The Execution of a Juvenile Black Bear by the York Regional Police

Juvenile Black Bear

I am still angry about Charlie being murdered. I call him Charlie, cause I’m not sure if the murdered juvenile bear was male or female.

Social Media, as usual, was exactly the way I knew it would be. Some people could not care 1 cent about a bear. Others (like me, are visibly upset)

Before you read this blog, remember this.

Humans are invading the natural homes of life all across the planet and in 99.999999999999% of the time. The animals die. Not human. The majority of people on this planet just don’t get it.

You’re the PROBLEM. NOT the Solution.

Now, time to read my blog people…..

Congratulations to the YRP (York Regional Police)

You executed a juvenile black bear.

If it had of been tranquilized it likely would Never have come back to Newmarket…it would have been too frightened from this ordeal.

What I want to know is how come it took over 2 DAYS for a Ministry of Natural Resources Officer to make it to Newmarket.

Newmarket isn’t exactly a 1000 miles away from Toronto.

Why are police not carrying a tranquilizer gun their vehicles?

The juvenile bear was hiding in the tree..

YRP officers threw chairs to get the bear out of the tree…


Whoever gave the officers chairs to throw at the bear…they should be throat punched repeatedly.

THANK You YRP for providing more proof that humanity is doomed…

F*cking Animal is the one who murdered the juvenile black bear…

Mankind needs help…

My heart hurts…

RIP My furry friend…you deserved better….

Will there be an investigation into the York Region Police or the Ministry the Natural Resources?

There are so many disturbing things about this execution of the juvenile black bear.

Why were parents letting their children watch the Police execute the bear.

Why did the YRP not PROPERLY clear the area?

There were numerous people watching everything unfold.

YRP is claiming they murdered the Black Blear to protect public safety.

If that’s the case, why was the area NOT cleared of everyone but law enforcement?

There are things that don’t add up…and if you go to

You’ll see what Krystal Kretschmer had to say.

On Monday, June 1st, a black bear was shot dead in Newmarket. It had wandered the town for two days searching for food, harming no one. For two days, no one organized/executed a removal or relocation effort. Finally, as the bear descended from a tree, he was shot and killed by York Regional Police.

The public is outraged, and rightfully so. Death is final, and as such, should be the last attempt at solving any problem. Lack of training, equipment, education, experience, resources, funding and lack of contacts or support are not, in any way, acceptable reasons for taking a life. Making excuses will only perpetuate the real problem: human lack of awareness and effort in dealing with wildlife that we should be able to coexist alongside.

The York Regional Police put up an article* on their site, stating: “York Regional Police were forced to shoot a black bear this morning following numerous sightings over the weekend in the Town of Newmarket.” Absolutely no one forced them to shoot and kill an innocent animal. There absolutely were other options. Let’s not console our conscience and justify our actions with these statements that condone neglect, disregard and senseless death, now, and in the future.

York Regional Police went on to say, “Police officers are not equipped with tranquilizers nor are they trained on the containment of wild animals.” For two days, this bear was a matter of “public concern” as they put it, and yet no one was able to locate and purchase a tranquilizer or find/hire someone else who is capable and experienced with such matters?

Regardless, the article is full of excuses for why life was not valued and was expendable in their minds. This is not acceptable. They have justified their actions and made excuses for their inability to care, which really means that this will, inevitably, happen again.

Housing development, leading to habitat loss, has encroached further northward, reducing the natural habitat for bears and other wildlife. This destruction is ongoing and poses a real threat to animals and the environment. If policies and procedures are not put in place to deal with circumstances like these, this will inevitably happen again and again.

Let’s not make excuses. Let’s make change.

The proposed changes, I feel (as do many others) need to target not only police, but the Ministry of Natural Resources, the province and anyone else who could be involved in similar situations. The policies and procedures in place are obviously not sufficient or adequate regarding safe and ethical practices when dealing with the preservation and protection of wildlife. As we continue to encroach on natural habitat, the likelihood of this recurring is highly probable. We need to have protocols in place, resources and trained, equipped people and organizations to protect and preserve all life, human and non-human.

Let this be a lesson for law enforcement, regional and provincial governments and the world over – this needs to be taken seriously. We need to learn to share this world with the innocent beings that we’ve taken everything from — home, habitat, freedom, food, safety and ultimately… their lives.

YRP fired back with this commentary…

York Regional Police were forced to shoot a black bear this morning following numerous sightings over the weekend in the Town of Newmarket.

While bear sightings are not a police matter, officers will respond to these calls if public safety is compromised. The bear was first sighted on Saturday, May 30, 2015 at approximately 5:30 a.m. in East Gwillimbury and sightings continued into Monday morning when the bear was reported in the area of Yonge Street and London Road in the Town of Newmarket.

Over the weekend, in an attempt to capture and relocate the bear, officers contacted the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR), the University of Guelph, a horse veterinarian, the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, local Animal Control and the Toronto Zoo. Only MNR staff are equipped and trained to respond.

This morning, the bear climbed a tree in a residential backyard near an elementary school. Officers attempted to keep the bear contained in the tree while awaiting the arrival of MNR staff. They banged chairs and deployed a cruiser siren among other methods, but eventually the bear, agitated and likely dehydrated, climbed to the ground. The use of a conducted energy weapon (CEW) was considered, however, officers could not get close enough without compromising their safety in the event the CEW was ineffective. Officers were left with no choice but to use lethal force in order to preserve public safety.

“The officers involved and York Regional Police regret the incident but there were no other options,” said Chief Eric Jolliffe. “Police officers are not equipped with tranquilizers nor are they trained on the containment of wild animals. We will be following up with the MNR in an attempt to improve the response to such incidents.”

York Regional Police reminds the public:

  • Most bear problems occur as a result of improperly stored household garbage. Bears quickly learn to associate human residences and campsites with a readily available food source
  • Do NOTapproach the bear to get a better look or a picture. Slowly back away and leave the area.
  • If you are near a building or a car, get inside as a precaution
  • It is important to keep dogs away from a bear. While a well-trained dog may deter a bear, a poorly trained one may only excite it
  • In a life-threatening emergency dial 9-1-1

Bear-related issues can be reported to the Ministry of Natural Resources’ Bear Wise reporting line at 1-866-514-2327. If there is an immediate threat to public safety, call 9-1-1.

