Grabovski Facts

These Grabovski comments are for humor only, not intended to offend anyone, if they do, may you need an enema or a sense of humor…Some are mine, some are from friends & some are from other sources…

I love my Toronto Maple Leafs & Mikhail Grabovski is one of my favorite Leafs in recent memory.

Grabovski Shed a tear when his daughter was born that Tear is Timmy Brent #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski simply walks into Mordor #GrabovskiFacts

The Toronto Police Service have a new bullet proof vest. The entire force wears Grabovski jerseys. #GrabovskiFacts

Michael Jackson named his album Thriller after meeting his hero Grabovski #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski knows how they get the Chocolate inside the caramilk Bar #GrabovskiFacts

The REAL reason Favre retired? Grabovski told Favre he was joining the NFL #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski invented the 12 step program, it has one step…Step 1, Fear Grabovski #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski is the Belarusian ambassador to Canada #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski is faster then a speeding bullet #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski is the real 007 #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski outran the plane to Carolina – getting to carolina before the team did #GrabovskiFacts

There is no such thing as 3-D – it’s really called GrabovskiVision #GrabovskiFacts

Jose Bautista comes to Grabovski for hitting advice #Jays fans, u know the results, #GrabovskiFacts

 A single drop of Grabovski’s blood would cure every disease. However,their is no a needle sharp enough to puncture his skin. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski doesn’t believe in the TV Series Lost…Because Grabovski will NEVER be lost #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski slayed Goliath #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski taught #TFC DeRosario how to kick a soccer ball

Grabovski is faster then a runaway train #GrabovskiFacts

#Grabovski taught #Raptors DeRozan how to Dunk

Grabovski taught #Argos Chad Owens how to catch a football #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski once killed a gun. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski taught Michael Jackson to MoonWalk #GrabovskiFacts

Ever wonder why Elvis loved his BLUE SUEDE SHOES – Cause Grabovski gave Elvis the Shoes #GrabovskiFacts

Ants make up 1/10 of the total world animal tissue. The total biomass of all the ants on Earth is about equal to Grabovski #GrabovskiFacts

If the entire population of earth was reduced to exactly 100 people,50% of the world’s currency would be held by Grabovski #GrabovskiFacts

If you spell GRABOVSKI in Scrabble, you win your next 84 games automatically. #GrabovskiFacts

In 10 minutes,a hurricane releases more energy than all of the world’s nuclear weapons combined other then Grabovski’s stare #GrabovskiFacts

Mike Tyson was the baddest man on the planet,then he met Grabovski #GrabovskiFacts

Eminem was given permission to sing a song called Not Afraid #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski is an honorary Harlem GlobeTrotter #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski was fishing in the North Atlantic April1912 when a Ship called the Titanic rammed Grabovski,we know how that ended #GrabovskiFacts

Ever wonder why dragons are just legends? Meet Grabovski the Original Dragon Slayer #GrabovskiFacts

The Octopuss who predicted world cup matches sure wasn’t all seeing,or he would have seen Grabovski eating him soon #GrabovskiFacts

While having sex in a Jeep,part of Grabovskis’ sperm escaped & got into the engine.We now know this truck & man as Optimus PReime #GrabovskiFacts

James Reimer is actually Grabovski’s protege #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski made David Copperfield…Disappear #GrabovskiFacts

There are no pain receptors in the Grabovski’s body so he feels no pain #GrabovskiFacts

Awake,your brain generates between 10&23 watts of power,enough energy to power a light bulb,Grabovski’s brain powers Belarus #GrabovskiFacts

The Funnel Web Spider is considered the most deadly spider in the world. Once bitten by Grabovski, the spider die quickly #GrabovskiFacts

When Grabovski was born,doctor naturally slapped him on the behind. Fortunately for doctor,he was in hospital at the time #GrabovskiFacts

There are only two types of people in the world. Those who divide people into two groups & Grabovski #GrabovskiFacts

