, Bruce Willis, Robin Williams, Jim Cavizel, Nicholas Cage, Jason Statham, Sylvester Stallone, Ray Liotta, John Cusack, Robert DeNiro, Will Ferrell, Johnny Depp or Adam Sandler in it, means I will watch it at least twice.
  1. I love food. I think everyone has a love for food. I tend to however gravitate to more Non-North American cuisine. I find that Canadian/American cuisine is boring.
  1. I like stand-up comedy shows.
  1. I believe in God. Angels. The Devil, Demons and Spirits. Good and Bad. I believe that Jesus died on the cross. I believe he was resurrected. I believe that God forgives all sin, if you ask for forgiveness. Except one.
  1. I believe that Aliens exist. Alien simply means not from Earth. I believe God created many life forms on many planets. I’m not so close minded to think that out of the bajillion solar systems and galaxies, we’re the only planet with life.
  1. I love the CBC. I have very fond memories of certain shows growing up as a small child. The Friendly Giant, Switchback (with Stan Johnson & Rufus) The Beachcombers, Hockey Night In Canada. Video Hits (*sighs* Samantha Taylor) Good Rockin’ Tonite with the ORIGININAL host, Mr. Terry David Mulligan and the man who replaced him, Stu Jeffries, The 5th Estate, Land & Sea, Fraggle Rock, CODCO, Danger Bay, Degrassi Junior High (not the spinoff), Don Messer’s Jubilee, Four on the Floor with the Frantics, Kids In The Hall, Mr. Dressup, North of 60, These shows, I loved them. Amazing Canadian Programming.  American programming is NOT always better.
  1. Corner Gas is my favorite sitcom of all time. Big Bang Theory is a close second.
  1. I love Music, It’s not exactly a secret. What is though is I love musicals.  Whether it’s on Broadway or the Mirivish. I love Musicals  Also love movies that are Musicals.
  1. I’ve seen the first 4 seasons of Glee. I’m dreading watching the last 2 seasons.
  1. I like any show or movies about Vampires, Zombies, Werewolves or anything Paranormal.
  1. XFiles is my favorite show that deals with the paranormal.
  1. I am saddened by the crass commercialism of Christmas, Easter, Valentine’s Day. It’s is appalling to me.
  1. I don’t like Zoos, Aquariums (you know like Ripley’s) or Marine Parks (like SeaWorld, Marineland Canada). I believe keeping animal enslaved in conditions that are unnatural is immoral, unethical and subhuman. Zoos, aquariums, marine parks can NEVER replicate the natural habitats of these wonderful forms of life. These places exist so people can get rich. It has NOTHING to do with Conservation. These beautiful cratures are ripped from their homes and are sentenced to death. They never go home.
  1. I believe in true conservation of the Animal Kingdom. That is what I support.
  1. I really prefer living in small towns. The big city is not my first choice.
  1. I like riding my mountain bike.
  1. I love the beach, but not just to see the beautiful women at the beach, I love the sand, the rocks, the water, the smell of fresh air.
  1. As much as I am an extrovert, I am also an introvert.
  1. My eyes change color, green, brown, hazel, grey are the colors I’ve seen them
  1. I have a very high IQ. I’m extremely intelligent. I owe this to having mentors in my life. They taught me that education and knowledge are important and that you should always seek knowledge. This likely explains why I am constantly reading thousands of websites every month. I also read a lot of books.
  1. I like to stay current with what is happening in the world. How can you not pay attention to what happens on this planet.
  1. I am a compassionate person, deeply sensitive, and very much artistic. I like to write in many formats, be it blogs, short stories or poems.
  1. I am a photographer. Many know this. However, photography is something that helps me to clear my head, focus, and rediscover the immense beauty that still exists in this world.
  1. I donate blood. I am signed up to be an organ donor. I will donate bone marrow.
  1. Washington DC is one of my favorite American destinations. I love the Architecture there. The Smithsonian Museums, that’s an automatic stop for me.
  1. There is NOTHING like seeing the Ocean. I love Nature, the desert, mountains etc…but there is NOTHING like the ocean in my opinion.
  1. I am drawn to anything about the Titanic. It’s a story that haunts me. I am fascinated by everything Titanic.
  1. Jean is my favorite friend to have food adventures with. Well, she’s actually awesome to have adventures with that are not food related. She’s a camera/photography buff too. She gets my love of photography
  1. I have lost more loved ones to death than most people will experience in 10 lifetimes.
  1. I prefer Blackberry over Androids and iPhones. I’ve owned iphones, androids and windows phones. I prefer the security of Blackberry. The battery life is superior to the droids and iphones I’ve owned. I like expandable storage, something apple never figured out…people like expandable storage. You want a higher GB version of an iphone, you’re gonna pay through the nose for it. If you have an android or blackberry, MicroSD Cards are uber cheap. Blackberry has their app store on their phones, the amazon app store, and the google play store, I don’t suffer for lack of apps.
  1. I want to volunteer more often. I need to do this. I think everyone should volunteer time to charitable endeavours.
  1. My faith is important to me. If it were not, I’d likely have been dead by now. I’ve contemplated suicide in the past. The reasons I’ve thought about it, I won’t say. However, I believe that is a sin that cannot ever be forgiven. I do want to see those I’ve lost in the past. Choosing a path that is against God’s design, that won’t allow me to ever see them again. It is something I won’t ever do.
  1. I am human. I am right. I am also wrong. I can’t undo the past. I can only deal with the present and the ever moving march to the future. If I’ve wronged you, it could be something you did, or I did. However, I analyze everything I’ve said or done at some point in my life. If I believe after analysis that I am wrong; I will admit it. I will apologize if it is needed. Believe me, I am not a robot. I don’t like to hurt anyone. I’m not mean spirited. I act on emotion, passion, and intellect. That on occasion gets the best of me. Cruelty or Malice is NEVER my intent.