Krystal got it right on her online petition…

The YRP flat out is not being completely honest. They forgot to mention numerous people saw YRP throwing CHAIRS into the tree to terrorize the juvenile Black Bear.

The YRP considered using a Taser? Really ???

It’s clear some people at YRP should be NEVER allowed to own weapons

YRP suggests people call the Ministry of Natural Resources if they see a Bear…

***Newsflash*** MANY, many MANY people did. MNR did NOTHING

If the Ministry was not willing or able to drive a short distance down the road to deal with the juvenile black bear, perhaps the MNR should be disbanded? We could save millions of dollars by not paying people who clearly do NOT do the job they are paid to do.

The juvenile bear was also spotted in Sharon, Ontario and Holland Landing, Ontario and AGAIN, over those 2 days – the Ministry of Natural Resources did Sweet Fuck All.

It’s also interesting to note about the area in which the juvenile black bear was murdered.

It’s well known that the neighborhood has had issues with the YRP.

They’ve failed to take break in seriously. The Mayor of Newmarket had to get involved.

God Job, YRP.

Residents have also complained about the excessive speeding on city and rural streets in and around Newmarket. They don’t feel the YRP take that issue seriously.

Vandalism, that’s no crime worth investigating.

However, the opportunity to fire 6 bullets…SIX…count em…into the head of a young black bear; how could the YRP pass that opportunity up.

The Ministry of Natural Resources is NOT doing the job they are paid to do and they YRP are letting down the residents of Newmarket.

How can anyone with an IQ over 12 be happy with that?

THANK You YRP for providing more proof that humanity is doomed…

F*cking Animal = the one who murdered the juvenile black bear…

Mankind needs help…

My heart hurts…

RIP My furry friend…you deserved better…..

Ps, when I finished this blog, the online petition to bring change — so that this doesn’t happy again had over 17,000 Signatures.


My Thoughts on Mike Babcock.

Photo Property of Enigma Photography

Mike Babcock

I’m not a paid blogger. I don’t work in journalism or sports media of any kind.

I’m just a Leafs fan who occasionally writes a blog about hockey.

Here are my thoughts… I hope you enjoy them.

Peter Horacheck, Pat Quinn, Pat Burns, Mike Babcock…one name doesn’t seem to fit does it.

Pat Quinn is a legend to Vancouver Canucks fans, and of course, to LeafsNation…Pat Quinn is also a legend. Pat Burns, nothing needs to be said other than, he is larger than life to the fan base of Leafsnation (well, anyone that can remember his time)

Peter Horachek…will never be a good NHL Head Coach. Some people are born leaders, others are better off as background noise.

Now, how about that Mike Babcock guy; some might point to his 1997 World Junior Gold Medal as the Coach. Some might mention his 2004 Gold Medal at the World Championships. If you wanted to add some more Gold, mention his 2010 & 2014 Back to Back Olympic Gold Medals.

However, if we’re talking NHL, you might want to mention he never missed the playoffs in the 10 seasons he was with the Detroit Red Wings. Or his Stanley Cup win.

His critics would say, that’s because Detroit buries their prospects in Grand Rapids, teach them the same system in Detroit, so that when they make the NHL – they’re ready.

I’d like to examine that statement. His critics won’t give credit because they say it’s the system…not the coach.

Merriam-Webster says the definition of “Coach” is this…

: a person who teaches and trains an athlete or performer

: a person who teaches and trains the members of a sports team and makes decisions about how the team plays during games

Regardless of what system Ken Holland and Mike Babcock have mandated for Grand Rapids it’s up to the Individual coaches to make sure they coach each player in that system.

The reality is, Mike Babcock, coached every player on his team, and would get the maximum out of them.

This is the prime reason they always made the playoffs under his regime.

Coaches coach. They either do it well…or they do it poorly.

I remember when the Leafs would beat the Senators every single time they met in the playoffs. It was remarkable; because on paper, they were the inferior team. They won in part because of heart and will to win…but they also won because we had superior coaching.

I’ve been a long time fan of the Leafs. I’ve been cheering since the 1970’s for my beloved blue and white

1993…that was the best year ever for being a Leafs fan, well, right until Gretzky and Fraser screwed us.

Since 1993, not a whole lot to be over the moon about.

Mike Babcock changes everything.

There have been some big days in Leafs history.

BUT…since 1967…there have been few huge moments…

Doug Gilmour coming here, Mats Sundin coming here were great days,

Drafting Wendel, that was awesome, so was bringing Pat Quinn & Pat Burns into the fold.

And May 21st 2015 is now a day to mark on the Calendar…that’s the day Mike Babcock was officially introduced to the world as the NEW HEAD COACH of the Toronto Maple Leafs.

Mike Babcock has a pedigree that you cannot dispute….you can’t always say it’s all about the players; pro sports are filled with loaded teams, who don’t get it done.

Mike Babcock will make things happen.

When I heard yesterday that Babcock had agreed to come to Toronto…I instantly had mixed emotions.

I just couldn’t fathom that Mike would come here. I mean let’s be honest… I know he’s a #Leafs fan from his younger years, and coaching ANOTHER Original 6 team…that’s pretty cool too.

When I learned he was signed for 50 Million dollars, I thought to myself…that’s why he’s coming here.

I also thought to myself, the best coach in the NHL is not coming to the Leafs, while they do a full on rebuild…I’m thinking, ok, we’re going to get a quick fix and not the rebuild we need.

I’m a very passionate, intelligent, knowledgeable hockey fan. These thoughts, all are logical and make sense.

I know that to be a good team, you need the right brain trust, Tampa, Chicago, Detroit, come to mind.

I made a point of listening to the press conference, and I made a point to listen to Mike Babcock on the Bob McCown show this afternoon.