A passing glance from Grabovski has been known to cause women to faint. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski is the reason that James Cameron’s Avatars are blue. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski’s motorcycle has 4 wheel drive. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski can turn water into whiskey. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski’s rice krispies don’t say crap until he tells them to. #GrabovskiFacts

When Rolaids has heartburn it takes Grabovski #GrabovskiFacts

Stallone created “The Expendables” as a birthday gift for Grabovski,Upon receiving he said: “Its the thought that counts.” #GrabovskiFacts

When a person attacks Grabovski, the police immediatley describe it as a 45-12. Suicide. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski has a birthday any day he wants. #GrabovskiFacts

People created the automobile to escape from Grabovski, Not to be outdone, Grabovski created the automobile accident #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski thinks that anyone who can’t survive cranial impact with a steam hammer simply isn’t making an effort. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski can gargle peanut butter #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski is capable of dividing by zero. the consequences? The Big Bang #GrabovskiFacts

#GrabovskiFacts when Grabovski Roars, Lions bow to his feet

Grabovski is capable of dividing by zero. the consequences? The Big Bang #GrabovskiFacts

The only way to make diamond powder is to rub diamond on Grabovski’s skin. #GrabovskiFacts

The secret ingredient in all of today’s energy/power drinks is that they contain small droplets of Grabovski sweat. #GrabovskiFacts

Nations fight other nations but wouldn’t have balls enough to go toe-to-toe with Grabovski. Remember Atlantis? #GrabovskiFacts

Grabo gave Crosby a concussion just by looking at him #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski, with a yawn can put people in comas #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski travels at lightspeed daily, he calls it normal speed, to him we move slow. #GrabovskiFacts

Volcano’s Occur when Grabovski punches someone into the ground #GrabovskiFacts

If you can read this sentance, thank a teacher. If you are still reading, thank Grabovski for allowing you to live. #GrabovskiFacts

Sticks and stones may break your bones but Grabovski’s stare will kill you. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski has swum the English Channel to the other side and back… completely submerged the entire way. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski is the original Weapon of Mass Destruction. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski played 18 holes of golf the other day. He scored a 17. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski does not sleep with a gun under his pillow, he sleeps with a fist under his pillow #GrabovskiFacts

Ninjas can’t catch Grabovski,Grabovski won’t allow someone like him to co-exist alongside him. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski has only sneezed once and that created the BIG BANG! #GrabovskiFacts

Scientists Say Mars Has No Form Of Life, The Reason Is Because Grabovski Visited It! #GrabovskiFacts

Only Grabovski can prevent Forest Fires… #GrabovskiFacts

#GrabovskiFacts The Hulk is angry because Grabovski arm wrestled him….and won.

Grabovski was insulted on February 30th,He was so angry he got rid of the man,then told the calendar to forget it happened #GrabovskiFacts

Some people have alter egos. Grabovski has no such thing. #GrabovskiFacts

If you had a near death experience with Grabovski,you didn’t actually meet Grabovski #GrabovskiFacts

King Kong climbed the Empire State Building because Grabovski was waiting at the bottom #GrabovskiFacts

Good thing Grabovski was out for a swim when the cruise ship needed a tow to port. #GrabovskiFacts

#GrabovskiFacts Even corn flakes become deadly weapons in the hands of Grabovski

Grabovski looked at me & my facial hair was so scared, it went back into my skin #GrabovskiFacts

#GrabovskiFacts Grabovski once fought a bear simply because it dared to grow more body hair than him

Tom Brady can throw a football over 50 yards. Grabovski can throw Tom Brady even further. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski doesn’t need a miracle in order to split the ocean. He just walks in and the water gets out of the way. #GrabovskiFacts

A cobra bit Grabovski, After five days of excruciating pain, the cobra died. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski runs Windows Vista on his Etch-a-Sketch #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski won a game of Connect Four in 3 moves #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski can kill two stones with one bird #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski was denied a Bacon McMuffin at McDonalds because it was 10:31AM, he kicked the store so hard it became a KFC. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski has never blinked in his entire life & doesn’t need to swallow when eating food. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski is your Daddy #GrabovskiFacts