There you have it. 100 Things about me that you may or may not have known…

Your comments are always deeply appreciated.


The Do’s And The Dont’s of Online Dating

Right_WrongThe Do’s And The Dont’s of Online Dating

I can only offer these comments based on what I see; which is only profiles of women.

I have not been on for years like some people, just a short few months; these are simply my observations and opinions. You’re welcome to agree or disagree.

I don’t see the profiles of men; so I have no idea what goes on for women looking at the profiles of men.

For the women who have profiles on online dating sites…here are some Do’s and Don’ts.

Don’t pose with sedated Tigers, Elephants and any other Wild Animals.

It makes you look stupid, selfish, uneducated and a total asshole.

DO read the entire profile the man posts. (Assuming the guy has a profile to read) Some of us are more than just photographs.

Don’t post photos of you with your children.

DO tell people you are a parent in your profile.

Your children should NEVER have their photos posted on an online dating site…EVER

Don’t post shots of you naked or in lingerie. That will only attract 1 type of male, the kind that is looking for an easy lay. Posting photos like that make you look desperate, and it also indicates you have esteem issues. No one with esteem issues will post those photos on an online dating site.

DO post photos that show you in your best light.  Ones that make you look like you’re just like everyone else.

Don’t post photos where you look like a thug, a criminal, a serial killer etc

Do post photos of you with your cats or dogs, horses etc, if you have them. I love animals.

Don’t post photos of group shots and NOT identify who you are.

Do write an informative profile.  A profile should be more than photographs. If you’re looking for someone in your life; give people a reason as to why they should message you. Do you want someone messaging you because of your looks, or the words you have written.

Don’t LIE about your age. There is ZERO reason you can give for lying. NONE. If you can’t be honest about your age, it tells me you have no issues with being dishonest.

Do write a profile that is honest. It doesn’t have to be a 10,000 words, just has to be truthful.

Don’t post fake photos. It’s not nice to post photos of people who are not you. If I am going to meet you, you better look like your photos (within reason)

Do post photos that are actually of you. Nothing more can be explained on this one.

Don’t be married. I believe in Marriage. You should not be on an online dating site for any reason if you’re married or living with your Boyfriend.

Do be available to meet at some point if there is a connection. Do be single.  It is pretty easy to understand this concept.

I am a man, looking for a long term relationship. Do be a woman.

Don’t be a male, pretending to be a woman, so you can rob someone or worse.

DO be of Legal Age. Again…this is common sense.

Don’t be a minor. Again…common sense, laws, etc.

These things should be common sense, but I’ve discovered that common sense is lacking online, on these online dating sites.

If you have any other Do’s AND Dont’s – I’d love to hear them….

I’m hoping to find someone who realizes that my Do’s and Dont’s make a lot of sense, haha, but if she’s a sports fan, animal lover she’s already ahead of everyone else.

Finding My Place In This World, Where Do I Fit In?



Easter Sunday…but that’s not what this blog is about..my faith is mine, yours is yours.  That’s the way it should be, and will always be with me.

I confess I’m a terrible blogger, as I have no consistent blog coming out daily or weekly.  I’m also not one to have a theme for my blog. If you read anything I write.

Thank You.

I am frustrated at times about many things, social injustices, be it the inequality of women in relation to the male gender, the destruction of ancient relics/artifacts in Iraq by ISIS, the wars that occur all over the globe, animals in captivity, GMO’s being everywhere and seemingly in everything. Human trafficking, be it male or female, the sex trade, and I could go on and on and on.

The point is I’m frustrated, because I want to fix all these issues. BUT, I can’t.  It has to be an effort where everyone gets involved. Although, I do believe one person can make a difference in certain things, it’s not wrong to say, there is power in numbers.

I get off track easy; my mind tends to get amped up when I think of these things…

I want to talk about online life…

Kaboom!  Was that the sound of people’s heads exploding, haha joking..

Online Dating is what I want to talk about…

There was a time, when dating was not so commercialized…I mean, you might date someone you met at a bar, nightclub, from a church, a grocery store, maybe it was a blind date, maybe you dated someone you worked with.  It could even be someone you met at school, college, university…you get the point..

You weren’t meeting people online, because at one point, there was No Internet.

eHarmony, Plenty of Fish, Tinder, Ok Cupid, LavaLife, Twitter, Facebook, Christian Mingle, Match.com those are just a few, plus people are hooking up for short term, casual sex, long term and other activities..

Honestly, being single in the internet age is brutal. You might think there is more choice, so that has to be a good thing. It’s not.

The phrase “Less is More” applies here. With less choice, people tend to look harder at the choices they’re making. Everything is more enhanced, more valuable. Time and quality becomes important.

When you have an overwhelming amount to choose from, for many it gets reduced to looking at a photo for half a second; then making a decision.

That really doesn’t work for me. The way someone looks, yeah, it’s a factor; you have to be physically attracted to someone. I’ve also found in my experience, the longer you are with someone, the more beautiful they become to you.

The problem with these sites is they’re overrun with scammers (people living thousands of miles away) prostitutes. Hookers etc

The “Good Ones” on these sites, they exist…I’m hopeful they do anyways…

I wish these sites did not exist, but at the same time, people who find their bliss on here, I’m happy for them.