It’s amazing how things can change. I’m preconditioned to never believing anything the people at MLSE tell us. I said at the end of the season, I doubted we’d rebuild. I said “I want to believe” but… been disappointed by MLSE way too often.

This morning, I wanted to focus on Mike Babcock. NOTHING else.  I watched his body language, paid attention to tempo, pitch, volume and came to this conclusion.

I can put my guard down.

Mike Babcock put on an Oscar winning performance of total bullshit, smoke and mirrors, or…he told the truth.

Taking MLSE & the Leafs out of this for just a moment; I believe Mike Babcock.

It seems in the Olympics and in the NHL & the IIHF tournaments that players & management believe in Mike Babcock. They’re the pros; I’m just a hick country boy who loves hockey.

Mike Babcock won me over. I have zero doubt, that he will help put a system in place, so that prospects like Bibeau, Nylander, Brown, Leipsic, Valiev etc are NOT rushed to the Leafs.

I believe that Mike came here, not because of the 50 Million, but because MLSE was willing to sign him for 8 years and NOT give him an out-clause.

Shanahan & MLSE have proven to Babcock that they are committed to bringing accountability and respect back to the ACC.

I was apprehensive, because the Leafs need a full on rebuild, and I didn’t think a coach with Babcock’s pedigree would want to put up with 2, 3, 4, 5 years of futility.

Mike Babcock is a coach.

: a person who teaches and trains an athlete or performer

: a person who teaches and trains the members of a sports team and makes decisions about how the team plays during games

In Toronto…this is what Mike will do. He will become legend if we bring the Holy Grail home.

Players who take days off like Phil, Joffrey & Tyler are on borrowed time.

Mike didn’t let his player’s coast in Detroit. It will not happen in Toronto.

A lot can happen in 24 hours…I went from being apprehensive about the best coach in the NHL coaching the Leafs to thinking….the Leafs have the best coach in the NHL and we are now going to have the best coached roster in the NHL.

If I’m a free agent in the next few years, Malkin for example…or… those kids from Ontario named Tavares and Stamkos…If I’m Stamkos or Tavares, am I thinking it would be cool to play for Mike and in front of my hometown fans?

Who doesn’t want to play for the best coach?

Mike Babcock has SWAG, he’s got a lot of GOLD MEDALS & He’s got a Stanley Cup….this isn’t the same as bringing in ex-Cup winner Randy Carlyle.

This is bringing in the best COACH in the NHL for the last 10 years to restore the bottom feeding Leafs to a position of prominence, power, respect, playoffs, and hopefully…the Stanley Cup.

Sass Jordan once sang these lyrics…

I will always have my faith, I’ll have my faith

I will make you a believer

Oh, I will make you a believer

AND for the first time in my life…

Leafs ownership have made me a believer.

Thank You Shanahan.

More importantly,

Thank you Mike Babcock…the child in me is happy…the Adult in me is content…

I am a Believer.

The Do’s And The Dont’s of Online Dating

Right_WrongThe Do’s And The Dont’s of Online Dating

I can only offer these comments based on what I see; which is only profiles of women.

I have not been on for years like some people, just a short few months; these are simply my observations and opinions. You’re welcome to agree or disagree.

I don’t see the profiles of men; so I have no idea what goes on for women looking at the profiles of men.

For the women who have profiles on online dating sites…here are some Do’s and Don’ts.

Don’t pose with sedated Tigers, Elephants and any other Wild Animals.

It makes you look stupid, selfish, uneducated and a total asshole.

DO read the entire profile the man posts. (Assuming the guy has a profile to read) Some of us are more than just photographs.

Don’t post photos of you with your children.

DO tell people you are a parent in your profile.

Your children should NEVER have their photos posted on an online dating site…EVER

Don’t post shots of you naked or in lingerie. That will only attract 1 type of male, the kind that is looking for an easy lay. Posting photos like that make you look desperate, and it also indicates you have esteem issues. No one with esteem issues will post those photos on an online dating site.

DO post photos that show you in your best light.  Ones that make you look like you’re just like everyone else.

Don’t post photos where you look like a thug, a criminal, a serial killer etc

Do post photos of you with your cats or dogs, horses etc, if you have them. I love animals.

Don’t post photos of group shots and NOT identify who you are.

Do write an informative profile.  A profile should be more than photographs. If you’re looking for someone in your life; give people a reason as to why they should message you. Do you want someone messaging you because of your looks, or the words you have written.

Don’t LIE about your age. There is ZERO reason you can give for lying. NONE. If you can’t be honest about your age, it tells me you have no issues with being dishonest.

Do write a profile that is honest. It doesn’t have to be a 10,000 words, just has to be truthful.

Don’t post fake photos. It’s not nice to post photos of people who are not you. If I am going to meet you, you better look like your photos (within reason)

Do post photos that are actually of you. Nothing more can be explained on this one.

Don’t be married. I believe in Marriage. You should not be on an online dating site for any reason if you’re married or living with your Boyfriend.

Do be available to meet at some point if there is a connection. Do be single.  It is pretty easy to understand this concept.

I am a man, looking for a long term relationship. Do be a woman.

Don’t be a male, pretending to be a woman, so you can rob someone or worse.

DO be of Legal Age. Again…this is common sense.

Don’t be a minor. Again…common sense, laws, etc.

These things should be common sense, but I’ve discovered that common sense is lacking online, on these online dating sites.

If you have any other Do’s AND Dont’s – I’d love to hear them….

I’m hoping to find someone who realizes that my Do’s and Dont’s make a lot of sense, haha, but if she’s a sports fan, animal lover she’s already ahead of everyone else.

Online Dating


Online Dating…..

Two words that can for some people be a positive thing or a negative thing.

This won’t be a post where I bash people..

These are simply my thoughts, and isn’t that what blogging is REALLY supposed to be?

I’m not getting paid to tell you how I feel or what I think.

There are countless websites/apps out there that offer people the chance to meet up,

Tinder, Plenty of Fish, OK Cupid, eHarmony, Match.Com, Craigslist and likely I’m probably missing a few thousand more, although…people do use Twitter and Facebook as a way to meet.

