Vegan Thousand Island Dressing


My wife is my personal hero.  She is a HUGE reason my journey to the vegan world is successful.

We love trying new Vegan food recipes.

At Christmas time my brother in law &  his wife gave us a panini press.

We love Reubens,  so…

We love this gift.

One of the key parts of a Reuben is Thousand Island Dressing.

Here is how I make my vegan thousand island dressing.

1/3 Cup Ketchup (Roughly 3 ounces)

1 Cup of Vegan Mayo (We use Just Mayo)

1 tablespoon of Sriracha Sauce

1/4 Teaspoon Salt

1/2 Teaspoon Onion Powder

1/2 Teaspoon Garlic Powder

3 Tablespoons Relish

BLEND Well,  With a whist or a blender…

I just whist…


Best vegan Thousand Island Dressing…




Sukho Thai – Thai Food that is REALLY Thai Food

I like Thai food.  I live in what is known as the GTA. Mississauga to be specific, and it seems to me there is an Asian restaurant on every second block, be it Indian, Korean, Chinese, Japanese etc. I say that not to mean, but to express a point. Asian restaurants are everywhere.

How do you know what’s good, bad authentic, or not authentic.

I don’t read online review sites..I think they’re sketchy, and likely employees saying great things or disgruntled employees saying bad things.

Where does that leave me? It leaves me to take a chance and go blindly into the night, or read food blogs. I enjoy food bloggers who write from the heart, not the ones who get paid to say whatever they’re told.

I’ve heard the whisperings of a Thai restaurant that is not a fast food Thai restaurant.I’d heard it’s authentic Thai cuisine.

My close friend Jean, well she is like a walking Wikipedia when it comes to dining, the contemporary food, holes in the wall, fine dining. She knows what’s up.She’s mentioned on more than a few occasions that Sukho Thai is just awesome.

Finally, last night, we went.

This is my write up on Suko Thai. They didn’t pay me, they don’t know me.I’m writing this because I enjoyed my experience.


We started with our customary beer. This time we chose Blanche De Chambly.

Beer from France; It worked.


I suggested to Jean that she order, since she’s been there before. I knew this would also guarantee amazing. Jean knows food.

We started with TOM YUM KUNG:

Thailand’s most popular soup; (with good reason).

Hot and sour shrimp soup with Galangal, lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves, coriander, onions and tomatoes.

Served with rice  (starter portion also available)

We got it spicy. It was delicious. I don’t like lemons, but for some reason, this soup was really delicious. They added lots of mushrooms to it; Menu doesn’t mention that, but the mushrooms made this a winner.


The first entree up was


Masaman curry with peanuts, potatoes, onions, shallots, coconut milk and tamarind sauce. Choice of chicken, beef or tofu and served with rice.  Aromatic coconut curry with a tamarind twist.

Anything with coconut or curry, or peanuts or tamarind..that’s usually a good sign. This was good. If you’re unsure what to order; this is a good entree to order. It’s very tasty, not spicy and it tickles your tastebuds with all the wonderful flavors.


The other entree that Jean ordered is a personal favorite for her.

Khao Soi is a dish that instantly replaced my love of Paid Thai. Paid Thai and Pad Sew are now relegated behind this dish.

Yellow noodles in curry gravy with green onions, coriander and a light, crispy noodle topping.  Choice of chicken or beef.  A specialty from Northern Thailand, it’s got a lot of texture and even more flavour.

The flavor was so intoxicating, I literally wanted to drink the curry gravy, seriously, it’s an 11 out of 10.Texture and Flavor, it has both.


They have a few locations. They have the original location at 274 Parliament St. Jean says it’s smaller and more intimate than the location we went too. That was located at 52 Wellington St. E. There is also a location at 1442 Dundas St. W.

I like to support businesses that have a footprint in the community. The story behind Sukho Thai is quite incredible and beautiful, and it goes like this.

IT ALL STARTED ON AN ELEPHANT – hence the logo. That’s where he met the girl of his dreams.  He was backpacking in jungles of Northern Thailand. One special day had him as the comfortor of a terrified stranger on an elephant ride.  After making Nuit’s acquaintance he found her to be a kind, hard working nurse at the local hospital and, wow, could she cook! The flavours that came out of her little kitchen was extraordinary.

Fast forward a couple of years and they opened a cozy little restaurant in Pai, Thailand, called the Curry Shack. Nuit would come in to cook dinner every night after her shift at the hospital.  Everything was prepared to the finest detail as she infused her meticulous nursing habits and knowledge of health to her cooking, creating her own unique style.  It was a hit with the frequent travelers as well as the Thai locals.  People just couldn¹t help but notice the enthusiasm of the local nurse who finally got the chance to showcase her other skills.