I guess for me, knowing that I’m being judged based on whatever photos I post gets me down. I can’t help feeling down about this,

There is so much more to me than photos of me.

I don’t make a decision to message someone online based on their physical appearance. I want to know what makes someone tick. I want to know their passions, goals, aspirations.

I want to know what is important to them. I can guarantee other people who are on an online dating site know exactly what I’m saying…They don’t like the fact that their photos determine their fate.

The only one this doesn’t apply to; stunning women, and for the women, they guys who look like models. BUT, then again, if I was smoking hot; I’d be irked knowing that’s the only reason people are messaging me.

I have a fairly lengthy profile on an online dating site…

I lay it our crystal clear on who I am, what I want, I talk about my past, present and future…

I figure if I do this, I’ll get the right people messaging me, right?

NOPE, instead I get photos EVERY single day from women, who are either naked or half naked.  I must not forget the bisesxual woman from Toronto, who sent me a photo of 2 lesbian vampires having sex in a bathtub.

Classy, just so classy..

If you’re on a dating site, don’t you want to be seen in the best light possible?

I don’t get all the women that are MY AGE, still doing the duckface, the Sideways V with their 2 fingers, bragging about getting smashed, every weekend, you are 35+ this is NOT attractive, unless someone is looking for something “easy”

Women who posed with sedated Tigers..really? Piss off…

Or my favorite, the many, many women in their 40’s who put 20 as their age..when they are 45+.

But the biggest winners are the ones who post photos of their young children, are you crazy? Your children, come on people.

I’m not a fan of dishonest people. Or, is that just me.

If you are on a dating site, the profile, with no pics, or a profile that just says you’re female,

Delete your profile. Pretty sure I’m not interested in trolls, catfish etc…

I’m only speaking from my perspective, I’m quite aware that great things happen for some people through these sites.

In an ideal world more people would value actions, words, soul, than the outside package, but I guess I’m just dreaming at this point.

Online dating is not for everyone.

I know my friends would say “Don’t give up, there’s someone out there for you” and my reaction is yeah right..haha..bad attitude?

No, I’m just a realist. However, I don’t like to quit.

I’ve been trying this online dating thing for a few months, and I’ve met some “interesting” people.

In my opinion, online dating is not for me.

I can’t see myself looking helpless at a grocery store, I don’t do the bar scene, getting set up on a blind date by friends…. do people still set up their friends? I don’t believe in getting involved with clients..

My church attendance is sporadic at best.

Which brings me back to the online world, If I had a magic wand…I’d wave it over online dating sites and eliminate the option of photos, and you’d have to have a profile that indicates more than your gender..

THIS, would mean, you’d have to get to know the person based on the quality of the person they are..

What a shocking concept…

I’m not looking for pity, or sympathy, I am sure some of you can relate to what I am saying, others, maybe not so much and that is ok.

I am physically healthy more or less, mentally healthy, somewhat, but I breathe, I have my faith, and I have some amazing people who are in my life.

I wish for amazing love every single day. I don’t think we’re meant to be alone. You can be alone, lonely, even if you’re surrounded my friends and family.

I am never truly alone because I have my faith. There are days however, I feel lonely and invisible.

I believe in my heart that as much as the internet does to educate people, it has a dark side and that side is, it keeps people locked to it.

I value social interaction more. It’s a 2 sided sword.

I have thousands of followers on social media, yet I feel invisible, more often than not. I feel like I’m a hindrance or an annoyance or a joke to many. What compounds these thoughts is what happens to me on Online dating sites.

I long for the days where communication and social interaction was king, you know the days before internet.

Irony is, the internet is the way people will see this. Maybe I should have started a journal instead of an online blog. I find it easier to type than write, haha.

I know I was born too late in life. I should have been born in a different era. They say the grass is greener on the other side. There might be truth to that.

In the meantime, I will keep appearing and disappearing on twitter and facebook.

I’ll keep writing blogs from time to time.

I will even keep the online dating profile…for a little bit longer..

However, if you happen to know a nice woman, who’s an animal lover, maybe a sports fan, a fan of the XFiles, Big Bang Theory, Star Wars and Star Trek that works too and most important, she’s single,

You can always tell her to say hello…

Until we meet again…


Online Dating


Online Dating…..

Two words that can for some people be a positive thing or a negative thing.

This won’t be a post where I bash people..

These are simply my thoughts, and isn’t that what blogging is REALLY supposed to be?

I’m not getting paid to tell you how I feel or what I think.

There are countless websites/apps out there that offer people the chance to meet up,

Tinder, Plenty of Fish, OK Cupid, eHarmony, Match.Com, Craigslist and likely I’m probably missing a few thousand more, although…people do use Twitter and Facebook as a way to meet.

The purpose of what I am writing is not to bash people who use these sites to hook up for casual sex, or commit adultery.

Those are your choices, no matter how much I strongly detest those poor choices.

The purpose of what I write is just to offer my thoughts.

You can agree or disagree, you can even leave comments.

I know so many people that have met online, be it twitter, facebook, Tinder, Plenty of Fish, OK Cupid, eHarmony, Match.Com, Craigslist.

In fact, the people that I refer to are all in serious relationships now, be as it BF/GF or husband and wife.

To those friends of mine, I applaud you.

When you are an old fashioned guy, it’s hard to switch what you’ve always known or done to a completely different path.