The purpose of what I am writing is not to bash people who use these sites to hook up for casual sex, or commit adultery.

Those are your choices, no matter how much I strongly detest those poor choices.

The purpose of what I write is just to offer my thoughts.

You can agree or disagree, you can even leave comments.

I know so many people that have met online, be it twitter, facebook, Tinder, Plenty of Fish, OK Cupid, eHarmony, Match.Com, Craigslist.

In fact, the people that I refer to are all in serious relationships now, be as it BF/GF or husband and wife.

To those friends of mine, I applaud you.

When you are an old fashioned guy, it’s hard to switch what you’ve always known or done to a completely different path.

I never was the guy who wanted to meet “the one” in a bar…when alcohol is involved… I just don’t trust it.

Conversely, I always believed that getting involved with those you work with, not the smartest of ideas.

I don’t go to church as often as I should, Sorry Casey 🙂

So, where does a good person meet someone they can maybe build something amazing with…

Hence, the world of Online Dating

As I mentioned earlier, there are a plethora of ways to “get to know” people online.

The problem though is, so many of those people who you “might” connect with, they are 100% fake.

I know this, because since I’ve been in Ontario, I’ve met about 1000 people.

When I say about 1000 people, I’m not talking about in a dating/romantic capacity.

I’m talking about meeting people at sporting events, tweetups, networking functions etc.

The startling reality is, the majority are fake.

If you are a person with common sense and decency, do you really want a relationship with someone who is one way online…but the polar opposite offline.

I know that scenario doesn’t work for me.

There is this couple I know, they’re adorable, the guy Andrew has been my friend ever since I came to Ontario, and he met his love of his life on Tinder, 1 year later, they’re still going strong.

His GF has been pushing me to get myself “out there” on an online dating manner.

She’s probably right, Her thoughts are I’m smart, not hard on the eyes, and have a lot of great qualities.

I think she’s crazy, but a lot of my female friends tend to echo her sentiments, so who knows, maybe they’re right.

I’ve thought to myself, on a daily basis…it’s time that I find myself someone, that I can grow old with.

I’ve never been the serial dater, dating is not life a buffet to me… I don’t need 50 different flavors that are ok…just 1 that is awesome.

Monogamous long term relationships are what I’ve always known.

I’m not cool enough to say I’ve had a one night stand, or I’ve done a threesome, so if that means my man card is going to be be it.

I’ve been in Ontario since 2010….and I’ve not seriously dated anyone since I’ve been here..

I always told most people I moved here, because I’m obsessed with Toronto sports teams.

There is a ring of truth in that statement. I am obsessed with my terrible, dysfunctional Toronto sports teams.

Having said that, people that are super close to me, they know why I moved to Ontario..

A long time ago, in what seems like another lifetime..I was in love…for many, many years I was blessed to know love.

BUT, life had other plans for me, and she passed away.

The last person I was in love with died. It is something that I wish no one would have to experience.

However, I know it happens on most likely a daily basis to someone in the world.

I knew I couldn’t deal with that kind of pain and emotional I came here..where no one knows me..

I needed to deal with my pain and suffering on my own terms,

I also knew, my friends would at some point want me to move on, and they’d start trying to set me up with someone they would think would be great for me.

I didn’t want that, so I left…

It took a long long time to heal..and while I was healing, all my friends around me were living life, being in love, getting married, you know, being happy.

Fast forward to present day,

I’ve been ready to be in a serious relationship for some time now..

I made my first dip in the water not long ago..

I responded to someone who I thought I’d be compatible with,

We had quite a few conversations, even had the obligatory phone calls 🙂

I guess this is where I talk about the first date?

I talked to some people, mostly women,

I asked their advice on the do’s and don’ts of “The First Date”

I was pretty psyched, I knew the person was beautiful and intelligent & appeared to be quite funny as well.

I made reservations at a place that a friend suggested…

Intimate setting, but not over the top, small, but not miniscule, but not large enough that onversation would be difficult.

This is basically how the evening went, we talked for close to 3 hours, had 3 glasses of delicious red wine, she laughed when I said funny things, she complimented me on how I looked, loved my beard, said my hair was perfect, and that my photos really don’t do me justice.

The conversations were not one sided, I asked lots of questions about her..I kept religion and politics out of the conversation haha. I’d say she talked about as much as I did. She told me she’d love to be my date for my Birthday (which is coming up on the 9th) and also told me, Valentine’s Day, I’d be her date.

She talked about things that she wanted, I did the same, we were clearly wanting the same things, I felt like a second date is definitely coming my way.

I’m thinking on my way home, wow..this is awesome, met a woman who I am compatible with

AND…I met her online, go figure, maybe my friends are onto something with online dating..


I sent her a brief text message,

It said, “Great meeting you, looking forward to seeing you again” and then, I went to sleep.

When I woke up this morning, the light on my phone was flashing.

I picked up the phone, and saw that I had a text from her,

I started to smile,

Until I read her text…

“I’m not really feeling this”

My thought were this…

We talked for close to 3 hours, had 3 glasses of delicious red wine, she laughed when I said funny things, she complimented me on how I looked, loved my beard, said my hair was perfect, and that my photos really don’t do me justice.

The conversations were not one sided, I asked lots of questions about her..I kept religion and politics out of the conversation haha. I’d say she talked about as much as I did. She told me she’d love to be my date for my Birthday (which is coming up on the 9th) and also told me, Valentine’s Day, I’d be her date.

She talked about things that she wanted, I did the same, we were clearly wanting the same things, I felt like a second date is definitely coming my way.

Is this what woman do, when they are “Not Feeling This”

Am I missing something, if you don’t feel the connection, don’t you leave after the first glass of wine?

I am apparently not as smart as I think haha, seriously, I will never profess to being an expert with women.

So, now what…

Do I try another venture into the world of online dating, or do I go back into my own self imposed exile.

I guess you’ll have to keep reading to see what happens.

People say they are happy being single, ok.