#GrabovskiFacts – Grabovski taught the world to sing in perfect harmony

Google cannot find Grabovski #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski knows where Waldo is #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski can get coffee out of a Tea Bag #GrabovskiFacts

Did you know Grabovski invented skinny jeans. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski doesn’t need a stove to boil water,he just growls at it #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski beat the sun in a staring contest #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski can surf the internet, literally #GrabovskiFacts

Did you know that The Beatles’ song “HELP” was written after they met Grabovski #GrabovskiFacts

If Grabovski was a battery,my cell phone would never die #GrabovskiFacts

Did you know that Gravovski caught a bullet with the same gun he fired it from #GrabovskiFacts

Dinosaurs are extinct because they pissed Grabovski off, #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski’s calendar goes straight from March 31st to April 2nd; no one fools Grabovski. #GrabovskiFacts

The videogame “Doom” is based loosely around the time Satan borrowed two bucks from Grabovski & forgot to pay him back. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski took Mother Nature from behind. We refer to the event as the Big Bang. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski wears a cup not to protect himself, but to protect the players on the other team #GrabovskiFacts

If it looks like chicken, tastes like chicken, and feels like chicken but Grabovski says its beef, then it’s beef. #GrabovskiFacts

Dairy Queen used to be Dairy King before Grabovski made it his bitch. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski plays ping pong with a medicine ball. #GrabovskiFacts

 The word “lesbian” derives from an old Latin phrase,roughly translates as “She who has not yet been introduced to Grabovski” #GrabovskiFacts

Took 5 women 2 years to give birth to Grabovski & did you know his sperm is so strong it could impregnate a man. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski is so tough, he doesn’t eat ice cream, he makes ice scream. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski can touch MC Hammer. #GrabovskiFacts

Unlike Justin Beiber, if Grabovski has a swimming race with sharks, he wins. #GrabovskiFacts

Unlike Justin Bieber, Grabovski CAN walk through glass doors. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski made the statue of liberty strip naked. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski….the other white meat. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski was on Deal or no Deal, bankers first offer was 1 million dollars, never try to bargain with Grabovski #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski can give you a wet willie, with a dry finger. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski had a staring contest with a statue……and won. #GrabovskiFacts

Cigarettes smoked by Grabovski die from lung cancer. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski won the Iron Chef contest by microwaving Mr.Noodles. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski decides when Santa has been naughty or nice. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski doesn’t bowl strikes, he knocks one pin down and the nine others faint out of fear. #GrabovskiFacts

When cops pull over Grabovski,THEY try to talk THEIR way out of it. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski can’t spill the beans, he already ate them. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski does not use spell check. If he happens to misspell a word, Oxford will simply change the actual spelling of it. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski has never blinked in his entire life. NEVER. #GrabovskiFacts

If paper beats rock, rock beats scissors, and scissors beats paper, what beats all 3 at the same time? Answer: Grabobski #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski is what Willis was talking about. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski knows where Carmen Sandiego is. #GrabovskiFacts

 There is no team Edward or team Jacob, only Team Grabovski. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski is the greatest thing, period, despite his invention of sliced bread. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski can make the joker become serious. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski can find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. #GrabovskiFacts

Phonics is hooked on Grabovski. #GrabovskiFacts

Chuck Norris asks Grabovski for tips!! #GrabovskiFacts

Justin Beiber screeched like a high-pitched girl the time he saw Grabovski. His voice is still up there today #GrabovskiFacts

Why can’t anyone find Waldo? That’s right, Grabovski hid Waldo. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski once kicked Hulk in the face,Now he hides in the forest and changed his name to Shrek #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski can alphabetize m&m’s #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski doesn’t mow his lawn. He just stands there and dares the grass to grow. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski once said “Oh, Snap.” Thus, North and South America. #GrabovskiFacts