I never was the guy who wanted to meet “the one” in a bar…when alcohol is involved… I just don’t trust it.

Conversely, I always believed that getting involved with those you work with, not the smartest of ideas.

I don’t go to church as often as I should, Sorry Casey 🙂

So, where does a good person meet someone they can maybe build something amazing with…

Hence, the world of Online Dating

As I mentioned earlier, there are a plethora of ways to “get to know” people online.

The problem though is, so many of those people who you “might” connect with, they are 100% fake.

I know this, because since I’ve been in Ontario, I’ve met about 1000 people.

When I say about 1000 people, I’m not talking about in a dating/romantic capacity.

I’m talking about meeting people at sporting events, tweetups, networking functions etc.

The startling reality is, the majority are fake.

If you are a person with common sense and decency, do you really want a relationship with someone who is one way online…but the polar opposite offline.

I know that scenario doesn’t work for me.

There is this couple I know, they’re adorable, the guy Andrew has been my friend ever since I came to Ontario, and he met his love of his life on Tinder, 1 year later, they’re still going strong.

His GF has been pushing me to get myself “out there” on an online dating manner.

She’s probably right, Her thoughts are I’m smart, not hard on the eyes, and have a lot of great qualities.

I think she’s crazy, but a lot of my female friends tend to echo her sentiments, so who knows, maybe they’re right.

I’ve thought to myself, on a daily basis…it’s time that I find myself someone, that I can grow old with.

I’ve never been the serial dater, dating is not life a buffet to me… I don’t need 50 different flavors that are ok…just 1 that is awesome.

Monogamous long term relationships are what I’ve always known.

I’m not cool enough to say I’ve had a one night stand, or I’ve done a threesome, so if that means my man card is going to be revoked..so be it.

I’ve been in Ontario since 2010….and I’ve not seriously dated anyone since I’ve been here..

I always told most people I moved here, because I’m obsessed with Toronto sports teams.

There is a ring of truth in that statement. I am obsessed with my terrible, dysfunctional Toronto sports teams.

Having said that, people that are super close to me, they know why I moved to Ontario..

A long time ago, in what seems like another lifetime..I was in love…for many, many years I was blessed to know love.

BUT, life had other plans for me, and she passed away.

The last person I was in love with died. It is something that I wish no one would have to experience.

However, I know it happens on most likely a daily basis to someone in the world.

I knew I couldn’t deal with that kind of pain and emotional carnage..so I came here..where no one knows me..

I needed to deal with my pain and suffering on my own terms,

I also knew, my friends would at some point want me to move on, and they’d start trying to set me up with someone they would think would be great for me.

I didn’t want that, so I left…

It took a long long time to heal..and while I was healing, all my friends around me were living life, being in love, getting married, you know, being happy.

Fast forward to present day,

I’ve been ready to be in a serious relationship for some time now..

I made my first dip in the water not long ago..

I responded to someone who I thought I’d be compatible with,

We had quite a few conversations, even had the obligatory phone calls 🙂

I guess this is where I talk about the first date?

I talked to some people, mostly women,

I asked their advice on the do’s and don’ts of “The First Date”

I was pretty psyched, I knew the person was beautiful and intelligent & appeared to be quite funny as well.

I made reservations at a place that a friend suggested…

Intimate setting, but not over the top, small, but not miniscule, but not large enough that onversation would be difficult.

This is basically how the evening went, we talked for close to 3 hours, had 3 glasses of delicious red wine, she laughed when I said funny things, she complimented me on how I looked, loved my beard, said my hair was perfect, and that my photos really don’t do me justice.

The conversations were not one sided, I asked lots of questions about her..I kept religion and politics out of the conversation haha. I’d say she talked about as much as I did. She told me she’d love to be my date for my Birthday (which is coming up on the 9th) and also told me, Valentine’s Day, I’d be her date.

She talked about things that she wanted, I did the same, we were clearly wanting the same things, I felt like a second date is definitely coming my way.

I’m thinking on my way home, wow..this is awesome, met a woman who I am compatible with

AND…I met her online, go figure, maybe my friends are onto something with online dating..


I sent her a brief text message,

It said, “Great meeting you, looking forward to seeing you again” and then, I went to sleep.

When I woke up this morning, the light on my phone was flashing.

I picked up the phone, and saw that I had a text from her,

I started to smile,

Until I read her text…

“I’m not really feeling this”

My thought were this…

We talked for close to 3 hours, had 3 glasses of delicious red wine, she laughed when I said funny things, she complimented me on how I looked, loved my beard, said my hair was perfect, and that my photos really don’t do me justice.

The conversations were not one sided, I asked lots of questions about her..I kept religion and politics out of the conversation haha. I’d say she talked about as much as I did. She told me she’d love to be my date for my Birthday (which is coming up on the 9th) and also told me, Valentine’s Day, I’d be her date.

She talked about things that she wanted, I did the same, we were clearly wanting the same things, I felt like a second date is definitely coming my way.

Is this what woman do, when they are “Not Feeling This”

Am I missing something, if you don’t feel the connection, don’t you leave after the first glass of wine?

I am apparently not as smart as I think haha, seriously, I will never profess to being an expert with women.

So, now what…

Do I try another venture into the world of online dating, or do I go back into my own self imposed exile.

I guess you’ll have to keep reading to see what happens.

People say they are happy being single, ok.

There are other people who find life if better, when they’re not single.

No right or wrong answer in my opinion, it’s ok to be single, it’s ok to not be single.

As long as you’re happy..that’s what counts..