There are other people who find life if better, when they’re not single.

No right or wrong answer in my opinion, it’s ok to be single, it’s ok to not be single.

As long as you’re happy..that’s what counts..

You know, Oak trees are strong, majestic, and it takes a force of absolute strength to take down an Oak…

Even though my first foray into online dating didn’t end the way I thought it might..

It’s going to take more than this to knock me down..


They say there is someone for everyone…

When I find my “someone”

I’ll be sure to do right by her…




Kain Tayo – Let’s Eat

Photo Cred to EnigmaPhotoCa
Photo Cred to EnigmaPhotoCa

Kain Tayo – Translation…Let’s Eat

Lamesa Restaurant is a contemporary eatery crafting inventive Filipino-inspired dishes for dinner & weekend brunch. They have been located at 669 Queen Street West for close to 3 years. As most people know Queen Street West is an eclectic mix of food, people, architecture and a lot more.

This tiny restaurant is quite the powerhouse, not only do they serve you at the restaurant… BUT…they also offer catering to suit your every need and budget. In terms of style they can offer everything from traditional Filipino to something a little more modern or they can also do international/non-Filipino food if that is what you are looking for.

To be quite honest, I do love Filipino food…I have always had the traditional cuisine, everything from Lechon, to Balut (Raw), google it, I dare you.

I was thrilled to be trying out their “Filipino Inspired” creations. When I dine out with my fellow food loving femme fatale, she always hits a home run with the restaurants she picks. She suggested Lamesa, based on what friends had told her.

My first impressions upon entering were, I like that it’s small, not small in a bad way, but intimate, comfortable…a place that just had the right ambiance. It was a place that I instantly felt relaxed in. Truth be told, that is a wonderful quality for a restaurant to have, as it tends to make the dining experience that much better.

Claire, our waitress, was not only charming, and entertaining, but she was quite versed in the menu..which makes sense as she’s been there almost as long as the restaurant has been around.  Claire is easily one of the best people at her job that I’ve seen in a very long time. Lamesa is smart to keep her around.

We decided to start with Muskoka Craft as our beers of choice, the appetizer we picked was “Fresh Lumpia”. Fresh Lumpia is made at Lamesa with Ground Pork and Crab formed into a Spring Roll with a Sweet Chilli Sauce..The taste was vibrant, zesty and appealing..and you get 6 of, I liked that.

Fresh Lumpia
Fresh Lumpia

Our first entrée we went with was the “Chicken Adobo” I have had chicken adobo many, many, many I suggested to Jean that we start with this entrée.

Chicken Adobo is confit chicken with an adobo gastrique, garlic barley risotto, beets and a Balut Pate.

OH MY GOD! Sorry, I couldn’t help myself…this was a stunner. The chicken was so good it literally crumbled in my mouth, soft, tender, and tasty.. Verdict… this dish is a winner.

Chicken Adobo
Chicken Adobo
 Photo Cred -  EnigmaPhotoCa
Photo Cred – EnigmaPhotoCa

The second entrée we ordered was “Lechon Kawali”

I’ve had lechon done the traditional way, over a spit, roasting all day over the open flame.This dish was a nice homage to the way Lechon is traditionally done. Deep fried pork belly, served with spring roll wrappers, lettuce, atchara and house made dipping sauces.

Truthfully, this dish was basically perfect, my only complaint was, I should have ordered 2 of them, it was really that good.

Photo Cred to EnigmaPhotoCa
Photo Cred to EnigmaPhotoCa

At this point, after consuming 2 entrees and an appetizer, most people would say, that’s enough food for me.

However, I was still hungry, and so was Jean.

On to Entrée number 3…and as it turned out, like Vanessa Williams once sang, “You saved the best for last”

Entrée #3 was the “Roasted Chicken Embotido” This is an entire roasted entire Chicken..stuffed with longanisa, eggs and served with multiple dipping sauces.

Roasted Chicken Embotido - photo cred to EnigmaPhotoCa
Roasted Chicken Embotido – photo cred to EnigmaPhotoCa

If I were a sports caster…here’s what I’d say, The appetizer is the single, (gets you on board) The Chicken Adobo, that’s a double as in, it’s better than I expected. The Lechon Kawali…a triple because this baby is sooooo delicious. The Roasted Chicken Embotido is the Home Run, it clears the bases…this is to me, the best dish on the menu.

The food, the ambiance, my phenomenal friend Jean, the waitress Claire and the Chefs who came out and presented and explained each dish..this makes the GRAND SLAM…

Best dining experience I’ve had in quite a few years..

Thanks Lamesa, for having me & Jean.

Seven Days a week there is always something happening at Lamesa

Just Remember,

Kain Tayo…

For more info you can find them on Twitter @LamesaTO

Facebook at

On Instagram at 

AND Their website

Photo Cred to EnigmaPhotoCa
Photo Cred to EnigmaPhotoCa
Photo Cred to EnigmaPhotoCa
Photo Cred to EnigmaPhotoCa
Photo Cred to EnigmaPhotoCa
Photo Cred to EnigmaPhotoCa
Photo Cred to EnigmaPhotoCa
Photo Cred to EnigmaPhotoCa
Photo Cred to EnigmaPhotoCa
Photo Cred to EnigmaPhotoCa
Photo Cred to EnigmaPhotoCa
Photo Cred to EnigmaPhotoCa
Photo Cred to EnigmaPhotoCa
Photo Cred to EnigmaPhotoCa

Fort George… Niagara-On-The-Lake


Sunday is supposed to be the day of rest…some call Sunday…

“Sunday Funday”

The weather, although nice was not cooperating for my original plans…

I decided I’d check out the new shopping complex that opened a few days ago in Niagara-On-The-Lake..

Waste of time…it’s no different than the “Premium Outlets” here all over the GTA…

So, on the fly, I decided I’d drive to the main part of town…but from the distance, I saw a Fort….and I knew I had to explore.