He finally snatched her off the ‘singles’ list in 2004 and Nuit came with him back to Canada.  By 2008, with the much needed help from family and true friends, they opened Sukhothai.  Their goal was simple:  Make real Thai food. Recreate the exact experience they had back in Thailand.

The results were better than they had ever imagined.  The reviews from customers and the local media have been flattering to say the least He always knew that Nuit was special in the kitchen, but never expected such a great response.

Knowing this story, how can I not support them…if you like Authentic Thai Cuisine, what are you waiting for?

Enjoy you dinner,


Find them on Twitter at @SukhoThaifood

Or their website at

Kain Tayo – Let’s Eat

Photo Cred to EnigmaPhotoCa
Photo Cred to EnigmaPhotoCa

Kain Tayo – Translation…Let’s Eat

Lamesa Restaurant is a contemporary eatery crafting inventive Filipino-inspired dishes for dinner & weekend brunch. They have been located at 669 Queen Street West for close to 3 years. As most people know Queen Street West is an eclectic mix of food, people, architecture and a lot more.

This tiny restaurant is quite the powerhouse, not only do they serve you at the restaurant… BUT…they also offer catering to suit your every need and budget. In terms of style they can offer everything from traditional Filipino to something a little more modern or they can also do international/non-Filipino food if that is what you are looking for.

To be quite honest, I do love Filipino food…I have always had the traditional cuisine, everything from Lechon, to Balut (Raw), google it, I dare you.

I was thrilled to be trying out their “Filipino Inspired” creations. When I dine out with my fellow food loving femme fatale, she always hits a home run with the restaurants she picks. She suggested Lamesa, based on what friends had told her.

My first impressions upon entering were, I like that it’s small, not small in a bad way, but intimate, comfortable…a place that just had the right ambiance. It was a place that I instantly felt relaxed in. Truth be told, that is a wonderful quality for a restaurant to have, as it tends to make the dining experience that much better.

Claire, our waitress, was not only charming, and entertaining, but she was quite versed in the menu..which makes sense as she’s been there almost as long as the restaurant has been around.  Claire is easily one of the best people at her job that I’ve seen in a very long time. Lamesa is smart to keep her around.

We decided to start with Muskoka Craft as our beers of choice, the appetizer we picked was “Fresh Lumpia”. Fresh Lumpia is made at Lamesa with Ground Pork and Crab formed into a Spring Roll with a Sweet Chilli Sauce..The taste was vibrant, zesty and appealing..and you get 6 of, I liked that.

Fresh Lumpia
Fresh Lumpia

Our first entrée we went with was the “Chicken Adobo” I have had chicken adobo many, many, many I suggested to Jean that we start with this entrée.

Chicken Adobo is confit chicken with an adobo gastrique, garlic barley risotto, beets and a Balut Pate.

OH MY GOD! Sorry, I couldn’t help myself…this was a stunner. The chicken was so good it literally crumbled in my mouth, soft, tender, and tasty.. Verdict… this dish is a winner.

Chicken Adobo
Chicken Adobo
 Photo Cred -  EnigmaPhotoCa
Photo Cred – EnigmaPhotoCa

The second entrée we ordered was “Lechon Kawali”

I’ve had lechon done the traditional way, over a spit, roasting all day over the open flame.This dish was a nice homage to the way Lechon is traditionally done. Deep fried pork belly, served with spring roll wrappers, lettuce, atchara and house made dipping sauces.

Truthfully, this dish was basically perfect, my only complaint was, I should have ordered 2 of them, it was really that good.

Photo Cred to EnigmaPhotoCa
Photo Cred to EnigmaPhotoCa

At this point, after consuming 2 entrees and an appetizer, most people would say, that’s enough food for me.

However, I was still hungry, and so was Jean.

On to Entrée number 3…and as it turned out, like Vanessa Williams once sang, “You saved the best for last”

Entrée #3 was the “Roasted Chicken Embotido” This is an entire roasted entire Chicken..stuffed with longanisa, eggs and served with multiple dipping sauces.

Roasted Chicken Embotido - photo cred to EnigmaPhotoCa
Roasted Chicken Embotido – photo cred to EnigmaPhotoCa

If I were a sports caster…here’s what I’d say, The appetizer is the single, (gets you on board) The Chicken Adobo, that’s a double as in, it’s better than I expected. The Lechon Kawali…a triple because this baby is sooooo delicious. The Roasted Chicken Embotido is the Home Run, it clears the bases…this is to me, the best dish on the menu.