You know, Oak trees are strong, majestic, and it takes a force of absolute strength to take down an Oak…

Even though my first foray into online dating didn’t end the way I thought it might..

It’s going to take more than this to knock me down..


They say there is someone for everyone…

When I find my “someone”

I’ll be sure to do right by her…




The Ugly Truth About Caring – From the Point of view of a Misinformed Extremist :)




My entire life I always knew animals did not belong in tanks, or cages, but it wasn’t until I learned the truth did things really change for me.

The truth is, social media has done a lot to educate me along with the countless thousands of websites that are out there dedicated to giving the voiceless a voice.

You can try to spin it anyway you want, but the reality is, it’s not ok to lock a human in a cage, or to kidnap them from where ever they come and be forced to perform for money, for the pleasure of others.

It’s also NOT ok to forcibly rape another human, or force the same bloodlines to commit incest.

It’s also not ok to lock animals in a cage or a tank and force them to perform stunts for our perverse pleasure, all so the owners can continue to get richer.

We also accept that it’s wrong to lock a child, a dog or a cat in a hot car with no air or water to stay hydrated…


This past 72 hours has been eye opening for me…

I’ll start with the first thing…

I attended the #FreeKiska Demonstration at Marineland in Niagara Falls on Saturday…


Although the St Catharines Standard erroneously and inaccurately reported “50 or less”

My photographs proved otherwise, love when journalists who don’t attend just print lies.

I am not saying they’re on the payroll of Marineland, but when I do a headcount and it’s 137 people.

That is NOT 50.

I guess if you say hardly anyone showed up, it makes it look like everyone is ok with the nonsense at Marineland.

Another thing that shocked me was older women (40’s to 60″s) screaming vulgar profanities…

I expected that from the men. AND they did not disappoint. Typical of my gender. Barbarians.

Not all, some of them.

Another thing NOT mentioned in the St.Catharines Standard, was the fact that for the most part, the parking lots were 75% vacant…


The first 4 or 5 parking lots were overgrown with grass or debris, suggesting, it’s been ages since many cars have parked in those lots…

While I was there photographing the #FreeKiska Demonstration, I did notice something that I thought was unusual…

3 Buses Filled with Mennonites from 3 different cities in Upstate New York were being shuttled in…

Guess Marineland might need some new customers?

One Day — the hard work of all those who care will see the day come where #EmptyTheTanks will be reality…




After I left that demonstration…

I headed on over to the Circus protest in St Catharines….

At one point, about 37 people were protesting..which is better than the less than 20 people inside.

The people going inside for the most part were polite..but some were very hostile and very misogynistic.

I think the circus is barbaric, inhuman, cruel etc…


I was already irked by the rude people from the morning haha…

I stayed on the premises photographing everything for about 4 hours..

There was one long trailer, with a few windows, no air conditioning and it was already super hot,

Soooo, anything inside would be trapped inside a furnace…

What was in that trailer?

A Zebra, some sort of goat or antelope with crazy horns, 2 baboons, a house cat that did “tricks” and a jaguar…

The baboons were fed Gatorade, yes Gatorade and were let out once.

The jaguar was locked in the cage for over 4 hours before Michael Hackneberger gave it water after I got vocal with him..

The Zebra smashed its hooves against the stall for 4 hrs…also smashed its face against the bars till it’s muzzle was bleeding

5 hours after I ARRIVED the zebra was taken out…the limp was noticeable

I was very upset but what I witnessed..and I stewed about it all day…I did file a complaint with the OSPCA..

I also talked about it on social media..

The woman who is paid to tweet for the Bowmanville Zoo tried to engage me in Conversation…

She started her comments by calling me misinformed. I told her I was not misinformed, and since I’ve had several similar conversations with her, I wasn’t interested in another pointless one.

She then called me an extremist…

So be it..I am an extremist..because I care about respecting all forms of life..sue me….

After that, her “friends” in the Toronto Twitterati proceeded to rip me…

Saying my opinion was not credible, since I’m a new vegetarian (transitioning to vegan)..

For the record, my diet has NOTHING to do with what I witnessed Saturday….


Since my detractors and the person who tweets for the Bowmanville Zoo were NOT at the Protest on Saturday…

They have ZERO credibility…

My words are true, as are my photos..as are the voices of everyone who saw what I saw…

My detractors…

You will NOT break me..



Job 35:11

King James Version (KJV)

11 Who teacheth us more than the beasts of the earth, and maketh us wiser than the fowls of heaven?


The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated.

Mahatma Gandhi











Kijiji, Craigslist & The Power of Social Media

I often marvel about Social Media, be it Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Vine, Instagram etc. There are so many good things and bad things about twitter.

One person I think highly of is Nicole aka @LateJuly on Twitter. She’s a marvellous singer, with an incredible soul. She is one of those people that is outside the box, not so easily defined, and that’s a good thing.

I caught this post on my Facebook wall, and I knew I needed to blog about it. It is yet another example of the good of Social Media.

You can learn so much more about people and what makes them tick.

Here is the post from Nicole Simone… (I did not edit her post)


Why Craigslist loves animals & Kijiji creates ‘breeds’ misery:

Craigslist offers a section for rehoming animals, but NEVER allows the selling of animals. They have been quite successful in this endeavour and I truly admire their commitment to not contributing to backyard breeders, puppy mills and other misery. Craigslist doesn’t want to in ANY way aid to the irresponsible breeding/selling of dogs. They allow for rehoming with a small fee, but nothing more and no sales.