Memories of my childhood visiting Citadel Hill in Halifax, Louisbourg in Cape Breton, & Fort Selkirk in Manitoba, quickly came to my mind…

Niagara-on-the-Lake is a Canadian town located in Southern Ontario where the Niagara River meets Lake Ontario in the Niagara Region of the southern part of the province of Ontario.

It is located across the Niagara River from Youngstown, New York, USA. It is also the only town in Canada that has a Lord Mayor.

Fort George is located at 51 Queen’s Parade, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada

Fort George National Historic Site is a historic military structure at Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, that was the scene of several battles during the War of 1812. The fort consists of earthworks and palisades, along with internal structures, including an officer’s quarters, blockhouses to accommodate other ranks and their families, and a stone powder magazine, which is the only original building on the site. Opposite the fort, across the Niagara River, stands Fort Niagara in New York, which can be seen from Fort George’s ramparts.

Fort George was built by the British Army after Jay’s Treaty (1796) required Britain to withdraw from Fort Niagara. The new fort was completed in 1802 and became the headquarters for the British Army and the local militia. Fort George was captured by U.S. forces in May 1813 at the Battle of Fort George. The American Army used the fort as a base to invade Upper Canada, but were repelled at the Battles of Stoney Creek and Beaver Dams. The fort was retaken by the British Army in December of that year after U.S. forces abandoned the British side of the river.

The fortification was used by the Canadian Army as a military training base during the First World War and through the Second World War under the name Camp Niagara. The grounds were eventually abandoned by the military in 1965.

The site is now a National Historic Site of Canada, maintained by Parks Canada. The fort is open to visitors from April to October. The staff maintains the image of the fort as it was during the early 19th century, with period costumes, exhibits, and displays of that time. They train summer students in the infantry tactics and firing drills of the 41st regiment from the War of 1812. They also have the 41st Fife and Drum Corps which provides an example of how the fife and drums were used.

Every year, scouts from both the United States and Canada meet on and near the grounds of the fort and reenact the battle that took place nearly two hundred years ago. This has taken place since 1984 and has grown from a small group of 300 “troops” to over 1800.

The grounds surrounding the fort and the commons adjacent to the fort provided the site for the 8th World Scout Jamboree held in August 1955.

Fort George National Historic Site is one of a handful of sites managed under the administrative name “Niagara National Historic Sites” by Parks Canada, within the National Park System.

The television show The Girly Ghosthunters paid a visit to the fort to investigate any paranormal activity that was allegedly documented there. The episode was shown as the second, of thirteen, episodes of the show in 2005.

After spending hours wandering around the ground…I came to this conclusion…

Fort George is Amazing….

The staff who dress & act as if they are really in 1812…make the experience there even more awesome…




Everyone that works there, they get right into their “roles” they are informative..they know their stuff, as a history buff,even i was impressed…

Did you know – you can dress up in period era gear…


Fire a musket….

They even take a photo of you shooting the musket…how bad ass is that…

I can’t wait to go back again…



More info can be found at;…


Some photos from today can be found here…


The Jim Cuddy Band… Live…at The Kee to Bala



Bala, Ontario is a wonderful town with a rich vibrant personality. Since 1942 “The Kee to Bala” has been the place to be for the music that moves you…..On October 12th 2013 the Jim Cuddy band… yes that Jim Cuddy who used to be in Blue Rodeo. I recorded just a bit of his songs last night, “Till I Am Myself Again” and “Try”…


Shot on a Blackberry Z10



This is about Blackfish, it’s also about Marineland.

Allow me to introduce myself…

I’m that guy who is more than just a hardcore sports fan.

I’m as vocal about animals and their rights to not be treated inhumanely.

If you know me in real life, or if you know me in social media circles…

You know that I’m a pretty passionate person, I tend to where my heart on my sleeve…

And I’m ok with that…

Through the power of social media, I’ve done some amazing things and met some amazing people.

When I first moved to Ontario, I’d heard stories about Marineland, and it made me sad,

It made me think back to the late 80’s and early 90’s when I lived in Victoria..and a young woman who worked at Sealand lost her life…

I remember visting Sealand, and I remember the Orcas, I especially remember Tilikum, Tilikum was massive…

Growing up in Nova Scotia, I was well aware of the dangers of marine creatures…

I just assumed trainers were well trained, and I bought the press at the time…

“Trainer Error”

I remember how sad the whales looked, and I knew in my heart, they didn’t belong at Sealand.

Moving to Ontario, I read everything I could about MarineLand & I learned everything I could about the owner John Holer.

As a matter of public record, John Holer has been charged with over 50 offences by Law Enforcement agencies…

Mass graves of hundred of marine & non-marine animals have been discovered on his property as well…

Being active in social media, I got wind of a person named Dylan Powell, who is an animal activist.

I volunteered to come down, take photos, write blog pieces or anything else I could do to help.

In no uncertain terms Dylan Powell, rudely and viciously refused to help.

That’s his loss.

I still knew I wanted to know more and so I eventually connected online with Phil Demers a former trainer at Marineland, he was a trainer there for over 12 years. I also was able to connect with Mike Garrett, another animal activist.

Mike and Phil have done so much to educate people about the horrific death camp that is Marineland. In fact, they’ve been so successful, John Holer of Marineland has sued Mike…

However, a countersuit is in action.

They have done nothing other than to educate people to the fact that these marvelous marine animals do not belong in captivity.

Animals that are going blind, animals with chunks of skin missing, animals that spend most of their life in a little concrete box, except to enterain us “Intelligent Species”

It got me to thinking…

A lot of people think that criminals should not be forced into solitary confinement, because criminal or not, it’s inhumane.

If you institutionalize a human for years and years and years…if he’s ever released, he’s not the same as he was before he went in.

How do you think Kiska feels being all alone….

I wouldn’t like to be alone…and I suspect neither would most of my readers…so if it’s not ok for us..why is it ok for them…

And don’t say, it’s just a fish, or just an animal..that would show nothing but ignorance.

Scientists, biologists will tell you, that orcas are one of the most social and intelligent creatures on this planet.

They feel happiness, joy, they also feel the pain of sorrow, sadness and death of their calves, their children.