The food, the ambiance, my phenomenal friend Jean, the waitress Claire and the Chefs who came out and presented and explained each dish..this makes the GRAND SLAM…

Best dining experience I’ve had in quite a few years..

Thanks Lamesa, for having me & Jean.

Seven Days a week there is always something happening at Lamesa

Just Remember,

Kain Tayo…

For more info you can find them on Twitter @LamesaTO

Facebook at

On Instagram at 

AND Their website

Photo Cred to EnigmaPhotoCa
Photo Cred to EnigmaPhotoCa
Photo Cred to EnigmaPhotoCa
Photo Cred to EnigmaPhotoCa
Photo Cred to EnigmaPhotoCa
Photo Cred to EnigmaPhotoCa
Photo Cred to EnigmaPhotoCa
Photo Cred to EnigmaPhotoCa
Photo Cred to EnigmaPhotoCa
Photo Cred to EnigmaPhotoCa
Photo Cred to EnigmaPhotoCa
Photo Cred to EnigmaPhotoCa
Photo Cred to EnigmaPhotoCa
Photo Cred to EnigmaPhotoCa

Real Sports – #RSBGSneakPeek


Real Sports Bar & Grill Sneak Peek

Real Sports Bar & Grill

RSBG for some, for me…it’s like an old friend.

From the first week it opened, I was there and I’ve been there on an off countless times.

That’s where I met so many amazing people, like Monika ( @MonikaPlatek ) AND Gail ( @GailGabrielle ), DJ Ryan, they made visiting Real Sports even better, and now Melissa.

It made sense that I’d be selected to come to a special VIP event being held Thursday July 3rd in the players lounge at Real Sports.

After all, I’ve eaten every single menu item on their old menu.

Including the infamous “Hail Mary” which I did in February 2011 against Cory & Garrett

A triple Hail Mary challenge on my birthday weekend in 2011

Real Sports is launching a brand new menu in August, so some lucky people were invited to take part of this festive evening.

I was allowed to bring a guest, so I brought Jean.

Like me, she’s a food assassin…and She LOVES sports…perfect person to take I think.

Food and drinks were amazing…

This is what we were able to sample Thursday night,

Copper Kettle Mussels

Buttermilk Chicken Parmesan Wings

Chicago Dog

Thai Curry Tilapia

Trainer Recommended Quinoa Salad

DIY Chipotle Flat Iron


Brownie Cheesecake

Drinks are always appreciated with great food…

What did we get to sample…a are a few…

Throwback Raptor

Pop Rock

Third Base

Raspberry Mojito

Bloody Big Deal

I should point out that the serving staff, the Chef, Matthew Sullivan & Social Media Star Melissa (of Real Sports) were all so polite, courteous

& knowledgeable…

I like when people know what they’re doing. It gives me confidence in spending my money at their place of business.

I have a particular allergy, so some things I could not eat…

AND, that’s where the Chef of @RealSports brought it home…

He made a couple of extra dishes that will be on the new menu just for me…

One of them was Thai Chicken Wings – Amazing


@GastroMatthew made my favorite dish of all the items I sampled….

He made a Barnhouse Burger, with suicide mayo sauce and stuffed with lettuce, onions and more importantly, jalapenos…

This was EASILY my favorite food item, followed by the Buttermilk Parmesan Chicken Wings & the Copper Kettle Mussels.

Favorite drink, the Pop Rock & the Raspberry Mojitos

Favorite Dessert… easily the brownie Cheesecake…

I think longtime fans of Real Sports will be very impressed with the new menu.

The general consensus of all who attended the #RSBGSneakPeek was that Real Sports knocked it out of the ball park.

Again, I was happy to be there. RSBG never disappoints me when it comes to their food.

It’s a cut above any other sports bar/restaurant out there.

Kudos to everyone who works so hard to make RSBG a great place.














Jazz Bistro




If you enjoy food, friends and music…and you want to try something different..

I have just the place for you.

Last night marked a special night for the establishment of a place known as the @JazzBistroTO as they officially opened their new rooftop patio & launched an amazing new summer menu, designed by the brilliant Chef, Mr. Brad MacDonald.

This was an event that was organized with help from Peter Ashworth @AshworthPR. This event was to be covered by my good friend Mr. Casey Palmer @CaseP

Now Casey simply has so much on his plate, not to mention being a brand new Dad, so I was more than happy to cover for him. I love Music, I’ve loved Jazz for years, love food I wanted to help him out.