The idea is that if sites like this and people boycott these backyard breeders then they won’t breed irresponsibly again and less dogs will end up getting put down in a pound or end up in bad situations.

Kijiji has no qualms letting backyard breeders, puppy mill owners and people who have stolen other peoples animals post animals for sale in order to make a quick profit. There is nothing preventing the sale of dogs used in dog fights or dogs used as bait (yes bait) in dog fights. I’m speaking from PERSONAL experience, I’m sure other rescuers can chime in on their “Kijiji Nightmares” but there are many, I could tell you personal stories of dogs I’ve pulled off that site.

And if you’re asking ‘but where should all the animals go then’ well your kittens can go on Craigslist and instead of posting on Kijiji and pocketing money for them, ask for a small donation to an animal charity, which can be done through Craigslist and have your cats fixed like responsible owners.

Animals should have a safe place to go in Ontario, but thanks to needless breeding for the sake of the almighty dollar, our shelters are full, our rescues are overwhelmed, our large animal organizations are fraught with mismanaged funds and the place that most unwanted pets go (at any age or health status), is the euthanasia room.

I say all of the above as someone who has rescued and assisted in 100’s of rescues of animals.

It’s sad, it’s pathetic and I really think we can ALL do better, because we sure as hell know better.

End rant.


I’ve read her post a few times now. Nicole is RIGHT…Kijiji is messed up.

The bottom line is DO NOT GET an ANIMAL ever if you cannot take care of it. Your animal should be treated like an extension of you… with proper food, hygiene needs addressed correctly, exercise and MOST importantly, LOVE…

Thanks to Nicole, I now know to Boycott Kijiji…

The more people who read her post and mine, the more lives in the Animal Kingdom can be saved too…

SO PLEASE, feel free to share this with as many people as you can

Isn’t that all that matters?

I can be found on Twitter at @OakleyInc

Nicole can be found on Twitter at @LateJuly

& her amazing music can be found here…


Job and Careers – My Story

It’s very clear to me that there is a lot of emotion when it comes to being employed vs unemployed.

I’m 40,

I’ve been in every province & territory, I’ve worked since I was 16.

I’ve always been of the mindset that hard work is good for you.

I was born in the Maritimes where there was not a lot of work.

I always had a job though, no matter what province I’ve lived in,including Ontario.

There are people out there who have no desire to work.They would prefer to collect welfare, or work the minimum number of weeks, then collect EI. I’ve no respect for that, you are a leech.

However, there are those who are unemployed who work harder then others I know who are employed. These people are sending resumes out, going to interviews & doing everything by the book, these people I have such respect and empathy for.

What are me & others doing different. I cannot speak for them, so i’ll tell my story.

I came here to Ontario for a few reasons, my love of sports & for other personal reasons.

I’d been working for about 20 years when I came to Ontario.

I did not really know who & where I wanted to work for.

The first thing I did was update my resume.

The next thing I did was starting finding reputable job sites…such as



http://www.monster.ca/ (this site will help u design free cover letters & free resume builders)




I even checked out Kijiji & Craiglist  as well.

I went & bought a business directory for the city of Brampton & Mississauga.

These Directories tell me everything I need to know about a business.

Once I got that of course, I mass emailed every single business that matched my skill sets or I felt I might be a good fit for..

Once I did that, along with all the job sites I was accessing within a week I had about 40 interviews.

That is a lot of interviews, I did not go to all of them of course. The specific companies that I wanted to talk to, those who were I focused on.

There was about 10 companies I was very interested in. Once I emailed them my resume, I waited exactly 1 day before I started calling them.

I called each & every employer everyday till I got my interview.

I’ve heard many pros & cons regarding calling employers.

I don’t exactly play by the rules.

Think about it, if the employer has no plan on calling you back, you have nothing to lose by calling everyday till you are told, come in or piss off.

If you sign up to any of these sites, the sites will also send you job postings you are qualified for.

Once I got the interviews for the place I wanted, off I went to be interviewed.

All interviews are different, they tend to be different because everyone is different.

However, I know how to sell myself. My direct mannerisms are a blessing & at times a curse.

However, following this methodology has found me work in every province.

I got the job I wanted & while I was working, I was still looking at the sites everyday & looking at upgrading my options. That led to another job.

One day I happened to get a call from a company in Montreal, who were accessing many of the sites I was and had seen my resume. They were expanding into Ontario, and they were interested in me.

I went to that interview & the offer was so appealing – but I turned it down.

A few weeks later another Executive with the company phoned me & made me an offer I could not refuse, so off I went to work for them…

And this is where the story gets fun,

I was working for this company from literally dawn to dusk, Six days a week, sometimes 7.

I did not have any life at all.

I felt beaten & broken.

Then Twitter said hello to me.

I slowly got into twitter, so very confused by how it all works. I was becoming addicted to it, sooooo

I went to a gathering of twitter people. I met a lot of people that night including @CorySilver @pshag @dezignated @dallas_price @trishca @gailgabrielle @clickflickca. Amazing people who have changed my life.

After that I was hooked for good.

The strange thing was – the day of that Gathering at Real Sports was the day I quit my job.

I quit a very well paying job, that had lots of potential for me.

I quit because I was unhappy, my life was consumed by working for someone else.

My passion in life has always been Photography, Food, Writing & sports of course.

I’d been involved with photography since I was a child. I knew I was good – I just had no idea if I had the guts to start my own business.

I started a Facebook Page, I already had a built in FB audience, so creating this page was common sense.