We would never let someone go in and take away a child from a parent just for the heck of it.

But in the world of Marine parks, this is perfectly acceptable. There’s not one single marine park to my knowledge that has an actual family of Killer whales.

What I’ve learned is that it’s a mish mash of orcas from all sorts of different pods and from all over the world.

It’s not surprise that orcas in captivity tend to attack and kill other orcas in the tank from time to time.

Getting back to Marineland, it’s not a place for an Orca to be…

The following is a list of deceased killer whales who were at MarineLand:

An unnamed whale died at the park in October 1992 from drowning.

Junior, a wild Icelandic male Orca, died in June 1994.

Kanuck, separated from mother, Kiska, and stored in a warehouse. Died at age 4 in 1998.

An unnamed whale born at Marineland died in June 1998.

Nova died in August 2001.

Algonquin died in August 2002 due to a twisted intestine.

April died in April 2004.

Neocia died in August 2004 at Marineland.

Hudson died in 2004 with the cause of death being meningitis.

Kandu 7 was a wild whale from Iceland that died in 2005.

Katak/Splash was born at Marineland and was moved to Sea World in 1992 for health treatment. He died in April 2005.

Athena died sometime in spring 2009. The cause of death was by infection.

Malik, a three-year-old orca, died due to a deficient immune system.

An unnamed wild died while being moved from Marineland to Japan.

Did you know Keiko, from “Free Willy” was at Marineland decades ago?

Taking into account, these are just the orcas that the public knows about, there could be more..add the mass graves and you see there is a serious problem.

Marineland should not be allowed to operate…it’s a blight on Ontario, Canada, the globe & those who care…

Education people is the only way to start change,

Think about documentaries like “An Inconvenient Truth” or “Sharkwater” or “Revolution” or “The Cove”

They’ve done a lot to educate people on the environment & sharks and the finning of live sharks and the slaughter of dolphins…

Because of Mike Garrett & Phil Demers & other concerned people, I learned of a new documentary on the horizon


When I researched what Blackfish was all about, It gave me a weird, sad, feeling, because the star of this movie is really Tilikum…

Tilikum, the same orca that had played a role in the death of the young woman back in the early 90’s in Victoria.

Tilikum has been busy – he killed a transient person who broke into SeaWorld & he also killed another trainer…

3 deaths…were they all preventable? Yes, I believe so.

Here’s the thing though, and it’s going back to the earlier train of thought, institutionalize a human, he will lash out when he gets the chance…

Put a 12000 pound Orca in a bathtub, it’s not a matter of if he will attack/kill but a matter of when.

Orcas do not belong in captivity. Humans are responsible for every death, and every accident, and do you know over 70 incidents have been documented in North America and human trainers since the 70’s.

These are the ones reported, how many others have gone unreported.

I don’t want to give away all the details of this amazing movie. I implore everyone to watch it on October 24th when it debuts on CNN.

I want you to think about this. In the wild, an orca can live between 35 to 80 years…

In captivity, it is usually 30 or less years.

In the wild orcase reproduce for the first time when they are 10 years or older…

BUT, hey, because we use all kinds of fancy equipment, as soon as they start to ovulate, they are artificially inseminated, usually starting at 4 years of age until they cannot reproduce.

Tilikum has already killed 3 humans.

54% of the Orcas at SeaWorld have his genes…

Humans have a long memory,

So do killer whales, they remember how they were captured, they remember the births of their offspring, the deaths of their offspring or mates and they remember the taste of everything they eat.

I don’t think any of the orcas in capitivity for decades can ever just be let go – but much like Keiko, I think they can be partially integrated back in the wild.

A male healthy killer whale can be worth up to 5 million dollars, guess we know why these parks don’t want to let their orcas go.

Watching Blackfish, already confirmed what I knew, that Captivity Kills…but I also learned a lot more things that disturbed me.

Blackfish was screened because people like Phil Demers & Mike Garrett really care.

It wasn’t just a screening that Friday night in St.Catharines,

The world famous Dr.Naomi Rose was also there… and so was an actual FORMER trainer from SeaWorld, Samantha Berg.

After the screening, they both fielded many questions from a jammed packed audience.

They were gracious, on point, eloquent, and passionate.

They added a real sense of humanity to what we had just watched.

Having a former trainer from SeaWorld also made the movie a lot more powerful,

Because Samantha, she was there at SeaWorld, she was speaking for Tilikum and for all the orcas in captivity.

I won’t forget her words, the words of Dr.Naomi Rose & what I learned watching Blackfish.

I hope that I can be a small part of the changes needed to end captivity of these beautiful marine creatures.

Blackfish should be watched by everyone.

There is no excuse for ingorance and Blackfish very skillfully shows you the ignorance that exists in this world today when it comes to the mighty orca.

I was very happy to be able to attend the screening, it was a packed auditorium, the people were receptive to what they had watched…and I salute Mike Garrett & Phil Demers & Dr Naomi Rose & Samantha Berg for making this event what it was….

My only question to you is..are you for captivity or against captivity..

If you’re against it, don’t you think you need to start talking to the people that make the laws,

Should Marineland be allowed to operate? Of course not, but hey as long as John Holer continues to make shady deals with ex mayors & current mayors, will anything change?

It’s time to speak out demand change, continue to educate the masses…

Maybe one day this will all just be a dark footnote of our evolution…

If it’s not ok, to mistreat humans & cage them…

It’s not ok to do the same to animals…

We must be the voice of the voiceless…

Will you be watching Blackfish on CNN on October 24th?

For more information feel free to follow:






and of course myself,


Kijiji, Craigslist & The Power of Social Media

I often marvel about Social Media, be it Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Vine, Instagram etc. There are so many good things and bad things about twitter.

One person I think highly of is Nicole aka @LateJuly on Twitter. She’s a marvellous singer, with an incredible soul. She is one of those people that is outside the box, not so easily defined, and that’s a good thing.

I caught this post on my Facebook wall, and I knew I needed to blog about it. It is yet another example of the good of Social Media.

You can learn so much more about people and what makes them tick.