The dinosaurs once owed Grabovski money. They never paid him back,where are the Dinosaurs Now? #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski is a plus 2 before breakfast #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski is capable of dividing by zero. the consequences?: The Big Bang #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski doesn’t get bitten by bedbugs. HE bites THEM. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski eats the waffles before they hit ACC ice #GrabovskiFacts

Scientists have proven that the Mt St Helens explosion happened after Grabovski sneezed #GrabovskiFacts

Grabo gave birth to Kulemin #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski can bodyslam a skyscraper #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski doesn’t get penalties. He’s just giving the other players a break. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski doesn’t get high sticked. He sticks the high. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski can unlock a hairpin with a door #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski sent a BBM to an iPhone #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski is capable of time travel. Which explains how the Habs have won 24 Stanley Cups #GrabovskiFacts

You know the new Nissan Leaf? Yeah, Grabovski MADE Nissan call it the Leaf. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski doesn’t do pushups, he pushes the world down! #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski didn’t need to study in school. The teachers weren’t brave enough to fail him. #GrabovskiFacts

Death once had a near-Grabovski- experience. #GrabovskiFacts

When Grabovski crosses the street the cars have to look both ways #GrabovskiFacts

Once a dinosaur didn’t wag it’s tail upon seeing Grabovski, they are now extinct #GrabovskiFacts

Sonic booms are Grabovski’s heartbeats #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski doesn’t go to the bathroom, the bathroom goes to Grabovski #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski is the only person capable of setting a person on fire….underwater. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski destroyed the period table because the only element Grabovski recognizes is the element of surprise #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski is the only person that can punch a cyclops between the eye.

The last digit of pi is Grabovski. He is the end of all things. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski is 1/8th Cherokee. This has nothing to do with ancestry, the man ate a fucking Jeep. #GrabovskiFacts

When Grabovski enters a room, he doesn’t turn the lights on, he turns the dark off. #GrabovskiFacts

When God said, “Let there be light”, Grabovski said, “say please.” #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski can build a snowman out of rain. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski sleeps with a night light,not because he’s afraid of the dark, but the dark is afraid of Grabovski #GrabovskiFacts

Giraffes were created when Grabovski uppercutted a horse. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski can squeeze orange juice out of a lemon #GrabovskiFacts

Justice League of America all wear Grabovski Pyjamas #GrabovskiFacts

Crop circles are Grabovski’s way of telling the world that sometimes corn needs to lie the fuck down. #GrabovskiFacts

#GrabovskiFacts Grabovski ordered a Big Mac at Burger King & got one…

If you want a list of Grabovski enemies, just check the extinct species list. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski’s shadow used to be right behind him, till he kicked its ass, his shadow now stays 20feet behind him #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski bit the Apple Logo & doesn’t need Twitter or Facebook, he’s already following you #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski knows what YOU ALL DID Last Summer #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski is the Bump in the Night #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski can cook Minute Rice in 30 seconds #GrabovskiFacts

#GrabovskiFacts Did you know that Grabovski is the man in the moon, the moon isn’t made of Cheese it’s made of Grabovski

Grabovski had surgery,the anesthesia was applied to the doctor & Grabovski once tortured Pain #GrabovskiFacts

He is Belarus’ most interesting man. #GrabovskiFacts

Everyone knows Grabovski has a pet rock… he named it “Earth.” #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski doesn’t skate, the ice gets Grabovskied. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski knows my tweets before I tweet them #GrabovskiFacts”

The “Black Eyed Peas” were just “Peas” before they met Grabovski #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski can speak braille. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski scared the black out of Michael Jackson. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski invented color,in fact,he invented the entire spectrum of color, except pink.Tom Cruise invented pink #GrabovskiFacts

If you spell GRABOVSKI in Scrabble, you win your next 84 games automatically. #GrabovskiFacts

Grabovski tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried. #GrabovskiFacts

Tim Brent wiped his face with Grabovski’s towel and that helped him score 2 goals #GrabovskiFacts

Even before Puck Drop Grabovski has already won #GrabovskiFacts