I encourage you, if you “Like” this page…go ahead click…

I designed & created my own official website


I wasn’t an expert, so I got a very good guy from Twitter to help me with hosting. Thanks to Roberto Sarjoo for helping me with that, He also designs the worlds best business cards, he designed mine. They are the best I ever had.

Once I started interacting more on Facebook & Twitter, going to tweetups, I started to get people off twitter & Fb hiring me to do small jobs.

This is Toronto however, there are some unbelievably talented people here. I know the photography business will not be easy.

I know bills still need to be paid, so I decided I would look for some work that would not interfere with me building my business.

Once again, I took to twitter because on Twitter there are some great sources for job leads, accounts like @YahooJobs @Spherion_Canada

@googlejobs @Jobs_Toronto @MonsterCareers

@Workopolis @JobsInToronto @RogersCareers @googlejobs

Of course, at this point I had 3 or 4 hundred followers who would tweet on occasion about job leads they had.

About that time, I started following Julie, she is the Chief Matchmaker at Vestiigo. @Vestiigo @VestiigoJulie

She always seems to have an inside scoop to some amazing opportunities. Combining all the twitter links with all the JobSites once again I found a job very quickly.

I was hired to do sales, which I have always had a knack for – I love closing deals.

Once I was there for a few months, I started talking to them about Marketing, Advertising & Social Media.

I am now responsible for building a brand for them using Facebook & Twitter.

At this point, that leaves me with a job in sales, a photography job, & now a job in social media.

I have been steadily getting more & more clients in the photography business. In fact one of my clients was so impressed she introduced me to someone very close to her.

He is looking for someone to run his social media as well.

If I take this job, it will be job #4 for me.

Everything that has come to me is because I followed a system.

Making sure I checked the sites daily,Calling Employers daily and I networked my ass off when I moved to Ontario.

Twitter is perhaps the best marketing tool I’ve ever seen. Think about it, your friends & their friends are on Twitter. Many different businesses are online as well. When they have vacancies, they tend to tweet about it.

Everyone is talking on it. On my twitter list I don’t just follow anyone, or let anyone follow me, I want to be able to offer them something. My friendship, my knowledge, experiences etc. I hope to gain the same from the people I follow.

I’ve thought about this long & hard, I get work because I am tenacious,ambitious & I know how to sell myself in interviews,

If you are unemployed you have NOTHING to lose, so call them daily, use the sites & the twitter accounts I mentioned.

Ask your friends if they know anyone hiring,go to Job Fairs which Toronto has all the time.

If there are certain companies you want to work for, send them your resume.

Keep calling, if they don’t have a twitter account or FB account & you have a knack for that, explain to the company how you can use this to make their business even more profitable.

I’m not saying this will work for everyone, but I have an employer who pays me a separate salary to a different job in the company, so it does happen, its happened for others too.

Be confident, confidence is King…show the world that you are the most amazing person & that you will be an asset to the company, confidence is sexy & impossible to resist.

I believe that anywhere I work I will be an asset for the team. I am also willing to adapt to become more integral to the team.

I believe that if you sell yourself on the phone and/or in person the job will become yours.

I don’t doubt in my mind being unemployed sucks,I can imagine the emotions, anger,sadness, frustration etc.

However, if you use these sites, use these twitter accounts,talk to companies you want to work for, call them every single day & sell yourself,

I believe you will get the interviews. I believe you will get the job. Don’t forget for every company hiring, they are begging for an applicant to stand out & blow them out of the water.

I know of so many people who get into a routine of ho hum interviews,

I approached every interview as if my life depended on it..

Be assertive,stay focused, Do Not have self doubt, Embrace Your Animal Side – BE CONFIDENT.

I’m just a guy, these things have worked for me.

I believe they will work for you…

What have you got to lose?



A Slice of Pizza

I won’t pull any punches Pizza Pizza is potentially the world’ s worst pizza in all facets of its operations.

Check this out… http://mymonsterappetite.tumblr.com/post/4057619498/pizza-pizza



In fact the conversation was so animated about Pizza Pizza, the Web Page Sprung up, from frustration obviously.

Pizza Pizza has been talked about for sometime now, and having said that…the Social Media person(s) decided to add me to Twitter.

I decided since I had never been to Pizza Nova, I’d give it a shot.

I chose the location that was near Danforth & Broadview.

It was a small location, but it is clean & the old man who can barely speak a word of English at the counter was reasonably friendly.

The fact he could barely speak English didn’t bug me, he clearly loved Pizza as he was smiling the whole time.

I decided to try a combo for lunch. A can of pop, the smallest Chocolate Bar I have ever seen & a slice of pizza.

The pizza I decided to try was called Pizza Pollo, it’s pizza with sauteed spinach, roasted red peppers, feta cheese & grilled Chicken.

It was greasy, hard, warm (as opposed to fresh & hot).

I would give it about 3 out of 10…Pizza Pizza gets a minus 10 on any of their pizza.

That meal was a complete waste of money & unappetizing, so I decided to order garlic bread & a toasted chicken cutlet sandwich.

Garlic bread was below average, more butter taste then garlic…

The chicken cutlet from presentation to taste to quality – worst chicken sandwich I have ever tasted anywhere, ever…

I had an open mind, but this place sucks, is there anyplace in the GTA that knows how to make Pizza and I mean good pizza, when you don’t have time to sit and dine for an extended period.

If there is, I want to find it…


168 Hours


What can you do in 168 Hours?