Here is the post from Nicole Simone… (I did not edit her post)


Why Craigslist loves animals & Kijiji creates ‘breeds’ misery:

Craigslist offers a section for rehoming animals, but NEVER allows the selling of animals. They have been quite successful in this endeavour and I truly admire their commitment to not contributing to backyard breeders, puppy mills and other misery. Craigslist doesn’t want to in ANY way aid to the irresponsible breeding/selling of dogs. They allow for rehoming with a small fee, but nothing more and no sales.

The idea is that if sites like this and people boycott these backyard breeders then they won’t breed irresponsibly again and less dogs will end up getting put down in a pound or end up in bad situations.

Kijiji has no qualms letting backyard breeders, puppy mill owners and people who have stolen other peoples animals post animals for sale in order to make a quick profit. There is nothing preventing the sale of dogs used in dog fights or dogs used as bait (yes bait) in dog fights. I’m speaking from PERSONAL experience, I’m sure other rescuers can chime in on their “Kijiji Nightmares” but there are many, I could tell you personal stories of dogs I’ve pulled off that site.

And if you’re asking ‘but where should all the animals go then’ well your kittens can go on Craigslist and instead of posting on Kijiji and pocketing money for them, ask for a small donation to an animal charity, which can be done through Craigslist and have your cats fixed like responsible owners.

Animals should have a safe place to go in Ontario, but thanks to needless breeding for the sake of the almighty dollar, our shelters are full, our rescues are overwhelmed, our large animal organizations are fraught with mismanaged funds and the place that most unwanted pets go (at any age or health status), is the euthanasia room.

I say all of the above as someone who has rescued and assisted in 100’s of rescues of animals.

It’s sad, it’s pathetic and I really think we can ALL do better, because we sure as hell know better.

End rant.


I’ve read her post a few times now. Nicole is RIGHT…Kijiji is messed up.

The bottom line is DO NOT GET an ANIMAL ever if you cannot take care of it. Your animal should be treated like an extension of you… with proper food, hygiene needs addressed correctly, exercise and MOST importantly, LOVE…

Thanks to Nicole, I now know to Boycott Kijiji…

The more people who read her post and mine, the more lives in the Animal Kingdom can be saved too…

SO PLEASE, feel free to share this with as many people as you can

Isn’t that all that matters?

I can be found on Twitter at @OakleyInc

Nicole can be found on Twitter at @LateJuly

& her amazing music can be found here…

The REAL truth About Dalton McGuinty

Dalton The Dolt

Just in case you forgot!  We have that provincial election LIKELY coming up in early October.

Scroll down please…..


Whoever put this together DID THEIR HOMEWORK. Gets you thinking.

Don’t forget, McGuinty also put the HST Tax on Electricity bills, which are increasing every year, by leaps and bounds.


  • Here is what our Premier has done for Ontario in the past seven years.
    Remember…he had a no tax increase election message/campaign.
  • He has increased all the licensing fees from your car to your boat including fishing and hunting.
  • He introduced the health care premium (not called a tax) and some couples pay as much as $1,500.00 a year.
  • He has put an ECO tax on many containers such as paint cans and window washer fluid.  And people still don’t realize it until they see the bill – he kept that one real quiet.
  • He put a disposal tax on all electronics.
  • He put the disposal tax back on tires.
  • And now he has passed the HST tax – the largest tax on the province ever and the only other tax in Ontario that ever came close to this in the past was the health care premium. He passed this bill even though 76% of the people in Ontario were against it.
    This HST will provide the Province with an additional THREE BILLION dollars a year.
  • Then on July 15th, we all got our S.M.A.R.T. Meters on which we have to pay perpetual rent and will end up doing our laundry in the middle of the night. We are also going to pay big time for air conditioning from now on because when we need it the most it will be in the prime time of usage.
  • Let us not forget the E-health scandal with 1.2 billion dollars wasted and paid out to friends and relatives. What was Mr. McGuinty’s answer to this? ?Well, if the people of Ontario don’t like it, they can show it in the next election.? Nice attitude. This after he fired the CEO and then gave her a severance package of $300,000 – not bad for only being on the job for seven months.
  • And what about the SEVEN BILLION DOLLARS windmill power plant contract that he awarded to KOREA ? One would think there was some place in Canada or North America that could have built these.
  • He also closed the emergency rooms in Port Colbourne and Fort Erie because there is not enough money. There have been two deaths since then because by the time they got to St. Catharine’s it was too late.
    But he then awards a hospital in Toronto three million dollars – of course, that was in the riding where there just happens to be a by-election to replace George Smitherman!
  • He has taken the richest most prosperous province in Canada down to one of the ‘Have-Nots’ and, over the past six & one half years, has increased the budget deficit from $5.6 Billion dollars to TWENTY SEVEN BILLION DOLLARS and he still has a half to go.
    And don’t forget his nice little salaryincrease of $40,000.00 a year – millions of people in the province don’t earn even half of that.
  • Have we forgotten all the MP’S who also got a 14% increase? And now that they’ve had theirincreases he comes out with a new budget to freeze all provincial employees wages for two years – a bit late don’t you think.
  • He increased the hydro tax by 10% in April of 2010.
  • He has increased the tax on liquor and wine by 10% in May of 2010.
  •  Also, do not forget that Dalton wanted to built a 900MW Gas Fired power plant less than 1km from homes and schools in Oakville. After wasting millions to try and push this through and blaming it all on his policy of defeating NIMBY attitudes, the power plant was suddenly cancelled. By a miracle yet to be properly explained, Ontario suddenly had an energy surplus and no longer needed the plant.

Dalton is a dolt and a fake and needs to go down heaped with shame for a job very badly done.

But, Mr. McGuinty will retire with his nice comfortable pension and all his benefits paid.   I hope this gets passed around the province of Ontario and everybody remembers the way we got screwed by Mr. McGuinty and the Liberal party and – remember – not one Liberal MPP had enough guts to vote against any of the above.

Wake up Ontario!!

And all pensioners got no raise at all over the past 18 months!!!!!