Thanks to him I had an amazing time. Likely one of the best experiences I’ve covered.


I decided I’d take Jean with me, @Jean_Mao who I know is an avid foodie..and is always up for a new adventure…

The patio is amazing, it’s HUGE….

It has nice torpedo shaped silver heaters that keep that patio comfortable along with a few stand up heaters,

You won’t be cold on cooler nights.

They started the guests of with Sliders…

The sliders were delicious. Jean & I both loved them.

Tender, succulent, scrumptious..use an adjective, as long as it means awesome

photo by Jean MaoImage



When it came to the next slice of heaven…as a Nova Scotian, I know about Lobster…

These Lobster Tacos are the bomb, they come with a Black Bean spread, Avocado and Pico Di Gallo,

I could have ate 400…well I ate more than a couple… This is my pick of the night…ask @Jean_Mao what she liked best.

photo by Jean Mao Image


I expect that a big seller on this menu will be the Spicy Buffalo Chicken & Cheddar Balls that come with a Smoked Blue Cheese Dip.

Everywhere I looked last night, these were being demolished…these are fantastic..well done Chef Brad MacDonald.


Photo by Jean Mao Image


The Jazz Bistro is unique,  it has the downstairs, the “Jazz Cellar” the MAIN Floor, the upstairs has the lounge & when you walk through the lounge, you come to the rooftop patio…



The Jazz Bistro bills themselves as Toronto’s finest Jazz Supper Club & event space.

After visiting for the first time. I cannot disagree.


Dinner reservations are a good idea as they are right across the street from the Mirvish Theatre.

The number is 416-363-5299

They are located just off Shuter & Yonge Street at 251 Victoria Street, Toronto.

I won’t list the millions of things they do here, you can just go to their website at

You can also find them on twitter, @JazzBistroTO or Facebook

You can find my friend Jean, on Twitter at @Jean_Mao or her AMAZING food adventures at

For all you Public Relations & Communications needs, you can find Peter on Twitter at @AshworthPR  or visit their website or check them out on Facebook…

My good friend Casey is on twitter @CaseP

He also has a great website,

On Facebook at: and on Instagram at:

I can be found on Twitter at @OaksApproved or @EnigmaPhotoCa

My Instagram is

My Blog can be found at










Pho Mi Asia

Phở is a Vietnamese noodle soup consisting of broth, linguine-shaped rice noodles, a few herbs, and meat. It is a popular street dish in Vietnam and the specialty of a number of restaurant chains around the world. Pho is primarily served with either beef or chicken. The Hanoi and Saigon styles of pho differ by noodle width, sweetness of broth, and choice of herbs. The origin of pho and its name is a subject of scholarly debate.

Pho originated in the early 20th century in northern Vietnam, apparently southeast of Hanoi in Nam Định province, then a substantial textile market. The traditional home of pho is reputed to be the villages of Vân Cù and Dao Cù (or Giao Cù) in Đông Xuân communeNam Trực district, Nam Định province.According to villagers, pho was eaten in Vân Cùlong before the French colonial period when it was popularized.

Pho was originally sold at dawn and dusk by roaming street vendors, who shouldered mobile kitchens on carrying poles (gánh phở). From the pole hung two wooden cabinets, one housing a cauldron over a wood fire, the other storing noodles, spices, cookware, and space to prepare a bowl of pho. Pho vendors kept their heads warm with distinctive, disheveled felt hats called mũ phở.


Hanoi’s first two fixed pho stands were a Vietnamese-owned Cát Tường on Cầu Gỗ Street and a Chinese-owned stand in front of Bờ Hồ tram stop. They were joined in 1918 by two more on Quạt Row and Đồng Row. Around 1925, a Vân Cù villager named Vạn opened the first “Nam Định style” pho stand in Hanoi. Vendors abandoned the gánh phở model around 1936–1946 in favor of stationary eateries. 


Now that you know about Pho…if you didn’t already that is…let me tell you about a little gem on 1008 Wilson Road in Toronto called Pho Mi Asia.  


I love going there and if you like HUGE portions for a small price…you need to visit. The food is great, the staff are functional, and the atmosphere is cafeteria like.


Even though the atmosphere is somewhat stark and the staff are not friendly,nor are they unfriendly, it’s still amazing food.


If you are in a rush, and need something hearty, quick & cheap…


Stop in to Pho Mi Asia.


Com Tham Thap Cam



Until the next episode…