Well for the last 168 Hours I have not been on Twitter, nor have I been on Facebook. 

I needed some time offline for a reason, although I suspect less then 4 people know the real reason.

Suffice it to say I took inspiration from the fact that a friend (Damien) went an entire month without twitter.

So, what did I do in 168 Hours without the internet?

Quite a bit,

I went to Shoeless Joe’s with Dave, Andy, Pauline, Sam & a few others. I also ran into Erin, Siohban & Alex. Always great to see Jays fans.

I went to the Toronto Blue Jays Game on Good Friday with Dave…it ended up being one of the best games I’ve ever seen.

I even predicted that Juan Rivera would get on in the 11th Inning & that John McDonald would get the winning hit. I did that after the bottom of the 9th.

I also loved the post-game party – BACK at Shoeless Joe’s 😀

I really needed an amazing day like this to take my mind off what I was going through.

I met Ace that night too, apparently he is a huge fan of my tattoo…


I guess Ace was thankful cause he gave me…


I can’t say again how thankful I am to have a good friend like Dave Poaps.

What else did I do?

Well, good question…

I finally got my business cards printed…

Thank You Roberto Sarjoo…I could simply say these cards are legendary like you…but…I don’t feel that is a good enough of compliment…Much like you, these cards are epic.

You are the only person who saw my vision & designed the perfect card.

Speaking of Roberto Sarjoo, guess what he helped me do?

The website is finally up & running, no more silly names for the site…


Is now ONLINE…Check it Out…

I also went to Bronte Harbour this weekend, even took a drive down to St. Catharines…

I had my new camera with me, so of course photos were taken & ate at a lot of cool lil food spots in my weekend excursion.

I replaced my Iphone4 with a New Iphone4 with double the GB size…

Plus I finally got to check out a place I’ve wanted to go to for a long time…

Not only was it great, but my friend Trish liked it as well…

BUT, to find out about that adventure you need to read this blog at http://mymonsterappetite.tumblr.com/post/5032723199/hurricanes-toronto

Did I miss facebook?

No, not Really?

Did I miss Twitter?

I did, 


I did not miss the people who deleted me while I was gone…

I missed the people who are part of my life offline…

But then again, I didn’t need Twitter or Facebook for that…

I plan to have a busy epic summer…


I don’t think I’ll go another 168 hours without tweeting,

I missed too many people, plus I really just have so much to say, 

As if that was a shock to anyone…

I missed the engaging of people on Twitter, the Good & the Bad…

For better or worse, 

I hope that I was missed…because I missed some of you…

Ok, I really missed everyone who follows me, haha..

Happy Now?


Pizza Pizza

One of the amazing things I’ve discovered about Twitter is that there are amazing people on Twitter.

People that know me, well they know I love a lot of things…

But 3 in Particular, Sports, Food & Photography.

Tweet Ups are a great way to combine all 3…as sports are mentioned photos are taken and food is consumed.

I have gone to a few and I always seem to run into Mr.Fixer @sandviper & @foodieyu

These 2 people are BEYOND Awesome to the 10th degree and they always seem to have really cool friends who I have enjoyed meeting.

I can say I’m blessed to know them both and call them friends.

Stella takes such great photos of food & her blogs have inspired me to do something along the lines, so I have created this side blog, to my main blog to discuss my adventures in search of food to fill my stomach.

I love to eat, however sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s bad.

I have to be able to write the good & the bad…so here we go….

Tuesday March 22nd 2011

Time 7:35 PM


Pizza Pizza 

624 Sheppard Avenue West (Bathurst)

I’d had a long day & I knew Pizza Pizza had lots of specials that I could grab on the way home…

I pulled into the strip mall & went into the store.

Anyone who has been there knows you can see all the way to the back door…

There was one customer in front of me who was clearly helpless & had no clue what she was doing there, much to the chagrin of the counter clerk.

What was I going to do..nothing…. but stand there..and stare ahead like a mutant zombie.

That’s when I saw it a few moments later…in the back there was a cook, 2 delivery drivers & a female staff member who was putting her jacket on to on to leave I assume…when a tall OLDER male walked up behind her & slapped her on the ass…

I wasn’t stoned, nor was I drunk..so the first thing out of my mouth was..

And I Quote 

“What the Fuck was that Bullshit”

I demanded to know who that man was, the counter clerk…replied…

“That’s the Owner”

I said really, she said yes…

I asked her, does he smack your ass too?

She gave me a very uncomfortable look,

My strong suspicion is he has…

The girl,who had her ass slapped was about 16 to 20 ish…the owner appeared to be in his late 40’s to 50’s…

I’ve been a manager before at various businesses…

I can’t find anywhere in the rules of employment that a boss can slap another employees ass…

I consider this sexual harassment, or at the very least 

UNBELIEVEABLY Inappropriate…

I phoned the store, the owner refused to call me back…

My next call was to Head Office, they informed me that location is a franchise store…

I was told they would look into it…

I got a call tonight, that I wasn’t able to answer…

The Vice President of Operations apparently wants to talk to me…

I’ll phone him tomorrow…

Do you think he will like this blog…?

Do I care if he likes it?

No I do not…

This girl is probably too young or too scared to speak up…


I’ll speak for her…

If I had a child & that was done to her, 

They’d never find that guy’s body…

Shame to know Assholes like him still exist…

Not that it really matters,

But there is no way in HELL I’ll ever order from Pizza Pizza ever again…

I hope this particular blog causes people to think…

This blog is to let people know about the good & bad…

I’ll let you make your own decisions…
